Why do people want to own cobs?


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
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I think I got to about page 8 of this and gave up reading :p

Just to say, I LOVE cobs, my first horse was a cob I had on loan from a riding school and he used to fly around the school with me doing handstands. Now, he did turn lazy after a while after spending years on a riding school but I guess thats to be expected. I always said I'd never EVER get a TB ... I also said I would never ever have a mare .. I have now got a TB mare in the boring colour of bay (I love coloureds, duns, greys etc) ... but I dont think I'd change her for any cob :) She is so sweet its unreal and although she has her stroppy moments, I'm sure shes still trying to figure me out as I am with her (only had her 3 weeks) and that we will get through them with some more work :) My old cob was also sweet and never bad tempered, wouldnt hurt a fly, and certainly wasnt fat (but that was more to do with the place he was kept at ...) I am growing more and more fond of TB's everyday though .. which when working with racehorses is a bonus I guess :p and I had lots of fun hanging onto a chunky TB colt while he decided to buck along the road with me as he is very fresh and all the other horses were being naughty behind, but I actually loved it :) And I think the reason I stayed on him today is all because of my little cob who liked to buck around the school with me :)


Well-Known Member
17 July 2009
South Wales
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This is like big brother ''day 25...the debate is still continuing''!

Couldn't believe it this morning - walked my sec d to the field and had to chase the two tb's out who got so grumpy that the one kicked my boy :( Luckily he's tough :D


Well-Known Member
7 October 2009
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we have a hairy spotty cob, when hes not clipped his feathers swish!! but as for talent will 3 gold medals at the europeans do you?!? he could jump over the top of our young riders horses, one of which has also won a gold, all of which are warmbloods.

all i ll say is never judge a book by its cover!


Well-Known Member
25 March 2008
2nd star on the right and straight on 'til morning
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The thing what annoys me about this post is that because it's an older established member it's a 'joke' by all the other older and established members

However, if a newer member had started this all of the older and established members would be baying for their blood and calling them a troll.

Yes I heartily agree. HHO is very cliquey really, if you are in with the "in crowd" then is o.k to spout off, inflammatory, insults about certain types of horses maybe in the same way as some people make derogatory generalisations about people of different, culture, religion or even colour.
It is not a process that should be encouraged, and it is immature of the OP er to do so.( perhaps SHE is immature - though I think not)
At the end of the day this is just all about PREJUDICE, and prejudice as a concept should not be played with, even if it is to demonstrate the OP ers power over others to incite anger or irritation, or as others are saying "just a bit of fun". PREJUDICE is not fun - especially when its aimed at you or the ones you love.
Learning the skills to do it, or even encouraging others to make prejudical comments all under the guise of it being "tongue in cheek" is "very bad form" as far as I am concerned.
The OP er deserves to be "shot down in a hail of bullets" verbally at least.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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I think there are some very touchy peeps on here.

I owned a little cob once - the post hasn't upset me and nor would one on Welshies, Welsh part-breds, TBxConnemaras, Gelderlander crosses and Irish mongrels, no matter how silly, insulting, serious or what have you.

I love mine but don't expect anyone else to and none of them are perfect. Well, not totally


Well-Known Member
3 December 2007
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I think this post is very childish, this is meant to be a forum where people who love horses can come on and have a chat to other horse loving people. But someone has now turned it into a 'my horse is better than your horse' debate. Everyone is going to have a different preference of what type of horse they like to ride, and what does it matter if someone likes big hairy cob types or skinny tb types! This is a pointless post which has just been done by someone who has nothing else to do with their time but to create problems.


Well-Known Member
12 December 2009
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Riding cobs always gives me sore knees......yes some are nice - but no Cob is better than a TB I'm afraid!! I did a brief cob thing after I had my first baby....but by the time I was on to number 4 child, I knew that my cob phase was well gone!


Well-Known Member
6 June 2009
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Each to their own. In my eyes all horses are beautiful creatures and if you are fortunate to own one, then think yourself lucky, whatever breed/type it is!!! Hopefully this thread will be put to bed on a few bales of straw....


Well-Known Member
18 February 2010
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I think that this is a grand post, why are people being so touchy? I have ALWAYS had TBs, point to pointed and qualified all these horses hunting,all day not just hacking at the back. But I am now older and just love my cob, its a welsh sec D, 15.2. Clipped trimmed and fit they are great fun. I ride on my own on the fells in Cumbria, have a good time and know I shall come home without having to call mountain rescue!


Well-Known Member
9 June 2009
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I own a cob and he is getting my confidence back after breaking my back last year. i have limited mobility due to the metal rods in my spine but we are doing just fine thanks


Well-Known Member
18 February 2010
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Yes I heartily agree. HHO is very cliquey really, if you are in with the "in crowd" then is o.k to spout off, inflammatory, insults about certain types of horses maybe in the same way as some people make derogatory generalisations about people of different, culture, religion or even colour.
It is not a process that should be encouraged, and it is immature of the OP er to do so.( perhaps SHE is immature - though I think not)
At the end of the day this is just all about PREJUDICE, and prejudice as a concept should not be played with, even if it is to demonstrate the OP ers power over others to incite anger or irritation, or as others are saying "just a bit of fun". PREJUDICE is not fun - especially when its aimed at you or the ones you love.
Learning the skills to do it, or even encouraging others to make prejudical comments all under the guise of it being "tongue in cheek" is "very bad form" as far as I am concerned.
The OP er deserves to be "shot down in a hail of bullets" verbally at least.

