Recent content by Strawberryroan

  1. Strawberryroan

    Fussy Horse V's Bute - Help!

    black treacle worked very well with my horse! x
  2. Strawberryroan

    Olympic Eventing SJ Thread

    Damn, clear round :p
  3. Strawberryroan

    Please tell me I'm not going to...

    I'm going to also add that the garlic one is quite nice... tastes like ginger edinburgh rock :p
  4. Strawberryroan

    Headphones/ music whilst riding?

    I would never, ever wear them hacking/ any roads but I wear headphones frequently if schooling, not blasting but it really helps my concentration & motivation
  5. Strawberryroan

    How many hours turnout?

    24/7 365 days a year. :)
  6. Strawberryroan

    am i the only 1 who finds this horse unattractive

    I love akhal-tekes, that horse is stunning!
  7. Strawberryroan

    Can anyone in North East England...

    reccommend me a farrier? having a very hard time finding one, one at the minute is so unreliable it's ridiculous... rang quite a few a month or so back and no replies. :/ I'm next to morpeth, northumberland.
  8. Strawberryroan

    Have you picked a horsey in the Grand National?

    I've picked two to win... becauseicouldntsee because hes ginger :D and onhisown, just got a good feeling
  9. Strawberryroan

    Funny photos

    Doing his best camel impersonation :p
  10. Strawberryroan

    How tall are you and your horse?

    I'm 5'7/8' and 8 and a half stone and my horse is a very chunky 16.3hh, I have giraffe legs though so I look well suited to him I think...
  11. Strawberryroan

    Is it unusual to see certain colours on "big" horses??

    I have a 16.3 chestnut roan :) never seen a big roan horses before I got mine..
  12. Strawberryroan

    What's your favourite breed?

    Got to be a dutch warmblood- although I am slightly bias! Also love a good TB :)
  13. Strawberryroan

    Has anyone ever bumped into the hunt whilst

    No, but if I am certain if I did my horse would join in of his own accord! :p
  14. Strawberryroan

    Feeds that have sent your horse loopy!!!

    Not feed, but topspec calmer made my horse 10 times spookier!
  15. Strawberryroan


    There's lots of mud near the gate in my horses field, hate the stuff! Have to make sure no one sees me when my boots get sucked off, looking forward to the snow :)