Why do people want to own cobs?


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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And do you not sit infront of the computer to amuse yourself? Or do you feel that it something only people who agree with you should do?


Well-Known Member
28 August 2007
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I always enjoy Shil's posts *whispers - she once admitted she liked my hairy, fat, lazy, pikey burger on legs*.

Not sure about glitterfuz's posts though - they come across quite nasty and I didn't enjoy reading them at all.

Just because everyone else is -






One more thing - can Glitterfuz comment as to whether she feels endurance riding is proper competing? Lots of cobs do very well at this, I'm hoping my boy can do some decent distnces soon.


Well-Known Member
5 October 2009
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Thank you all so much for keeping me amused throughout the day!

When I originally opened this post I knew it was meant tongue in cheek and it is such a shame that some people found it offensive.

No one should feel bullied or interrogated on any forum. It is for sharing advice, much needed support and opinions, and occasionally having a laugh :) After all the whole world laughs at us for having horses (early mornings, cold, wet, dark late nights, vets bills, s**t shovelling...we must be mad!) so we should be able to laugh at ourselves!

Perhaps now it is time to put it to bed and for everyone to just let it go and go back to happy HHO.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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Lol.....this has kept me amused!
I bought my cob x as i wanted something a little bit more laid back then my arab........WRONG!!!!
my pony napps like a goodun, bucks like a b*stard and can out walk a friends 4 yo 16hh ex racer and my pony is 14.2! still keeps me on my toes!
Have to admit.......he is not v chunky or feathery.....thank goodness....its hard enough trying to keep him clean...let alone if he was really feathery!!
Although he is skewbald.....so i can pass off mud/stable stains as brown patches ;-)

Bless my little cob x !!!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2008
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The thing what annoys me about this post is that because it's an older established member it's a 'joke' by all the other older and established members

However, if a newer member had started this all of the older and established members would be baying for their blood and calling them a troll.

Anyway I've got 4 Thoroughbreds and a Shetland. I like cobs - very versatile little things.

never a truer word said!!!

Imagine if a newer (or even a more established) person came along with a thread title such as "why does anyone want to do BE" or even "why do all BE'ers think they're the next Pippa Funnel"....tongue in cheek and stick as many smilies as you want on it...but the outcry would be horrendous!!!!


Well-Known Member
24 September 2008
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I’m not brave enough to have a cob so I have a sensible six year old ex-racehorse.

Honestly I feel far safer hacking out a tb than I do a cob, a tb you can reason with, a coblet on a mission there is no arguing when they set their necks and drop a shoulder!

So there you go, I have a tb because cobs are scary!


Well-Known Member
18 May 2009
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I dont think anyone should take offence to this thread or anyother... everyone has an opinion and there is a freedom of speech in the UK. I dont know how many times when I have been out competing my arab, that I have been told "I dont like arabs", or "they are stupid, and nutty", etc.. I dont agree. But everyone has an opinion and a right to it. So I dont have any problem with the Op, in presenting this thread. Its interesting how many people do own cobs and enjoy them too. But please dont get upset by someones opinion or what they write.
I have also compete my warmblood and hes very unreliable and comes across as a dead loss!!!!!!!!, I have had never ending ill comments about him being scatty... but again I would never be bothered about anyone s opinion.
I dont own a cob, and Im not a particular fan of them either. I dont like some breeds of dogs and if you ask anyone what they like, most people will like one breed but not another. Its the same with horses, some people prefer thbred types, as they are elegant, etc. SOme people find cobs attractive and reliable. They might suit their life style better, because they are hardier and require less attention, such as stabling, feeding etc as a leaner horse would.
Any way the point I am trying to make, is, we all see beauty and love different things and this post is just someones opinion. Its does not mean that the op should be insulted or condemned for expressing her opinion.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I like the post, it's a great one. It gives me a chance to be rude back (tongue in cheek of course)

I want to own a cob because - like many people I do not want to event/sj/dressage at a top level, badminton is not in my sights, to old to start at the bottom now and never had the money before. So I want to have fun.

Cobs dont break themselves a minimum of once a week (cough TB cough)
Cobs don't have bums as big as dumbloods do
Cobs don't toodle along queitly then explode without warning because of a shadow
Cobs have more attitude and less brattitude
I can get to a reasonable level competing in just about anything and pick up a few ribbons along the way and have a heck of a lot of fun with.......a cob
Cobs are brighter than brainless mentalist TBs or dumbloods.