Good Lord it was done with tongue in cheek, I just wish I could have come up with somthing as contensious as this, why are you all so insecure and taking this so seriously? It is a forum and this makes it so much more interesting than talking about which f***ing rugs you should be putting on your horses. You should know that without having to ask. I love TBs and love cobs but I am not having a hissy fit as I am confident in knowing what I like.


Well-Known Member
8 July 2009
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When I lost my last riding horse which was a fine tb I thought i would get something which was a bit more solid so looked at a few cobs and rode my friends for a while and even though I think they are great I just could not get to grips with them. I have short legs and felt I could not get them around a cob so felt like I was perched on top and had no grip, plus my groin hurt so much from riding them.

Each to there own, love cobs wish I could ride them but unfortunately I cant.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2009
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Yes I heartily agree. HHO is very cliquey really, if you are in with the "in crowd" then is o.k to spout off, inflammatory, insults about certain types of horses maybe in the same way as some people make derogatory generalisations about people of different, culture, religion or even colour.
It is not a process that should be encouraged, and it is immature of the OP er to do so.( perhaps SHE is immature - though I think not)
At the end of the day this is just all about PREJUDICE, and prejudice as a concept should not be played with, even if it is to demonstrate the OP ers power over others to incite anger or irritation, or as others are saying "just a bit of fun". PREJUDICE is not fun - especially when its aimed at you or the ones you love.
Learning the skills to do it, or even encouraging others to make prejudical comments all under the guise of it being "tongue in cheek" is "very bad form" as far as I am concerned.
The OP er deserves to be "shot down in a hail of bullets" verbally at least.

Fair points.

My cob was fab. He was a total nutter, but wouldn't have had him any other way :)


Chilling at home


Jumping at home


x-country boy


That day, he was so much braver than the bay behind him (pairs), who refused the first jump.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Yes I heartily agree. HHO is very cliquey really, if you are in with the "in crowd" then is o.k to spout off, inflammatory, insults about certain types of horses maybe in the same way as some people make derogatory generalisations about people of different, culture, religion or even colour.
It is not a process that should be encouraged, and it is immature of the OP er to do so.( perhaps SHE is immature - though I think not)
At the end of the day this is just all about PREJUDICE, and prejudice as a concept should not be played with, even if it is to demonstrate the OP ers power over others to incite anger or irritation, or as others are saying "just a bit of fun". PREJUDICE is not fun - especially when its aimed at you or the ones you love.
Learning the skills to do it, or even encouraging others to make prejudical comments all under the guise of it being "tongue in cheek" is "very bad form" as far as I am concerned.
The OP er deserves to be "shot down in a hail of bullets" verbally at least.

Oh get over yourself, to anyone who possesses any kind of a sense of humour this was quite clearly posted as a joke.
People have quite clearly gone PC mad in the recent times, and I really do love the fact it comes down to that age old argument "HHO cliques".
I rarely read shils posts and could still comprehend that she was taking the proverbial...
I don't think you can quite categorise "poking fun at cobs" in the same bracket as racism, not reasonably anyway.
And for what it is worth, there is a wonderful thing we still seem to hold in the UK called a freedom of speech, and I'm going to demonstrate by saying that everyone who has got upperty about this thread really needs to learn to laugh at life a little bit more, you miserable sods.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2009
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ps I do disagree with the following,

"The OP er deserves to be "shot down in a hail of bullets" verbally at least".

Bit harsh.

I think that this thread has led to some interesting points and conversation, and perhaps some intention to provoke 'outrage'. At the end of the day, you like what you like, some people agree, others don't, but that's life. I have had fab times previously with a cob, but also lovely times with TBs. In my opinion, a horse is a horse and they all rule.

Build a bridge...



Well-Known Member
2 October 2009
Noth East Scotland
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Shils has done a great job here -

She has given everyone who owns cobs a chance to express how loveable, talented, adaptable, gorgeous and altogether wonderful cobs are - and the hairier the better.

I think she is secretly a cob-fancier myself.

My cob, however, is in disgrace. :eek: Yesterday he stranded me on the roof of the stables when I was cleaning the gully. Scratched his bum on the ladder and knocked it down. Had to sit on the roof for a while.

My Tbx would never have done that.


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
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I wonder what will be in most discussed topics in this weeks issue.....and last weeks.....and next weeks......LOL XD



Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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Or the controversial 'why do adults want to ride ponies?' :p

I've added that to my 'To Do' list, along with 'Why do amateurs insist on looking after their horses on DIY when they clearly know nothing' and 'Why do people have a horse, then neglect it on full livery'.
I like to live dangerously... :p :D
S :D