Another fatal dog attack


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31 March 2009
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It makes me angry that people are still trying to defend this breed, the perfect family dog and all that crap.

I didn't post a link to the video on here out of respect for the victim and his family. It was worse than anything I could have imagined.

People say that banning the bully XL will mean that because of the ban there will be an even worse breed in the future, I honestly don't think there could be anything worse than those dogs in the video.
I have removed a couple of threads from a social media account due to the way they are behaving about the ban, one in particular had people describing them as "nanny dogs" and posting photos of tiny children crawling all over them - these people are beyond stupid and should be charged with child endangerment, it makes my blood run cold.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I saw it too and poor IP wasn’t putting up any sort of fight by the time the video was taken but those b**tard dogs weren’t for giving up. What possesses a dog behave in this way?! I really don’t know what I’d do in that situation. Would a fire extinguisher to the face stop the attack? Boiling water poured over the dog? Everyone seems too shocked and confused to help poor IP. It’s a horrifying video, absolutely horrifying.
I was think about this last night. A knife to the back of the neck was the only thing that was going to stop those dogs.


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22 December 2010
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31 March 2009
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I shouldn't think anyone is getting mauled by an exotic any time soon, they're too dysfunctional
There's one around here... it's so very odd in it's movement sort of rolls/lurches you could literally walk out of harms way if it tried to chase you... it's like a furry toad...


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24 April 2009
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Just looked st this article, a woman who sadly died after being attacked by two Rottweilers. The thing I noticed that makes this different from a lot of bully attacks - her injuries were confined to arms & legs. Bullies seem to go for the face & neck judging by reports and seen in footage of the poor young woman attack by three (what looked like) pit bulls in a London park, this is something that seems to separate them from most other types of dog attack.


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Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
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I’m not sure why anyone wants to watch a video of a man being killed by dogs. I would run a mile if it came up on my feed. It’s a real person you know, really dying a horrible, unimaginable death. It’s not a film, those of you who are watching it I can’t decide if you are weird or unhinged.

I have to say I was pretty shocked that anyone would click on it for any reason whatsoever? 😱 🤷‍♀️

Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
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A friend's little shetland was attacked and killed by neighbour's two rotties. They apparently escaped from their garden ran along the road and straight into the poor ponies paddock. Friend's husband was home, he saw and heard the commotion but too late to save pony. He got his gun and shot both Rotties with clean shots to the head. Neighbour didn't complain, in fact thanked him for doing the job, and insisted they would have been taken straight to the vet and destroyed anyway. Tough justice but absolutely the correct thing to do IMO.


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8 May 2023
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I’m not sure why anyone wants to watch a video of a man being killed by dogs. I would run a mile if it came up on my feed. It’s a real person you know, really dying a horrible, unimaginable death. It’s not a film, those of you who are watching it I can’t decide if you are weird or unhinged.
I agree. I honestly thought it was going to be cut and edited the way other videos of attacks have been, and I still don’t have a reason for watching a cut version. It wasn’t and for that I feel truly disgusting to have seen it. I reported it to be taken off, but it’s social media (TikTok) so I’m not overly confident that it will be. That’s why I wanted to shout out to anyone else not to click it (or let it play in the instance of TikTok). It’s not like the also horrifying CCTV footage of other dog attacks on people or that police horse a while ago. It has no place on the internet.

I agree, it’s weird and unhinged, and I saw it. Albeit, not in its entirety.


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15 December 2019
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I don't want to see or share the IP footage because it sounds horrific, and I cannot imagine what the family and friends are going through to lose someone in such traumatic circumstances.

Part of me also thinks about the absolute level of denial/ignorance people are in about these dogs and 'it's the owner not the breed' is absolutely no consolation to people who have been seriously injured or killed, just being out and about in public.

I'm seeing people on my FB I know would rage about things like 'not all men' being used to dismiss safety concerns, essentially 'not all dogs' at victims of these very serious attacks and people who have genuine safety concerns.

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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I was talking to a friend today, she works at Dogs Trust training the more difficult dogs and she was saying that when people rehome any of these sort of dogs they have to sign a disclaimer. They are told that they must be kept muzzled and on leads but some then crop up on facebook threads without muzzles. Personally I hope that legislation will be brought in to stop them being passed on from Rescue centres but don't hold out much hope.


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13 June 2013
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There is a petition doing the rounds which already has nearly 485,000 signatures.

Bad owners are to blame not the breed - don't ban the XL bully

I believe that the XL bully is a kind, beautiful natured breed that loves children and people in general, and are very loyal and loving pets.
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An XL bully is a "Heinz 57", a mixture of different breeds, so if you ban them then this will have implications for cross breeds of dog because nobody can be sure on the breed specifics. They are all different sizes and shapes. Just because a dog is big and muscular doesn't mean it can be labelled an XL bully, it is unfair to do this.

It is also a well-known fact that how a dog acts is a reflection of the owner's actions. Bad owners should be punished, not the breed of dog – hold bad owners accountable.”

I won’t be signing it.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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There is a petition doing the rounds which already has nearly 485,000 signatures.

