Another fatal dog attack


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11 February 2018
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Thought better of saying that you don't and will never respect anyone who owns a XL bully, I see. Let your true colours show for a minute there.

Something wrong with that, stangs?

There is nothing about them that would make me want to own one and I don't think there is anything clever or cool about the people who do own one or want one. Okay?

PS In your haste to pick a fight your 'quote' was incorrect. I believe I said I have no respect for anyone who owns an XL bully or who would like to own one :)

PPS If not a fan you certainly do seem to be obsessed with them.
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Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I'm not sure rescues should be allowed to rehome these dogs at all.
This, completely. Any that come up for rescue or rehoming should be pts. I think the rspca does, they used to with large staffies or any bulls with behavioural issues, back before the XL was invented. This was a specific rspca centre near me back in Essex, idk if it’s a blanket policy.
And Stangs I didn’t see SD’s post but no one needs a cropped eared giant dog only bred for one thing


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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Well-Known Member
18 September 2021
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Something wrong with that, stangs?

There is nothing about them that would make me want to own one and I don't think there is anything clever or cool about the people who do own one or want one. Okay?

PS In your haste to pick a fight your 'quote' was incorrect. I believe I said I have no respect for anyone who owns an XL bully or who would like to own one :)

PPS If not a fan you certainly do seem to be obsessed with them.
Saying you have no respect for someone solely because of the breed they own really isn't a pleasant thing to say - especially under a video where the person in question does good work helping reactive dogs, and has been very successful in training his own bullies (and who doesn't even own cropped dogs). And it's curious you chose to edit your post despite thinking there's nothing wrong with what you said. Can I say that I have no respect for anyone who owns a GSD, in light of the number of people who've been killed by them, or is that hurtful, illogical, and painting all owners with the same brush?

Oh well, you've figured out the truth about me, SD. I'm a drug dealer in disguise who owns several XL bullies to let loose on the general public. Clearly, I'm being too obvious with my 'obsession', so it's probably time I stop starting 'fights' on this thread, which I'm only doing because of my thug tendencies and not because I genuinely believe BSL doesn't work and am passionate about animal-related legislation.

In the end, you and your fellow pro-BSL folk will soon win the battle. A ban will result in a short-term decrease in attacks, and, given that the elections are coming up, that's all the Tories need.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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Saying you have no respect for someone solely because of the breed they own really isn't a pleasant thing to say - especially under a video where the person in question does good work helping reactive dogs, and has been very successful in training his own bullies (and who doesn't even own cropped dogs). And it's curious you chose to edit your post despite thinking there's nothing wrong with what you said. Can I say that I have no respect for anyone who owns a GSD, in light of the number of people who've been killed by them, or is that hurtful, illogical, and painting all owners with the same brush?

Oh well, you've figured out the truth about me, SD. I'm a drug dealer in disguise who owns several XL bullies to let loose on the general public. Clearly, I'm being too obvious with my 'obsession', so it's probably time I stop starting 'fights' on this thread, which I'm only doing because of my thug tendencies and not because I genuinely believe BSL doesn't work and am passionate about animal-related legislation.

In the end, you and your fellow pro-BSL folk will soon win the battle. A ban will result in a short-term decrease in attacks, and, given that the elections are coming up, that's all the Tories need.

You are determined to continue this pettiness then, stangs?

My post was in reply to Moobli's video. I deleted it because I was unable to articulate how I felt about the contents of the video.

He seemed to lump all bull breeds together when he said they would get banned, and they are certainly not all the same.

I also wondered what 'training tools' he is worried would get banned.

He highlighted what, to me, seemed like all the bad points of the breed and should deter most people from owning one.
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Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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A seemingly intelligent, responsible bully owner and trainer here speaking a lot of sense.

I too didn't watch all of it so may be doing him a disservice, but whilst he may be right about researching breeding, training etc. that does nothing to solve the obvious problem that there is a considerable number of vicious or potentially vicious dogs out in our communities right now.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Banning XL bullys also doesn't stop the attacks by other breeds. I wonder if it is just being done as it's an easier way (legislatively, practically and financially) to placate the public than altering current laws or policing them more effectively. I suspect this is being used to gain votes.
Well, obviously, but it should reduce dog attacks by around half so that's a really good thing. And if the people not being bitten feel moved to vote for whomsoever they like that's also not a bad thing.


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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Banning XL bullys also doesn't stop the attacks by other breeds. I wonder if it is just being done as it's an easier way (legislatively, practically and financially) to placate the public than altering current laws or policing them more effectively. I suspect this is being used to gain votes.

