Recent content by Shandys_mum

  1. S

    8 years today! :)

    Sometimes the best things in our life are the unexpected/unplanned :) Love the pictures of him
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    Thelwell Christmas Cards

    Thank you for these links they are just what I have been looking for :)
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    I thought you meant the theme park in Cornwall lol
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    Peeps that wear glasses around horses.

    I have worn glasses since I was 18months old and am a LOT older now. Never had a problem with my glasses or an accident doing anything. Rain can be a pain but peaked hats are brilliant. I can't cope with contacts and laser is too expensive and probably wont work (have rugby ball shaped...
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    Itchy Pony Help

    My understanding of sweet itch is that a horse/pony with it badly will scratch all over and not just the classic places. Remove the garlic and wash down the areas that are itchy every day or so, maybe with some teatree oil and / or lavender in the water to soothe and calm the skin. My man...
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    Injections - feel very mean!!

    It is never nice when they don't like what we do to them for their own good.
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    Would you ride at 5pm tonight?

    How did it go?
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    Double bridle query?

    Might be worth posting this in the competition riders section as I would expect more people to be able to answer your question there :)
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    Do you talk on your phone whilst out hacking?

    I have texted and talked whilst out riding - but it was on a bombproof horse and on roads that were quiet and you could see if a car was coming over the low hedges. I now have a touch screen phone and a new to me horse in a new area so wouldn't currently phone or text and generally have my...
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    Does anyone where a body protector when jumping BS?

    If you prefer to wear one then do so. Simple.
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    Lighthearted!! Let's see your jumping bloopers!!!

    It has taken me a few days to get through all of these but it was well worth it. Will see if I can find any of me but most my mum has :)
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    My 2011!

    Very jealous of the side saddle riding. Well done for your brilliant year.
  13. S

    My new Showjumper, 1st bash over a meter..

    Did you get a photo of OH falling over fence??? :p
  14. S

    What would you do???

    OK thick moment what is WHW?