Fools Motto
Well-Known Member
Just curious to know. A video I haven't seen before. (It isn't in English, so let the pictures do the talking!)
It's not new or fashion, it's how horses are backed on the continent. I thought the bloke was a fairly decent pro.
It's not new or fashion, it's how horses are backed on the continent. I thought the bloke was a fairly decent pro.
I don't understand the language, but- if this is the normal way in those parts why did he have an audience? I mean, it didn't come across like a clinic, people were applauding and so on.
I don't understand the language, but- if this is the normal way in those parts why did he have an audience? I mean, it didn't come across like a clinic, people were applauding and so on.
It teaches 2 very basic and important lessons from the word go:
1. you do not unseat rider
Why do people nowadays want everything doing in 10 minutes flat? Whatever happened to taking it slowly and sympathetically?
The rider has seriously good balance and a lovely balanced leg position .
I am torn part of me wants to say beware two weeks in draw riens and coming to a dealers heard near you.
But part says they did not stress the horse unduly it was not bitted ( unless my eyesights particularily bad to night) and it got the job done .
But the biggest part of me says why the rush , where's the care in the physical development of the horse in doing it like that whys its necessary verses doing it over several weeks as I was taught.
It's rare that I have ever seen a horse bronc when backing is done gradually why ever show them that it's a possibility ?
But the horse was shown you go forwards the rider stays with you.
I am conflicted in my opinion TBH.
Sweet kind horse though.