Weekend plans ?


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15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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Just got back from a pole work session, we both got drenched! Rose has had another busy week and is due a day off. Tomorrow I'm taking her on a bit more of the TROT ride, hopefully the weather will be better as it's been a bit miserable the last few days. Saturday she's having off, then Sunday I am hacking out with a friend, again mainly off road. Monday we are going to AM Dressage for a lesson. I guess some folks will be out eventing for the first time this season, if so, have a good day.

Jeni the dragon

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2 August 2019
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Wow Oldie, you're keeping busy!

Jack the ex-eventer is doing dressage at Vale View on Saturday, so fingers crossed. Not able to get there to watch unfortunately. Got our visit to the yard planned for Monday so definitely looking forward to that.

And catching up with family on Friday and Sunday, feels so long since we've seen anyone!


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15 March 2016
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Showjumping locally on saturday - they're accumulator classes and only a minute in the ring so we're doing 2 rounds there.
Sunday we've got "express eventing" we did their 60cm arena event before lock down so we're having a crack at the 80cm. Basically its showjumping then straight into some rustics/solids and I think the xc is timed.
Oh and teaching somewhere in all that


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23 October 2011
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The lorry is still off the road, so hacking is off the cards again. But would like to set up a grid for the boys to work through one day. And my Side Saddle Area are doing a points league to keep us active whilst everything is cancelled.

I might dig my Side Saddles out, dust them off and do some practising for some Online Sideways Dressage with the older boys. We'll all be feeling more than a little rusty!


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14 October 2009
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I have an actual competition to go to! 1m jumping class at local EC, they are doing times etc so it should be far more pleasant than the normal unaff jumping experience. Horse is usually really spooky there and they have new judges boxes so we may or may not get round....


Well-Known Member
22 November 2013
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Now that J is back in work after his cut injury I am hacking tonight with OH on foot, then tomorrow a shortish hack with friend and her horse, and then on Sunday she has said she will take me up to the Country Park but just so we clip the edge of it (as its a long hack around it and we aren't quite there with fitness yet).

I've booked an outing for 1st August so we need to get fitter!


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25 February 2012
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having my first horsey pilates lesson today. No idea what to expect, other than sitting on franklin balls. Then sunday im off to kelsall for the farm ride & gallops. Pips first time in the new 3.5t, so i hope she likes it, and also hope she behaves on the gallops. Last time we went to broxton gallops ( amazing facilities ) she bogged off with me. Shouldnt happen at kelsall as you really do have to stop at the top( fingers crossed ):D

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Hope the lesson was good MP
Very busy TFF and Oldie 48
Good luck The Mule
Where is the Express Eventing Roxylola? Sounds great! Might see if I can do something like that with Toby later in the summer
IHW - I think volunteering may be the only way I get my eventing fix too. Given how crazy the entries seem to be!

I am going to camp, camp, campety camp. So excited and I'm not even riding! Katie is taking Dolly to Somerford. A pre-season camp rescheduled from May.

But next week it is Toby's turn to go to pony camp, this time at Eland and I AM riding. Hurrah.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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Where is the Express Eventing Roxylola? Sounds great! Might see if I can do something like that with Toby later in the summer
Bold Heath, they did quite a few arena eventing sessions over winter, and some combined training I think as well. I'm not sure what else they have planned, I think it's very much try it and see how it goes at the moment


Slave to a house cat, 4 yard cats and 2 ponies
2 November 2013
On the edge of the Cotswolds
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Hacking at home tomorrow and Saturday and a day out in the trailer on Sunday to a great place near Burford to ride the Cotswold countryside. It may take a while because I will be map reading my way round so if I’m not back by Monday you know I have got lost ?

It is so nice to be getting out and about again and hope people enjoy hacking, lessons, camp, clinics, jumping, XC and anything else horsey that’s going on this weekend.


Well-Known Member
3 February 2013
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Blue had steroid injections in her hocks today, so it's a weekend of box rest for us. (She also managed to thoroughly disgrace herself and attempt to kill our lovely vet, so it's into hospital for the next time she needs them. Horror. You'd think two lots of sedation, a twitch and a front foot held up would be enough to stop her kicking...)


Jeni the dragon

Well-Known Member
2 August 2019
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Oops naughty Blue!

