Well-Known Member
It’s a fancy name for lameness workup, just means any sort of musculoskeletal investigation really, so you’ll get the classic trot ups, lunge, flexions and blocks, and whatever else you can do.They have called it an orthopaedic workup. So unless they have changed what they called a lameness work up (which is possible as its been 2 years since I did one of those!) Then I thought maybe it would be slightly different.
I'm going to the vets as i knew I would get an appointment earlier.
My vets said they had a drop off policy during Covid and then they wanted the owner to leave, but I drove a long way and it was very quiet, so they let me stay in the horse box, and then to come out to watch the trot ups etc. Usually they would let me go in to watch the ultrasound or whatever but obviously that can’t happen now.
Mine did that annoying thing at the vets where they trot up perfectly, which is more frustrating than if they look super lame as the vets can’t block anything.