Why do people want to own cobs?


Well-Known Member
14 October 2004
I have a cob because I'm too scared to ride a proper horse. I like to plod along not too far from the ground on a horse that doesn't mind if I do something stupid and just stands there while I untangle reins, leg straps and anything else I've wrapped round him.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2010
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I have a cob because I'm too scared to ride a proper horse. I like to plod along not too far from the ground on a horse that doesn't mind if I do something stupid and just stands there while I untangle reins, leg straps and anything else I've wrapped round him.

A cob IS a proper horse (if they're 14.2 up :D ), not all are fab to mess about with or are bombproof and most are 15.2 or so!

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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Enough!!!! All horses are great you dipsticks, each to their own. I've been told I'm blunt tactless on other posts. But telling someone they Brown nose now that is offensive, that I would never do. Shilsdair and Glutterfuzz the joke's gone to far.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2010
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Wasnt going to bother posting but why not. People want to own cobs cos they love 'em. Its a free world, we can all own what we want. I own a cob and a warmblood and love them both.


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5 June 2007
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There have been some fab Cob photos on this post! Thanks for starting it, I am so glad to see so many cob owners and non-cob owners who just adore the type and are able to show they aren't all like the steriotypical image many people have! I have 5 non-cobs and they aren't a patch on the one we are currently working on at our livery yard!

Freddie owned by Soph is a stunner and a marvellous mover!


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22 January 2007
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Firstly i don't own a cob I own a Destroyer :)
He and I like skinny TBs though........... they give him a nice change from eating carrots
I think i can summarise his good points as follows:
In a gale he is an effective windbreak
If we are stranded anywhere his rugs are big enough to fashion a large tent, sleeping bag and matching handbag from.
I get a full upper body work out everytime i ask him to work in an outline
He is useful for removing those hard to reach apples from the tops of trees - one canter past, the earth shakes and bingo!! Apples are down!
Farmers no longer need to roll their fields - a few laps by us in full flight and whay hay the field furrows are flat.

Oh and that big choppy trot? You are absolutely right......... thats the bodies of the skinny little steeds we've trampled on as we've shot past them at warp speed!!!!!!!!
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17 September 2009
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Wow that's 31 pages in 24 hours. Is this some kind of record? Has it finally beaten the kick off that went on when Katie Price showed up at HOYS? That should get another few pages...

Anyhow My TB thinks he's a Cob and MY OH's Cob thinks he's a TB. You're all welcome to come up here and be well and truly confused. BTW - the TB is the hairy one atm... and neither of them have any plans to bugger off to France.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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This thread is the best laugh I've had in a while!! pmsl... I'm in no position to throw stones being the owner of a tb x shire.. so I'll throw popcorn instead!!


30 October 2006
East Anglia
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This post is the biggest load of **** I've ever seen.. The OP you need to grow up and learn some common respect and courtesy, also by the sounds of it you need to learn to ride as if you think cobs are slow then you obviously have never ridden a highly strung one, perhaps for good reason.. ANYONE who claims Freddie is rubbish is just frankly either blind or just jealous.. He can hack out in all weathers, he can turn on a sixpence, he can stay sound 99% of the time, he is a pleasant horse to have around the yard, he can move like a dream, he will develop and mature and grow to have much more ability than many of you narrow minded idiots who have suggested otherwise, he makes owning/riding/looking after a horse a pleasure rather than a chore!

I'm not up my own backside enough or pathetic enough come to that to make snipes about scrawny TBs and crazy WBs, they all have their places, but give me the choice of whether to take your horse or Sophies wonderful Freddie and there'd be no hesitation that I'd choose Fred!


Well-Known Member
6 February 2009
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Enough!!!! All horses are great you dipsticks, each to their own. I've been told I'm blunt tactless on other posts. But telling someone they Brown nose now that is offensive, that I would never do. Shilsdair and Glutterfuzz the joke's gone to far.

if its gone too far then people need to stop reading and replying! Im not making you read this or making you write a reply! Theres nothing I can do to stop this thread unfortunatley, it wasnt me that started it, I just joined in with my opinion on the bread beasts :D

Although I still dont like cobs!


Well-Known Member
18 May 2009
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I think it makes the thread even funnier, that you have these people getting fully irate over it - brilliant.

Its like taking candy from a baby :p

wow, I agree, didnt realise that cob owners were such a sensitive lot...
I have read so many posts on here, regarding certain breeds or types, and I havent seen
such a huge defence before!!!!!!!!!
As long as you enjoy your horse, what does it matter what other people like or think..?


