Why do people want to own cobs?


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14 November 2005
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how many cobs do you see doing "proper" affiliated competition? Im not talking low level dressage, I mean PROPER competition. Advanced eventing, grade a show jumpers, advanced dressage? No hairy cobs there! Theyre usefull to riding schools and for novices and for pulling carts. Not really youre sporty type of horse. They have their place and its not being owned by me

Ive not read the rest of the replies as i cant be bothered to be honest. But this comment has really annoyed me. I have a gorgeous norman cob x tb mare who has a National and Reserve BD title, won at all levels up to medium. Placed at medium level just before she went in to foal. She then went on loan after foaling as i bought another horse (a KWPN gelding who made my cob look like an angel), i now have her back and she will easily school at medium/adv medium level still even though loaner was just doing unaffliated low level stuff with her.


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28 October 2008
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My cob had to be taken off the riding school becuase he was far too forward going for children!! My cob also beat all those spindley TB's/Warmbloods at his last XC event and came first being the smallest, oldest and heaviest set horse in the class.

I think that proves cobs are just as capable of doing what lighter boned horses do. Just because it is hairer, bigger, and maybe doesn't need the maintenace a TB does, doesn't give you the right to insult it.
See, you're being slightly snobby about TB's/WB' now... well not really but I bet someone could take it that way ;)
I love cobs, but then I love all horses.


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5 January 2008
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I dare anyone to say they don't like Cakey! (and if you don't, well he'll just sit on you and that will be that! :D )



Well-Known Member
9 February 2006
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The thing what annoys me about this post is that because it's an older established member it's a 'joke' by all the other older and established members

However, if a newer member had started this all of the older and established members would be baying for their blood and calling them a troll.

Anyway I've got 4 Thoroughbreds and a Shetland. I like cobs - very versatile little things.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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The thing what annoys me about this post is that because it's an older established member it's a 'joke' by all the other older and established members

However, if a newer member had started this all of the older and established members would be baying for their blood and calling them a troll.

Anyway I've got 4 Thoroughbreds and a Shetland. I like cobs - very versatile little things.

That is true, although I think my responses would still have been the same... have you measured those thoroughbreds' legs yet?:D

I will also say - Booboos I love Cakey, and gig47, you'd better put locks on your stable doors because I may have to come and *borrow* yours!:D When I have some money, I am going to be looking for a cob and that's all there is to it.


Well-Known Member
17 October 2006
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People used to laugh at my hubby's cob when I took him (unclipped) to dressage comps. They soon stopped when he started winning though! LOL. It's more about the horse than the breed surely?


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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Ah I see Shils has just emerged and introduced herself to all the newcomers.... sorry if I am behind as I have just seen the post!

As usual, an absolute corker... you do know how to "wind 'em up" for the rest of us to "watch em go"!

I will add there are some rather nice piccies though!


29 March 2010
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I can't believe this is still going on. I thought horse lovers were just that - they loved all horses. I've had a mixture of horses over the last 6 months since my pony was retired and I loved them all for different reasons. In fact, I've had all of the ones that have been slagged off on here - a cob, a warmblood & an IDxTB...

I dare anyone to say that any of my four aren't all gorgeous in their own ways....

Katie, my 30+ yr old Exmoor cross who taught me everything I know?

Monty, my rescued Oldenburg who hates to be alone but is an angel in company?

Missy, the IDxTB who jumped a 3 ft wall to follow her old field companion home and then jumped a clear round at a hunter trial with my friend?

Or Tinker (SHOCK HORROR) who was an angel when I rode him through town yet freaked out at the waves at the sea?

I dont care about colour age or breed. Surely it's about a horses personality and temprament?


Well-Known Member
2 April 2007
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Are 1/2 TBs cobs? I wouldn't have said so seeing as that's effectively what WBs are.

And if I could I'd quote, but can't work it, but someone ^^^ said

'This proves cobs are just as capable of doing anything a lighter boned horse can do.'

Sorry but clearly it doesn't, at that level, yes, but it is a fact TBs run faster than cobs, it is a fact the average WB will find grandprix jumping easier than the average cob. You can't prove otherwise, it's just fact :p :eek:


Well-Known Member
9 February 2006
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I don't need to measure my horses legs Spudlet, they've got the wonkiest set of legs going, not one of them have got a matchining pair of fronts! The Shetland's got a decent set of limbs though!


Well-Known Member
20 November 2009
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Having just seen this post I am now confused as to whether i own a cob or not.

He is hairy.

He is fat.

He does pull a cart.

But as he's a friesian he is classed as warmblooded.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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Ah HA - you see, my theory is proved, clearly it is for superior high-speed cornering ability:p While Shetlands have good legs, the better to beat up anything that looks at them funny ;)


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2 October 2009
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Im talking about your big fat hairy gypsy cob


I've got one of them. He's got a short piddly walk, a joggy trot and a very comfortable canter. BUT he has more personality and mischief in him than most people I know.

I have to do a mental check each time I go out of the yard - locked that door, closed that lid, snibbed the sliding partitions....if there is a way to the food then he will find it.

That's him peeking out from behind the bagpiper...



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13 March 2010
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I love my cob (well, ID x Cob) because, in my opinion, he is handsome, loyal, with not a nasty bone in his body. He is very easy to do, has never bitten, kicked, reared, bucked or bolted. He lives out 24/7/365 and is a joy to be around. He's a good doer, is never ill, lame or sorry (touches wood) and he fits in with my lifestyle perfectly. And I can pop a novice or pro on him and he reacts accordingly. Oh, and he is a weight carrier so I don't have to worry about my frequent visits to McDonald's for fear of squishing him x I am very, very lucky.

