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17 February 2011
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Oops mistake by the Dutch rider. I don’t like this as much as Becky’s because the horse has very noisy breathing and it doesn’t look harmonious. He is a gorgeous horse though.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2011
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It was interesting that Nicky commented that this test suits the bigger moving horses. Goes to show that you can't blame the riders or even the breeders, it's the the institution and the test scoring.
I would respectfully disagree, of course its not for a horse with limited movement, its the Special, the pinnacle, its not for every horse. I havent ridden the Special in competition, only the GP, but I have trained the Special at home and with my trainer. The test is relentless in the transitions, so what it really needs is a horse in beautiful balance far more then a ginormous mover, the really big movers find transitions more difficult naturally, so take more training and help to achieve that consistent balance. For example a horse with a naturally massive walk will usually find it difficult to make a neat, active collected walk that can easily transition to piaffe, also the bigger the passage the harder it is to make good transitions in and out of passage, obviously there are some extraordinary horses who can do everything and be a giant mover, but as a general rule its more balance that is needed for the Special.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2013
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I would respectfully disagree, of course its not for a horse with limited movement, its the Special, the pinnacle, its not for every horse. I havent ridden the Special in competition, only the GP, but I have trained the Special at home and with my trainer. The test is relentless in the transitions, so what it really needs is a horse in beautiful balance far more then a ginormous mover, the really big movers find transitions more difficult naturally, so take more training and help to achieve that consistent balance. For example a horse with a naturally massive walk will usually find it difficult to make a neat, active collected walk that can easily transition to piaffe, also the bigger the passage the harder it is to make good transitions in and out of passage, obviously there are some extraordinary horses who can do everything and be a giant mover, but as a general rule its more balance that is needed for the Special.

Really interesting, thank you for sharing.