Bad owners are to blame not the breed - don't ban the XL bully

I believe that the XL bully is a kind, beautiful natured breed that loves children and people in general, and are very loyal and loving pets.
More details
An XL bully is a "Heinz 57", a mixture of different breeds, so if you ban them then this will have implications for cross breeds of dog because nobody can be sure on the breed specifics. They are all different sizes and shapes. Just because a dog is big and muscular doesn't mean it can be labelled an XL bully, it is unfair to do this.

It is also a well-known fact that how a dog acts is a reflection of the owner's actions. Bad owners should be punished, not the breed of dog – hold bad owners accountable.”

I won’t be signing it.
I won’t be signing it, but it is true. The ‘breed’ is a type really. Some look like pits, some like freaky bear things. I have no idea how they will enforce a ban.
Oh I know, they won’t actually bother, it’s all piss and wind. Why they can’t just commit to enforcing current legislation. It would be a start.
I do think XL bullies need to go… but agree it’s not really their fault. NOA


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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Here is an alternative petition:

Make XL Bully a banned dog breed in the Dangerous Dogs Act​

These dogs have been at the centre of numerous attacks of varying severity. I believe there is a need for these dogs to be placed on the list of banned dogs in the Dangerous Dogs Act, so it is illegal to sell, own or breed these dogs.



Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Here is an alternative petition:

Make XL Bully a banned dog breed in the Dangerous Dogs Act​

These dogs have been at the centre of numerous attacks of varying severity. I believe there is a need for these dogs to be placed on the list of banned dogs in the Dangerous Dogs Act, so it is illegal to sell, own or breed these dogs.



Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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Not sure if this link will work but it came up on my FB page this morning, makes my blood run cold, some people are just plain stupid and shouldn't have dogs or children. :mad:
These are exactly the people who shouldn’t own any dog, a baby crying is likely to trigger any dog…. These videos on Facebook make me angry as people are so ignorant


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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Poor lady. I wonder how the owner of a breed, banned for 30 years and that has attacked, will be dealt with? I fully expect the dog to be siezed and destroyed, but the damage has been done and its owner needs to feel the full force of the law.

Sounds like this attack was in the house. Quite a few have been so how do we legislate for that? Although I’ve been in the camp if it’s not the dogs fault it’s the owner I am now in the ban them camp. It seems that many of them have odd temperaments which has probably been caused by the in breeding and using dogs with known aggression tendencies .. the sooner the breeders are stopped the better but that won’t happen but it should IMO


Well-Known Member
27 August 2010
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I’m not sure why anyone wants to watch a video of a man being killed by dogs. I would run a mile if it came up on my feed. It’s a real person you know, really dying a horrible, unimaginable death. It’s not a film, those of you who are watching it I can’t decide if you are weird or unhinged.
Totally agree, and I haven’t seen it, but in my opinion it should be compulsory viewing for everyone involved in the government process following on from the PM’s statement of intent the other day.


Have Marmite, will travel
12 November 2017
South Oxfordshire
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Here is an alternative petition:

Make XL Bully a banned dog breed in the Dangerous Dogs Act​

These dogs have been at the centre of numerous attacks of varying severity. I believe there is a need for these dogs to be placed on the list of banned dogs in the Dangerous Dogs Act, so it is illegal to sell, own or breed these dogs.



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31 May 2017
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I'm absolutely no expert but when I was younger I used to work for a breeding and boarding facility which specialised in gsds.
There used to be some pretty spicey dogs that had to come in to board when their handlers where on holiday or otherwise unavailable. This was at the time when guard dogs were allowed to to run loose and were kind of feral and we had to handle then appropriately using push boards to persuade them into their outdoor enclosure so their kennels could be cleaned.
When walking these dogs there were a lot of times when I'd had to feed these dogs my arm ( with the guard on) to take these dogs back to their kennels and release/drag them safely back to their kennels when they had been triggered by something like seeing another dog or an unexpected person so this was largely redirection from frustration and anxiety in my (inexperienced) conclusion.
Despite the the number of times I've been bitten by these dogs I can completely see where this comes from but I have never felt they were trying to kill me for no reason.
Again it's all about the owner and if drug dealing scumbags are allowed to use any breed/type of dog with the obvious physical capabilities to enforce their perceived legitimacy than banning specific breeds or types will not solve the problem as they will just find another weapon or breed.



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7 March 2011
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My boss from aeons ago when I worked in a boarding kennels said the only thing that will stop a really determined attack is to grab its b*lls and twist, apparently the pain is so intense the animal will pass out. She claimed she'd done this once when as a vet nurse a bull type had attacked a vet. I have no idea if this is true but it would be interesting to know if any bitches have been involved in any of these attacks.

Errin Paddywack

Well-Known Member
20 June 2019
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A friend of mine at our dog club used to be a military dog handler. He worked with free running guard dogs, they would be between inner and outer security fences. Those dogs didn't retire, they were PTS at the end of their time as just not safe in a pet home. Some of these XL bullys are equally if not more dangerous.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
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My boss from aeons ago when I worked in a boarding kennels said the only thing that will stop a really determined attack is to grab its b*lls and twist, apparently the pain is so intense the animal will pass out. She claimed she'd done this once when as a vet nurse a bull type had attacked a vet. I have no idea if this is true but it would be interesting to know if any bitches have been involved in any of these attacks.

Or they could just snap round and get you instead, it's not worth the risk IMO.