Thats why I own my cob x


Well-Known Member
16 February 2007
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I ride a warmblood, and cob X, and warmblood x, and my cob.... I love riding them all.. And it is the Cob and the Cob x who are the comfiest, smoothiest ride. Both warmbloods are grand prix dressage horses.... and dare I say it the warmblood is HAIRY too! ;)


20 March 2007
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The thing what annoys me about this post is that because it's an older established member it's a 'joke' by all the other older and established members

However, if a newer member had started this all of the older and established members would be baying for their blood and calling them a troll.

And quite rightly so, with seniority comes privileges. ;)

Do lighten up, everyone, at least the forum has perked up a little now.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2007
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This thread is ridiculous! Most people do not compete in more than BE, BSJA or BD and I know cobs who have competed successfully in all of these. Ok, they are held back by their conformations when it comes to the higher levels of affiliated comps, but my cob regularly beats warmbloods and thoroughbred etc in the comps we do.

I want him to compete at what I enjoy, and he has scope for more... That is why I have him, I don't need a warmblood to do what I do. I have to say I used to find rather funny when I was at livery yards and owners would buy higly bred warmblood types and then be too scared to compete them. These people would sneer at my boy, but be too terrified to even canter thier own horse - let alone compete it.

And just because a horse is a warmblood definately will not make it better to own or compete than a cob! This thread is just irritating, I know I'm rising to the bait but I fail to see how it is funny. Enlighten me please?


Well-Known Member
13 March 2009
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This thread is ridiculous! Most people do not compete in more than BE, BSJA or BD and I know cobs who have competed successfully in all of these. Ok, they are held back by their conformations when it comes to the higher levels of affiliated comps, but my cob regularly beats warmbloods and thoroughbred etc in the comps we do.

I want him to compete at what I enjoy, and he has scope for more... That is why I have him, I don't need a warmblood to do what I do. I have to say I used to find rather funny when I was at livery yards and owners would buy higly bred warmblood types and then be too scared to compete them. These people would sneer at my boy, but be too terrified to even canter thier own horse - let alone compete it.

And just because a horse is a warmblood definately will not make it better to own or compete than a cob! This thread is just irritating, I know I'm rising to the bait but I fail to see how it is funny. Enlighten me please?

With you. x


Well-Known Member
26 December 2009
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I do think this is all getting quite silly, with 3 threads on the forum about it! To the people that have been offended....take a step back, and accept that the op and others on there were joking, albeit distastful in your eyes.
And to the people that found the post last night in good taste, also take a step back and see that offence could of and has been taken.
Everyone has their own opinions, and no one is right, or wrong.


Well-Known Member
2 September 2009
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What a sad sad post, you can't label every cob the same, A horse is what you made them.

Attention seeker springs to mind with you OP, just trying to wind people up, silmply have nothing better to do as you know their are plenty of cob owners on here, all got their own personality, all good at their owns things, you get what you out into them.


Well-Known Member
23 January 2008
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What a sad sad post, you can't label every cob the same, A horse is what you made them.

Attention seeker springs to mind with you OP, just trying to wind people up, silmply have nothing better to do as you know their are plenty of cob owners on here, all got their own personality, all good at their owns things, you get what you out into them.

Chill don't to the overkill to Shills:)


Well-Known Member
5 January 2008
South of France
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OP is just having a bit of fun and it's an excuse for everyone else to 'inflict' their wonderful coblet photos! ;)

She didn't exactly say she supports Rolkur now did she??? :eek:


Well-Known Member
15 February 2009
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I like the post, it's a great one. It gives me a chance to be rude back (tongue in cheek of course)

I want to own a cob because - like many people I do not want to event/sj/dressage at a top level, badminton is not in my sights, to old to start at the bottom now and never had the money before. So I want to have fun.

Cobs dont break themselves a minimum of once a week (cough TB cough)
Cobs don't have bums as big as dumbloods do
Cobs don't toodle along queitly then explode without warning because of a shadow
Cobs have more attitude and less brattitude
I can get to a reasonable level competing in just about anything and pick up a few ribbons along the way and have a heck of a lot of fun with.......a cob
Cobs are brighter than brainless mentalist TBs or dumbloods.

:) :) :p


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9 February 2006
South Yorkshire
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Spudlet, I can safely say that your theory that a wonky legged horse can move faster than a speeding bullet is way off mark. Prime, although he did win a serious amount of money during his racing career managed to do so with his slow, relentless lumbering gallop, not by galloping like the wind. The others were all just very slow and rubbish at jumping!

The Shetland on the other hand does seem to have hind legs what can extend up to a distance of 6 foot in order to reach her aim.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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Spudlet, I can safely say that your theory that a wonky legged horse can move faster than a speeding bullet is way off mark. Prime, although he did win a serious amount of money during his racing career managed to do so with his slow, relentless lumbering gallop, not by galloping like the wind. The others were all just very slow and rubbish at jumping!

The Shetland on the other hand does seem to have hind legs what can extend up to a distance of 6 foot in order to reach her aim.

Drat. Foiled again.:(


3 October 2008
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I wasnt going to bother posting on the topic but just cant help myself....

OP and Glitterfuzz you really do need to GET A LIFE, how sad you must be to sit of an evening thinking up ways to amuse yourselves on a public forum!!

Oh sorry nearly forgot my tongue in cheek smileys... on second thoughts I dont think I will bother!!