Have had to postpone our yard visit unfortunately. Just found out we're starting back at work at 9 on Tuesday so 10 hours driving in Monday just not the best idea. Hopefully we'll get a catch up planned soon though, I've missed seeing everyone!


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Blue had steroid injections in her hocks today, so it's a weekend of box rest for us. (She also managed to thoroughly disgrace herself and attempt to kill our lovely vet, so it's into hospital for the next time she needs them. Horror. You'd think two lots of sedation, a twitch and a front foot held up would be enough to stop her kicking...)

View attachment 51435

oh bugger, sometimes you just wish you could explain to them that it's only a quick thing and it'll all be OK :(

Lots of busy weekends by the sound of it :)

Lesson was... well, it was another useful therapy session :p Kira was plonked back on the rails so we just ran through some basics and then did tempis on the wall because she's got in a habit of taking over on diagonals so we lose either straightness, collection, submission or direction :oops: so we have to go back a step on those long lines and just ride changes when she's letting me direct things.
she also did some good piaffing which was a bit of fun.
Feel a bit reinvigorated in our "something has to change" quest, I said I was at the point where I was questioning if we had peaked and that was the end of that but we received a light slapping and now we just have to find a way to get it all working again. It's hard to believe that Little Miss Complicated is really quite this difficult but well, she is, so there's no point pretending otherwise.

This weekend Darcy will go somewhere for some arena hire, i'm SOOOO appreciating the extra space with him. I think the medium trot penny might be about to drop and we might also have another bash at a change each way, I think I just need to less hesitant and then he'll get the idea and we can park them for a year or so.
May take K out again. And Hera will continue with her leading practice, we are getting there now which is fun.

cooked cob



Well-Known Member
3 February 2013
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Feel a bit reinvigorated in our "something has to change" quest, I said I was at the point where I was questioning if we had peaked and that was the end of that but we received a light slapping and now we just have to find a way to get it all working again. It's hard to believe that Little Miss Complicated is really quite this difficult but well, she is, so there's no point pretending otherwise.

Hopefully, Hera will be both talented and simple to train and live with. You deserve something like that!


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24 February 2010
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Got tomorrow off work as its wedding anniversary so going for a walk somewhere. Poles/jumping lesson on Saturday, flatwork lesson on Sunday.
Took Mr H for a spin around the block last night, for a while he has been allowed some grass on front lawn when we get back from a hack as a treat. However he has more grass in paddock now and looking a bit chubby so I didn't let him. I took saddle off and lifted it onto the gate, letting go of his bridle and quick as a flash he made a snarky face, dodged past me and ran to the lawn. Git.
Have a good weekend everyone!


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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MP you have done the most amazing job with Kira but most importantly you have given her a life and tbh without you , she didn't have one. What a fantastic achievement. When you do your first GP, I promise I will be there to cheer you both on and we will share a big bottle of something nice, even if we have to drag OHs along to drive us home. (aren't we lucky to have such good trainers though!)


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3 December 2019
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Lesson this evening went well! First attempts at simple leg yields in... God I don't even know. Managed okay! Actually correctly spotting strides over poles after missing almost every one last time and honestly feeling like I had never jumped before. I was feeling pretty down after a very confused and disjointed ride last week so I really needed that!

Up to the sanctuary as normal on Sunday to shovel poop and chase shetlands about but this week I get to chat to the owner about taking some cats off her hands! ?


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9 May 2007
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Stressage tomorrow evening. First test since December and feel woefully unprepared despite she who must be obeyed (sprog) coaching me. Really need to organise a proper lesson.

Hopefully hack Saturday now mini pony is here and I can leave Mr Stresshead with her and then off to a long arena Sunday to practice first ever DTM test which is next weekend.

Accidental Eventer

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5 April 2017
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Today we will ride in the arena at home, then dressage club again tomorrow, looking forward to it though I hope Henry isn't feeling too fresh. It's got cold here all of a sudden plus wet weather, plus extra feed, plus a few easy weeks means that he was feeling far to well yesterday on our hack. So much so I had to turn around and go home because he needed to use his brain rather than enjoy a nice peaceful ride.

So he's getting his feed reduced slightly and I will work him more. Tricky to work him at home around the rain but needs must, and adult supervision will be required on our next hack.

Sunday we will have a jump at home then I will hack the nice well behaved semi retired orange pony who is always good no matter what!