Agree, the bottom line is that this government have run the country into the ground leaving no money for policing full stop.

If a ban does come in does that mean that dogs like the one I mentioned need to be pts?


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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A seemingly intelligent, responsible bully owner and trainer here speaking a lot of sense.

Most of what he says is very sensible, he is suggesting that these dogs need a different type of training to other dogs but the trouble is that many of them are owned by people who would have trouble training any dog , he also says that forceful training will make them act more aggressively which I assume is what some sections of dog owners do for that specific end..
looks like there may be a ban by the end of this year because the government needs to investigate, so another 3 months of dog and people attacks is likely ☹️


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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So short term gain is banning the XL. I think that’s a plus.
Long term we need, with the current levels of dog ownership, entitlement, and general human flipwittedness a real financial push on introducing and enforcing a proper dog licence.
Not going to happen, I know.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2017
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Banning XL bullys also doesn't stop the attacks by other breeds. I wonder if it is just being done as it's an easier way (legislatively, practically and financially) to placate the public than altering current laws or policing them more effectively. I suspect this is being used to gain votes.

To clarify my last post: I agree that banning XL bullies should result in a reduction in serious dog attacks, I just think it is a shame that the Gov't has gone down the route of banning this one breed rather than a more effective legal overhaul that would result in even more significant reduction in dog attacks. And if XL bullies are banned then what about pocket bullies etc? Won't the 'wrong' type of breeder just start breeding them to just short of the height/dimensions to qualify them as an XL, so we end up with an almost identical dog that slips through the legislation?


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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The Guardian.

Sunak says government will ban American XL bully dogs following spate of attacks
Rishi Sunak has said the American XL bully dog will be banned.

It’s clear the American XL Bully dog is a danger to our communities.

I’ve ordered urgent work to define and ban this breed so we can end these violent attacks and keep people safe.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Banning XL bullys also doesn't stop the attacks by other breeds. I wonder if it is just being done as it's an easier way (legislatively, practically and financially) to placate the public than altering current laws or policing them more effectively. I suspect this is being used to gain votes.
As 45% of the attacks on humans and assistance dogs are being done by XL bullies and they are a tiny percentage of the dog population it’s will make a considerable difference .
They also need to be recording all serious attacks on other animals dogs and cats and others to get some meaningful figures about that atm they are not recorded.

Looked like a staffy to me.
It did to me too it needs to be PTS asap .


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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So an election friendly sticking plaster rather than committing to resourcing proper control methods. Wonder which the next breed someone decide to aggressively in-breed to create a muscle dog for drug dealers will be….
I would say be grateful for small mercies, at least something is being done, and they're not just ignoring a problem.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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The trouble is banning is the easy way out for the government. All dogs have the capacity to bite and injure, sometimes fatally, so something needs to be done about all dog ownership. Most of us on here have had dogs for many years and I’m sure quite a few have had people allowing and encouraging their small children to pet their dogs without asking .. my dogs are small but I don’t want strange children running up to pet them .., although I think it unlikely, one of mine might snap at a child i don’t want to take the chance. We had the aids info on our tv screens for ages so why can’t the government, with input from dog trainers, dog homes, RSPCA etc put out some guidelines in the form of tv ads , how to behave around dogs , how to decide which dog to get, how it should be bought up etc . Also they need to crack down on breeders , if you look on any of the selling websites you can buy any breed as long as you pay they don’t care if you are a first time owner.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I think the law needs tightening up and enforcing across the the UK. People need to be charged with a criminal offence if their dog attacks or bites someone. What that charge is should depend on the severity of the attack and could even encompass a term in jail, with a charge for murder if your dog kills someone.
The law should be framed so a dog can bite a burglar or someone attacking it’s owner .


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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The trouble is banning is the easy way out for the government. All dogs have the capacity to bite and injure, sometimes fatally, so something needs to be done about all dog ownership. Most of us on here have had dogs for many years and I’m sure quite a few have had people allowing and encouraging their small children to pet their dogs without asking .. my dogs are small but I don’t want strange children running up to pet them .., although I think it unlikely, one of mine might snap at a child i don’t want to take the chance. We had the aids info on our tv screens for ages so why can’t the government, with input from dog trainers, dog homes, RSPCA etc put out some guidelines in the form of tv ads , how to behave around dogs , how to decide which dog to get, how it should be bought up etc . Also they need to crack down on breeders , if you look on any of the selling websites you can buy any breed as long as you pay they don’t care if you are a first time owner.
45 % of the issues being caused by one not numerous breed , it makes sense to start at the easy end .