Another fatal dog attack


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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I was perusing faceache earlier looking for something else Gundog related and happened upon one of those articles about the XL Bullie law coming soon or not as the case may be as everthing has gone quiet on that front....there were people moaning that people cross the road to avoid their XL and how their poor furbaby is getting a complex (rather thn space so everyone can be comfortable) and one particular moron stated that "if someone crosses to avoid me I cross with them and will keep doing so until I force their dog to meet mine" with that level of stupid what chance do the rest of us have??


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
In My Head
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I was perusing faceache earlier looking for something else Gundog related and happened upon one of those articles about the XL Bullie law coming soon or not as the case may be as everthing has gone quiet on that front....there were people moaning that people cross the road to avoid their XL and how their poor furbaby is getting a complex (rather thn space so everyone can be comfortable) and one particular moron stated that "if someone crosses to avoid me I cross with them and will keep doing so until I force their dog to meet mine" with that level of stupid what chance do the rest of us have??
Ew. Creepy. If you take the dogs out of the equation, imagine saying you'd pursue someone you knew was scared of you.

Before all the XLB stuff really kicked off, a man fully shouted at me in a park because I swerved his oversized staffy looking dog. Like yeah that will definitely put me at ease next time 🙄


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29 January 2008
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Until these irresponsible owners are given proper prison sentences and charged with GBH/murder/endangering the public (if it is a dog on dog attack) it will continue. I get more worried every week about this. Last week I saw my second XLB in our area. I was driving down Chobham high street when a huge XLB was walking off lead with a slender middle aged woman. I could not believe my eyes. There was a lot of traffic so I was only doing abut 10mph so I got a good look.


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29 January 2008
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11 February 2018
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10 April 2012
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Related news further down the page of other dog attacks. These attacks are in just one county alone in September and October
ITV have a section devoted to dog attacks


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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It’s about time there was a crackdown on all breeders. You only have to look at pets4homes, preloved, freeads etc to see hundreds of puppies of questionable breeding being sold . Not necessarily XL bully but all sorts of odd crosses being sold for a lot of money. Wonder how many of them are declaring their income or are continually breeding bitches too many times and keeping them in poor conditions . It should be pretty easy to go through those ads and find them. While these puppies are being bred there will be someone who buys them, and the worrying thing is that quite a few of the attacks have been in the home


Well-Known Member
1 April 2018
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Related news further down the page of other dog attacks. These attacks are in just one county alone in September and October
ITV have a section devoted to dog attacks

This also appears to be an assortment of breeds, then we have the recent Labrador bite incident that was just posted. While the XL Bully is surely a problem that needs to be dealt with, once again, the problem is much bigger. The ban may help in some instances, but we'll still be seeing far too many articles like these. The UK is apparently rampant with idiot dog owners. That's special.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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This also appears to be an assortment of breeds, then we have the recent Labrador bite incident that was just posted. While the XL Bully is surely a problem that needs to be dealt with, once again, the problem is much bigger. The ban may help in some instances, but we'll still be seeing far too many articles like these. The UK is apparently rampant with idiot dog owners. That's special.

There is a massive problem with dogs in general and for a combination of reasons IMO - a surge in popularity, treating dogs like babies, discipline now being frowned upon and entitlement and total lack of responsibility and understanding of the law. It would help massively if the general public were actually made aware of laws applying to dogs (public information ads on the TV would be a good start) and if current dog laws were actually enforced and penalties increased. Allowing your dog to bother other people, other dogs and other animals is antisocial behaviour and it should be cracked down upon because it has now escalated to the point of people actually losing their lives.
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Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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The staff in one of those reports who attacked the onlead dog with it's owner who had a young toddler with her as it passed their property was returned. The owner told to keep it under control. "restorative justice"? - lazy policing more like it. I'm sorry but the dog would not let go of the on lead dog and the owner had trouble keeping hold of it. He obviously doesn't keep it under control so how many times must this dog charge out of it's property to attack and maim before it is siezed and euthanised? Do the police really not understand the potential fatality to small humans this dog could have caused? I cannot get my head round any of this.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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Well I decided to take a short cut through the park today and as there are children about I kept my 3 on lead so there was no chance of them getting close to children. Why do I bother when 2 young children came running up to mine from behind shrieking and waving their arms about . They were so close I could have reached out and grabbed them . Parents oblivious until I suggested they keep their children away from any dogs as not all are as friendly as mine. This is half of the problem , kids can’t be expected to know what is the best way to behave round dogs so the parents must educate them and keep their children under close supervision . It wouldn’t have been my fault if one of mine had bitten a child yet I would be deemed responsible even though I had dogs on short leads and was on the side of the path which is about 10 feet wide so plenty of room for anyone to pass safely. We need TV ads to explain in very basic language how to keep your children safe!!!!!


Well-Known Member
2 June 2010
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Something needs to change with dog ownership in general. I'm so thankful I have my own land so can exercise at home if need be. I'm not sure what the answer is though but responsible breeding would be a start and only pet breeds going into pet homes and having to pass some sort of test and have a licence if you want a guarding breed but not sure that could ever be policed.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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Something needs to change with dog ownership in general. I'm so thankful I have my own land so can exercise at home if need be. I'm not sure what the answer is though but responsible breeding would be a start and only pet breeds going into pet homes and having to pass some sort of test and have a licence if you want a guarding breed but not sure that could ever be policed.

I think some sort of test for ALL dogs would be good as although other breeds can’t do so much damage as a bull breed even a jack russell could kill a baby and there are so many stupid people allowing dogs to be alone with a baby , it’s scarey how they don’t see the danger


Well-Known Member
2 June 2010
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I think some sort of test for ALL dogs would be good as although other breeds can’t do so much damage as a bull breed even a jack russell could kill a baby and there are so many stupid people allowing dogs to be alone with a baby , it’s scarey how they don’t see the danger
Very true I wouldn't trust any dog alone with a child and mine are soppy as anything and love children but no way would I leave them unsupervised ever and will shut them away once they've said hello when we have visiting small children.


Have Marmite, will travel
12 November 2017
South Oxfordshire
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Just came across this short of a very restrained sea lion which presumably had been minding its own business
That child was very, very lucky.
There are signs on many beaches of this island warning tourists not to go near the sea lions because they can bite. One German woman thought she knew better and ended up with a leg wound so bad she had to be flown to a hospital in Athens for surgery and weeks of aftercare because it wouldn’t heal.