Why do people want to own cobs?


Well-Known Member
8 June 2010
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A brave or mad question me thinks........

I would not personally buy a cob as prefer finer breeds but I would never slate any breed of horse as all stunning and deserving of credit in their right for their breed's attributes.

A cob has lots to offer and not all are how you say. My hubby rode a Polish Clydesdale in lessons which was stunning with unusual markings and boy could he go and jump! I also rode a coloured smaller cob and he pinged over any jump I asked him and bucked with exuberance.


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Oh! Finally. I've found the post everyone was talking about on various other forums.

*yawns... goes back to sleep*


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I could have sworn I staked this thread through the heart quite some time ago.

**Goes to fetch garlic and holy water**

Holly Hocks

Well-Known Member
1 March 2010
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Any one heard of the cob Ketchup owned by Omar Rabia? It does spanish walk, half pass etc, shes a traditional and just amazing to see. I had the privilage of getting to see her regularly at my old livery yard.

I have TBs and have had a couple of lessons from Omar. He is such a refreshing teacher - doesn't teach about tying their head in and is just so calm. I think there is a video of Ketchup doing her Piaffe or Passage on youtube somewhere.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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My favs because you can turn a great scruffy hairey into a thing of beauty with some clever clipping and trimming...in fact make a silk purse out of a sow`s ear!Very satisfying.

What is this silk purse of which you talk?! Cobs smell and are hairy, fat and disgusting!

Can't stand them, myself!


1st in class!


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
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Haha bless her! Love her though more hair needed! :p Shall go on a mission with Hairy ;) We can do extended trot easily enough :p


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
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Clippers should be selective....FULL true hairies, Noooooo way. Show cobbies and half hairies...yes totally ;)

We have the best of both worlds :p *waits for Alice to comment on the photo edit* LOL




Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
Near Leeds
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I know this has probably been written before at some point during this thread (possibly even by me?) but I have noticed that (quite a few, i.e NOT ALL!!!) cob owners are very defensive and feel the need to point out that their cobs are not novice rides and could beat any other horse in a race. Some almost sound like they're trying to convince themselves? Just an observation?

I wonder if the thread were about a different type of horse what the responses would be like? *hint hint*

Apologies- I have had wine tonight. Needed it because I've been trying to fill out my appraisal form for work. That should make some interesting reading for my manager tomorrow :D

You are probably right, they are defensive, could be something to do with the attitude of the owners of taller, thinner horses to them. I have noticed this on our yard, not that I personally care, too old and ratty to be bothered.

The best horse I ever owned and the most suitable for a novice was a thoroughbred mare off the track, sensible, bombproof, wonderful.

The worst is my old cob who even after 28 years together still has few brakes, little steering and a tendancy to go up if pressed. However he is the best hack to ride fast over steep terrain with bogs and poor going, nothing stops him.

I currently own two cobs and a warmblood, taking into account age and experience, the warmblood is probably the most sensible of the three.


21 July 2010
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omg, such a pointless thread! a horse is a horse, we are on on here coz we love them (im guessing). everyone has their own preferences, and everyone has their horse for different reasons, and that particular horse for whatever purpose. there are always exceptions to every rule i.e. slow, dead to the leg cobs, and hot fizzy always lame tbs. i have been proved wrong many a time about many different types. all horses have different personalities no matter their breeding. and no we might not see cobs flying round bandmington, but nor do we see many tbs strutting their stuff at hoys taking it all in their stride, looking after their riders/handlers and having a lot of fun. i admit, im not the biggest fan of cobs - but some suprise me. a horse is a horse, we love them. :p


Well-Known Member
4 June 2009
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errmm because they keep hold of their shoes,generally don't spook at a single leaf in the hedge that is a slightly different colour from the rest,they don't take exception to a jump wing that has been in the same place for years and has all of a sudden turned into a horse eating monster, they will walk through an entrance one way AND back through again without thing it has turned into the gate way from hell and they don't require you to take out shares in your feed company - can you tell I have two tb's :) :)

Pmsl that is so true, my TB's best friend is a cob and when I was out putting on extra rugs and feeding him huge feeds all winter the cob had it's own fluffy coat to keep it warm and a leaf of hay, I also had to keep arguing with boyf over remarks like "why cant you own something like that much cheaper/easier"


Well-Known Member
24 July 2010
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cobs are the most gentlest ponies ever tbh. ive ridden a cob in a riding school and he has some spirit.ive jumped up to 3'6 with him. i rode him for 5 years and have never looked back and said he was ugly fat bad tempered or fat. They just have a big build so that means there not fat, just a big build. Some are lazy but thats for people who are learning to ride. Think about disabled people? You would hardly put them on an irish sports horse that would bomb off with them. I see that you prob have ur fave breeds of horse and everyone does but if u were a real horse lover you would love cobs just like any other horse.
Thats what i think anyways. I love cobs with all my heart.x

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Clippers should be selective....FULL true hairies, Noooooo way. Show cobbies and half hairies...yes totally ;)

We have the best of both worlds :p *waits for Alice to comment on the photo edit* LOL



Errr. Binky? I think we need to have a little word about your calorie intake.... *immediately starts B on mollassed chaff, sugar beet, polos and Pink Powder (just in case)*

Have you been wormed recently too? :D *searches out syringe and 5 day Panacur* Here, girl......


Well-Known Member
11 December 2009
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oooh that post is going to get some angry responses.....

however..... I cant stand them either, send them all to france and eat them! Mabe thats why they are named after a bread roll.... destined to be a burger! Sorry cob owners - I dont like fat hairy sloth horses either!

well i don't like skinny, over the top flighty badly behaved 'hot blooded horses' who are clearly too much for their rider (usually a woman). Shame on you for that comment above, surely as horse lovers we accept and love all types of horses? You are a snob!! Ha ha. and know little, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2010
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:eek: come to H&H said my friend - they are not all scary - its a really nice forum she said:eek:
why do i own a cob [ albeit a supersized & hairless one ] let me ponder - horses i have owned/loaned
Perry - warmblood - "I likes bucking"
Arizona - warmblood - "I'm rearing cos that leaf is looking at me funny"
Oliver - TBx - "my hobbies include - reversing into ditches & bolting"
Ruby - supersized cob - "Yes its fine hack me to the dressage - ride me thru a kennell club summer camp - bring me home - i like living out"
