Why do people want to own cobs?


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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After reading 50 pages, and then skipping to the last one. (nearly my bed time)
I want to know where everyone gets there angel cobs from? Mine behaves like a lot of the afore mentioned TBs and WBs.
Maybe he's really an ISH or ID X in disguise??
He loves going fast at every opportunity, loves jumping everything as huge as possible. He has a blatant disregard for suggestions, requests, orders and demands.
He can do canter pirouettes, when he is so inclined. He can do a great capriole - when I've told him "No, we're not jumping that!"
However, the gypsy cob (I am allowed to call him that now?) comes to the surface as he is excellent at bombing up off the field bareback with, dare I say it, two people on him!
I'm waiting to be accused of horse abuse, after all, we must have added up to 15 stone, and he's only 14.3hh

all in good humour.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2009
Tipperary, Ireland
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I love cobs and do not go for bigger horses, I have ridden warmbloods and TB's and I prefer my little cobs thankyou :D
I love the fact they are hairy, they are not all fat and lazy, common misconception of which I am positive you are aware, you trouble maker you! :D

Ditto, dont like warmbloods or tb's to be honest. Cobs are so cool, have a real funky attitude, are never boring, but willing to give that extra inch to get you out of trouble. I'd take a cob anyday, to be honest. Cobs are the very best!!!!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2009
Tipperary, Ireland
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After reading 50 pages, and then skipping to the last one. (nearly my bed time)
I want to know where everyone gets there angel cobs from? Mine behaves like a lot of the afore mentioned TBs and WBs.
Maybe he's really an ISH or ID X in disguise??
He loves going fast at every opportunity, loves jumping everything as huge as possible. He has a blatant disregard for suggestions, requests, orders and demands.
He can do canter pirouettes, when he is so inclined. He can do a great capriole - when I've told him "No, we're not jumping that!"
However, the gypsy cob (I am allowed to call him that now?) comes to the surface as he is excellent at bombing up off the field bareback with, dare I say it, two people on him!
I'm waiting to be accused of horse abuse, after all, we must have added up to 15 stone, and he's only 14.3hh

all in good humour.

I love it, the typical cob, but you just have to love em for it. nothing is easy, but it's fun getting there. Irish cobs are quirky, aren't they!!!!1


Well-Known Member
21 November 2009
In my cosy bed!
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OH this thread has popped up again :D

So will have to answer again.........because they are brill and can turn their hooves to anything, and they're round and hairy, cheeky and lovable, non demanding, hardy healthy good doers, have a 6th drop and burn gear (u cob owners know what I'm talking about!), and mine has a beard Santa would be proud of :D x


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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lol at the "6th Drop and Burn gear"
all my cob's gears are like that lol.
I think this should be renamed the "cob appreciation thread".
Wouldn't swap my cob for the world, he's fun and a challenge without being an idiot or making me feel unsafe, though he can scare the ***** out of you if you don't know him.
he has good intentions deep down. ;)


Well-Known Member
21 November 2007
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I will never understand it.
They are fat, lazy, hairier than Bigfoot, and usually bad tempered.
Their paces are so stilted, that they look as though they've had their legs tied together, which gives the rider a nasty jolty ride.
I suppose I can understand riding schools having them, for the scaredy novices, but once you can rise to the trot, surely you'd buy a decent blood horse, or at least a Warmblood?
Your thoughts?
S :D


I couldn't agree more :p


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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Blimey, truly Shills must have otherworldly abilities, I was sure TFC locked this thread a few months ago.

Happy cobbing!


Well-Known Member
11 November 2010
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You sad sad bunch of people. Cant believe you would find causing disruption on a forum something funny. You really should get out more!!


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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You sad sad bunch of people. Cant believe you would find causing disruption on a forum something funny. You really should get out more!!

Well, just incase you hadn't noticed, it's snowing again so we can't and plus, this thread pure comedy genius! You couldn't make half of this stuff up!!!

... oh wait... it is all made up :rolleyes:

p.s. Welcome to the sad sad bunch of people forum!! :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
30 November 2009
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OMG I posted on here, when this thread had only just been started and my ancient old cob was still alive. He passed away in May, but he'd had a super life and lived to an ancient age. Bless.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2009
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Sorry Mt about your cob.:(

It's OK. It's life.
We'd had him 26 years and he was 33. He was a shire cross so quite a big horse, and his knees and joints were becoming increasingly arthritic and it got to a point where painkillers were not giving him enough relief. The week I decided to do it, I knew it was the right time. He was a one in a million horse and he was well loved. I always wanted to let him go before he began to suffer and I did that :)


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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You sad sad bunch of people. Cant believe you would find causing disruption on a forum something funny. You really should get out more!!

Bless. I'm actually quite happy thank you for caring :)

FL - I think I first posted on this thread doing a god AWFUL impression of yer-but nor-but Vicky Pollard, which didn't work at all (the photo I had found of vicky pollard doing a horse riding impression wouldn't display :eek:) and several people took umbridge to it thinking it was normal me and said that I should get a proper horse and learn to spell :rolleyes: must say something about my sanity that Shills was one of the only ones who got it :eek: :p


Well-Known Member
30 November 2010
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Well you have obviously got the response that you wanted, I have always been a thoroughbred person, taking on other peoples disasters and giving them another chance, but never to sell on. I now have the most wonderful cob who certainly gives those warmbloods a run for their money. She is good at everything I have asked of her, and I just know that she would love to meet you, but I wouldn't let you anywhere near her.


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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It's OK. It's life.
We'd had him 26 years and he was 33. He was a shire cross so quite a big horse, and his knees and joints were becoming increasingly arthritic and it got to a point where painkillers were not giving him enough relief. The week I decided to do it, I knew it was the right time. He was a one in a million horse and he was well loved. I always wanted to let him go before he began to suffer and I did that :)

Sorry to hear that M, may he thunder gracefully among the stars with his gallant Shire friends xxx


Well-Known Member
4 January 2010
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Well I lovem its rare you ever see a cob lame and there hearts are as big as there bellys. And sorry but cobs can jump, I have a big old boy and is a cob as if you couldn't tell and he becomes a monster in the jumping ring. So cobbies are the best :)


Well-Known Member
19 December 2010
in the field!
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I chose him because he makes me happy and is a lovely horse for me!

I love my cob, but then equally love Iberian breeds.

I do prefer wider horses ( I find finer breeds such as TBs and Arabs a little too slim for me!) but my old horse was an Arab :)

I think we should judge on personality and nothing else. :)


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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And one, and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten and eleven and twelve and thirteen and fourteen and fifteen and sixteen and seventeen and eighteen and nineteen and twenty, twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine and thirty!
And one, and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten and eleven and twelve and thirteen and fourteen and fifteen and sixteen and seventeen and eighteen and nineteen and twenty, twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine and thirty!
And one, and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine and ten and eleven and twelve and thirteen and fourteen and fifteen and sixteen and seventeen and eighteen and nineteen and twenty, twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine and thirty!

Hurrah - a pulse! :D :D
S :D