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
This post is the biggest load of **** I've ever seen.. The OP you need to grow up and learn some common respect and courtesy, also by the sounds of it you need to learn to ride as if you think cobs are slow then you obviously have never ridden a highly strung one, perhaps for good reason.. ANYONE who claims Freddie is rubbish is just frankly either blind or just jealous.. He can hack out in all weathers, he can turn on a sixpence, he can stay sound 99% of the time, he is a pleasant horse to have around the yard, he can move like a dream, he will develop and mature and grow to have much more ability than many of you narrow minded idiots who have suggested otherwise, he makes owning/riding/looking after a horse a pleasure rather than a chore!

I'm not up my own backside enough or pathetic enough come to that to make snipes about scrawny TBs and crazy WBs, they all have their places, but give me the choice of whether to take your horse or Sophies wonderful Freddie and there'd be no hesitation that I'd choose Fred!

I have to say, it's one of the most charming :)rolleyes:) posts I have read on here. I'm sure that any cob has much more ability as a horse than me, regardless of me being or not a narrow minded idiot - I still only have two legs:p


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
North Wales
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Originally Posted by Kitsune
I think it makes the thread even funnier, that you have these people getting fully irate over it - brilliant.

Its like taking candy from a baby

Waaah! my Galaxy bar has just vanished!

Barney!!!! B!**dy dogs...

Now who'd ever want to own a labrador/fox terrier/god knows what cross?

Just doesn't get better than this does it? :D


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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This post is the biggest load of **** I've ever seen.. The OP you need to grow up and learn some common respect and courtesy, also by the sounds of it you need to learn to ride as if you think cobs are slow then you obviously have never ridden a highly strung one, perhaps for good reason.. ANYONE who claims Freddie is rubbish is just frankly either blind or just jealous.. He can hack out in all weathers, he can turn on a sixpence, he can stay sound 99% of the time, he is a pleasant horse to have around the yard, he can move like a dream, he will develop and mature and grow to have much more ability than many of you narrow minded idiots who have suggested otherwise, he makes owning/riding/looking after a horse a pleasure rather than a chore!

I'm not up my own backside enough or pathetic enough come to that to make snipes about scrawny TBs and crazy WBs, they all have their places, but give me the choice of whether to take your horse or Sophies wonderful Freddie and there'd be no hesitation that I'd choose Fred!



Well-Known Member
9 September 2008
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Wow that's 31 pages in 24 hours. Is this some kind of record? Has it finally beaten the kick off that went on when Katie Price showed up at HOYS? That should get another few pages...

Anyhow My TB thinks he's a Cob and MY OH's Cob thinks he's a TB. You're all welcome to come up here and be well and truly confused. BTW - the TB is the hairy one atm... and neither of them have any plans to bugger off to France.

haha, same here!!!
I have two yearlings, one warmblood cross who is the most laid back colt you will ever know!! (like his mum!!) who doesn't think that running around is the best use of energy!!! (great for a future competition horse hey!!!) and I have a WPB cob yearling, who is quite a character and full of beans!! Thankfully at the moment he seems to know when he can use his energy and when he has to be good!! He is not going to be a plod or a novice ride, but will be a lovely fun ride, and make someone a fantastic friend!!

In a stereotypical world you would think their temperaments belonged the other way around! I love cobs, but likewise love warmbloods. And surely the fact that we buy the horses we want is why they are ALL popular!!


Well-Known Member
2 March 2010
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I'm not particuarly bothered about this either way, but if you're going to make a post as a joke at least make it a funny joke. I fail to see how it was amusing, but maybe thats just me.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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Here come the fluffies from EW to the rescue - again, no S O H...

Freddie is lovely, don't think anyone disputed that.

Thankfully me and my hairy cobalike dont need anyone else to verify how good my horse is...sad that some of you can't say the same.

So someone doesn't rate YOUR breed of horse... grow up and get on with it, that is if you were too stupid in the first place to see this thread for what it was...


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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good grief:rolleyes: i just think some people have taken the "joke" too far for comfort. btw calling people stupid is rude IMO, and maybe it should end here;)


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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It IS stupid if you take offense when someone is clearly just having a laugh.

I think its REALLY stupid, I try to take offense when its actually warranted...maybe that makes ME stupid? Who knows? That said I'd hope if I was being stupid, someone would just tell me, I'm pretty rounded and grown up like that ;)


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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This thread is the funniest I`ve seen in a long time.

Cast your line, wait for the bite, mind you, its not one biting, your going to need pair trawler fishing boats to net the amount that have bitten with this one shils