:) :) :p

:confused: have i got the real naughty boy of the cob world ?!?!?!?! or another breed disguised as a light cob??
ok he doesnt break himself *touch wood* but he does tootle along and then jump at something in the hedge for absolutely no reason at all.
He is terrified of salt and grit bins, stationary trailers, troughts etc.....but is fine with heavy machnery, chainsaws and drills!
Also he is terribly bratty!
He has a tendancy to drop a shoulder and buck when he wants to go home!
I think he needs to go to the horse brat camp equivalent and learn some manners from these other beautifully behaved cobs!!


Well-Known Member
10 June 2008
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What a sad sad post, you can't label every cob the same, A horse is what you made them.

Attention seeker springs to mind with you OP, just trying to wind people up, silmply have nothing better to do as you know their are plenty of cob owners on here, all got their own personality, all good at their owns things, you get what you out into them.

Well said!!

There are acouple of VERY nasty comments on here from certain people, im all for free speech but not when its being nasty and directed at certain people. Have these folk got nothing better to do?????

I love cobs by the way and any other breed of horse come to mention it!!!!


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12 February 2005
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My cob is far from hardy! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

In the best part of five years we've had spavin, tendon sheath infection requiring emergency surgery, sinus cyst again requiring surgery, major foot imbalance (but had initially been told it was navicular...thankfully xrays showed the imbalance), ringbone (non-articular at present) and sidebone.

Ok.....so who wants to buy her?????? :D:D:D:p:p:p

My cob isn't a dope on a rope. She lives to be ridden, adores her work. She is almost too much to handle on the hunt field...although the bit we tried last time out worked.

Generally speaking she is trustworthy and genuine. Bit of a pleb on the ground at times, but that's improved drastically in the last (almost) five years.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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This thread makes me lmfao - proof that some people have NO SENSE OF HUMOUR...
Well done Shils, you have done it again, muchos entertaining :D


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14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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I will never understand it.
They are fat, lazy, hairier than Bigfoot, and usually bad tempered.
Their paces are so stilted, that they look as though they've had their legs tied together, which gives the rider a nasty jolty ride.
I suppose I can understand riding schools having them, for the scaredy novices, but once you can rise to the trot, surely you'd buy a decent blood horse, or at least a Warmblood?
Your thoughts?
S :D

devils advocate m'dear?

Ron is the complete opposite of the above. Ok so he's not exactly elegant on a dressage arena, but as that's not what I bought him for it doesn't bother me. He'll hunt all day, he's as sounds a they come. He's more forward than any warmblood I've ever ridden, and more sane than any TB by far (from my experience at least) He'll jump a five bar gate, and he'll tackle any thing you ask of him.

his trot is smooth and covers the ground, he never needs nagging to walk on, and his canter and gallop are just awesome (if somewhat ground shaking!)

Sarah Sum1

Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Wow Shils you deserve recognition for how many replies and views you have had!!:D As soon as i saw the title of the thread i knew the 'no sense of humour crew' would be out in force :D


Well-Known Member
24 March 2007
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Hilarious! Haven't read all the threads but find it extremely amusing you've had so many replies! I am not keen on cobs either, there may be owners who think their cob is fast and a handful but I've never come across one yet which excited me or had wow paces/ability. I would choose a crazy TB brain or a psychotic WB brain anyday. A lot of cobs just seem to be bred by fun time owners and not for any real purpose apart from general riding? Of course there are show cobs etc, but lets face it, if a cob got to GP dressage or showjumping it would be pretty remarkable as that is not what they're bred for.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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ha ha,... I have had a really good giggle at the posts! Did make me think about cobs in general though! One of the sharpest pones on the yard recently was an extremely stunning cob mare-with an unbelievable jump and paces. You can't often say a cob is "pretty" but this one was.. However, seeing the number of cobs gone through our yard with various owners, I actually wouldn't make the mistake of assuming that just because a horse can be classified as a cob, that they are automatically only for novice riders..

Still giggling over the replies!!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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Wow Shils you deserve recognition for how many replies and views you have had!!:D As soon as i saw the title of the thread i knew the 'no sense of humour crew' would be out in force :D

I think it makes the thread even funnier, that you have these people getting fully irate over it - brilliant.

Its like taking candy from a baby :p