Well-Known Member
In all the years and all the many miles I have walked in areas popular with dog walkers I have never felt threated, been threatened or attacked by dogs.
Any problems I have experienced have been dog on dog with nuisance or aggressive dogs bothering or attacking mine.
problem is when it does happen it goes wrong very quickly
i have had some bites and many a time had to haul up my dogs by neck out of harms way, or potential harms way, and have known many, many attacks where it was fatal for the dog, including my own dog being dragged out the the car nearly having his leg ripped off and my hand badly bitten, [by a dog that had done that before]
so its really about he collective experience, i would do the muzzling, so others would in hope it saves others and so on
it happens so suddenly and then its too late sometimes to stop it unfortunately.