Why do people want to own cobs?


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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And one, and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten and eleven and twelve and thirteen and fourteen and fifteen and sixteen and seventeen and eighteen and nineteen and twenty, twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine and thirty!
And one, and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten and eleven and twelve and thirteen and fourteen and fifteen and sixteen and seventeen and eighteen and nineteen and twenty, twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine and thirty!
And one, and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten and eleven and twelve and thirteen and fourteen and fifteen and sixteen and seventeen and eighteen and nineteen and twenty, twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine and thirty!

Hurrah - a pulse! :D :D
S :D

Babe, it's 5 compressions then a breath! Did you know they won't use the defibrillator if a person has flat-lined? It only restores correct rhythm to erratic pulses. You have to use compressions to re-start a heart and 9 times out of ten, it doesn't work. :(

As a daemon, you can only re-animate other daemons, not actual people.
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Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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CT, it's 30 now, was only trained two months ago... so I know these things!

They change it every couple of years just to make sure their training people still have a job.

Shils, if you're so confident cobs are dead, I dare you to try turning Dorey out after a few days of confinement due to ice...

God, confused! I was trained less than 2 months ago in a weird lesson-type fashion by the school nurse and the OH (cop) insists 5 then breath: thank God I won't be in a situation where I need to use it-I hope! Too many parents like to sue schools, so any issues and I scream for the nurse!

Re cobs being dead, I dare you to use a whip while on board Beau! Ha, that would make me smile!

Yuletide Gal, who are you in a non-seasonal time? I recognise the horses from here or maybe TO?


Well-Known Member
26 August 2008
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A couple of years ago I would have agreed with this post. However, 18 months ago I had a little cob come to me for a bit of schooling and I ended up keeping him. I'm far from novice, schooling Grand Prix show jumpers on the flat and over fences. I can safely say that my lightweight cob is one of the most powerful Horses that I have sat on and gives me the wow factor on a day to day basis, unlike most of the dull blood Horses that I ride! He has paces to die for, is a quick learner and very mannerly out hunting, but is as sharp as a knife! He is also very affectionate and certainly not bad tempered!

Don't get me wrong, he isnt kept like a cob and doesnt look like one! And i'm not quite sure i'd have anything heavier. But this pony has thrown me about and off more than anything else i've had, including ex racehorses and very very tricky warmbloods.

Therefore, I would really appreciate it if people could stop assuming that I must be novice because I own a beautiful cob who would do anything for me!

And here are a few photos of him...
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Well-Known Member
13 December 2010
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^^ What a beauty you've got there. I love how this thread keeps reappearing and coming back to haunt everyone. I personally love cobs and think some of the most talented horses can stem from them. What assumption says that cobs are heavy boring plod-alongs? I have a cob who jumps affiliated newcomers. Who says cobby's can't jump? Happy Xmas :)


Well-Known Member
1 February 2008
Now would I be a Kentish lass, or a lass of Kent?
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God, confused! I was trained less than 2 months ago in a weird lesson-type fashion by the school nurse and the OH (cop) insists 5 then breath: thank God I won't be in a situation where I need to use it-I hope! Too many parents like to sue schools, so any issues and I scream for the nurse!

Re cobs being dead, I dare you to use a whip while on board Beau! Ha, that would make me smile!

Yuletide Gal, who are you in a non-seasonal time? I recognise the horses from here or maybe TO?

Harper_gal aka Bundle!

Also, Staying Alive by the Beegees has the right tempo too!

Ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive, ah, ah, ah, ah, staying aliiiiivvveeeeeeee!

Which Dad and I think is far more appropriate! (so don't, if you can help it, go into cardiac arrest around our surgery :p )

I have huge issues with the new system. Namely, when I was taught to do CPR on cats and dogs, I was told "Never compress a beating heart!". Taught CPR on humans and they go straight into chest compressions after it's confirmed the patient isn't breathing... screw whether or not the heart is still beating!! And every trainer I argue with says either "it's the system" or "if they're not breathing, their heart has probably stopped anyway" which isn't true!!

Ahhh... and breath...


Demon exorcist...
17 July 2007
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Especially for Shils on xmas day.... :D:D:D:D



Well-Known Member
23 October 2008
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Someone is obviously bored again!

I have a cob because I’m a novice rider and have only just learnt to trot, so a cob is appropriate!

Ha, ha!!! It looks like it!! I've got an Anglo Arab and a young cob so please don't put me in this strange little labelled box that I am too frightened to ride a proper horse!! The anglo arab is a different ride every time we go out so keeps me on my toes. Unfortunately he is high maintenance with food and rugs and very expensive so I bought the colt cob to bring on. He is living out with no rug and is already calm and chilled around things that my Anglo Arab cannot cope with.

Cobs are adaptable to everything and for me they are ONE of the perfect horse breeds. There are many to suit everyone's tastes and I don't think we should judge people for their choice of horse!

JoBO and all of the other Cob owners who have put pics on here, they are all fab.
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Well-Known Member
30 August 2010
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Why wouldn't you want a cob ? They're gorgeous :)

Cute little beard and hardy winter coat. No rugging needed, can live out happily 24/7, welsh cobs are a breed happy living on the side of an exposed welsh mountain, this current cold snap is nothing ;)

Temperent isn't down to breed, every horse has its own unique personality.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2006
S. Lincs
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One particular 'useless' coloured hairy vanner cob I know could only manage to win an individual European gold medal in pony Show Jumping *(1.35m plus for a 148cm) . . . . namely CJ's Kemosarbi . . . . . what a waste of space that cob is !!!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2010
Somewhere Northern where there is mud
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One particular 'useless' coloured hairy vanner cob I know could only manage to win an individual European gold medal in pony Show Jumping *(1.35m plus for a 148cm) . . . . namely CJ's Kemosarbi . . . . . what a waste of space that cob is !!!
*sigh*...just goes to show how dreadful they are.

These cobs even get involved with the eventing circuit:eek:



Well-Known Member
15 September 2010
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i love owning a cob!
he is cheeky, lovable and reliable.
he is sooooo comfy even riding bareback, he loves jumping, he doesn't cost much to feed :eek:
and he is certainly not lazy with bad movement, he floats around lovely and is always raring to go! has given my sports type pony a run for her money on the beach!
and it is not because i am too novice for a 'more skitty' horse as my sports pony type is quite a handful at times, i have him because i WANT a cob and ENJOY having him!