It re-balances the horse... using smart cell . you put a new patch on everyday for 10 days. google it and you will find lots. I thourght it was worth a try as they offer money back if it doesnt work. Im glad I tried.
It worked for my headshaker and apparently works for bleeders and non...
I am just on the last patch of equiwinner for my headshaker and he has stopped headshaking. It is also used for bleeders and non sweaters and horses that tie up. I am not a salesperson just a horse owner looking for a cure for my horse. If it...
I owned a pony with sweetitch and it was a constant battle to cover her up and put potions on. Then I discovered the Boet rug and my pony was brill. Didnt even need any potions and she had a full mane and tail.. I did breed a foal from her and sold her for £1000 (with Boet rug) She was worth...
You could always lunge her over jumps, even tryying the bigger ones if she enjoys it. I always lunge mine and wait till they are coming 5 to start jumping when ridden. You want to build her confidence and make it fun.....
My daughter started riding properly when she was 18months, now she is 2years old she doesnt want me to hold her, so I just lead her at walk. She does alittle trotting. Here is a pic when she was 14 days old.
Here is a pic at 18months old (feb 07)
You have been scammed. I received the same thing afew months ago. You have to press the 'spam' button on your email page when the email is opened. This will notify the email profider that it is spam and they will delete the email and email address. Its a con, usually from africa and they say...
The youngsters r fed year round, the others (older ones ) with no work r turned out on grass now & r not fed.
If I start ridden work they will get 1 feed daily, couple scoops of cheap mix/nuts. all r very well covered, apart from the youngsters which are not too fat or thin..
PS mine r all...
i think you'd be better off feeding some more to put weight on . if your horse gets sweaty with a rug it will only lose more weight. Cheap nuts will surfice with a low protein level. maybe 3 times a day! (worm & have teeth done)......