Anyone else want to shed some lbs?


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15 October 2015
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Start at Slimming World tonight and also going swimming for the first time and I'm terrified!

My main fear, apart from showing my thighs off in public, is that I'm going to get stuck in the pool and they'll have to drain it to get me out, or they will get the hoist and it will be like a scene from "Free Willy". This might seem unlikely but I only have the use of one of my arms to haul my bulk out of the water up those tiny steps....................oh God! The steps could fall off the pool wall.........

There's just too many awful possibilities. Someone tell me it will be alright.......

Also, LOL Wimbles! Bless you, it'll be fine. You just need to take the plunge ;)


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20 December 2007
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I took the plunge and actually really enjoyed it and cannot wait to go again.

The Free Willy hoist wasn't needed to rescue me and I managed to do 15 lengths swimming properly with my dodgy arm and then continued using a float.

Also booked a gym induction for Saturday :)

Edited to add; I did have one comedy moment though. I accidentally walked into the Men's changing rooms and got a series of eyefuls! "oh hello boys! Sorry about this", whilst my friend tried hard not to die of shame.
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Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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"accidentally" ;)

In all seriousness, well done! Glad it went well for you, the first time doing anything fitness-related is the worst but once that's out the way you feel so much better for doing it. Keep it up!

I saw my physio yesterday who did various tests and said he's really pleased with my core strength improvements and has given me a ton more exercises to do, along with Pilates, running and riding... So that should keep me busy for a while...

Biglets Mummy

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15 October 2012
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Massive well done to everyone for starting the weight loss - Just had to chip in with my news - Been a saint since Jan the 1st - no wine ( sobs quietly into a mineral water ) eating a "clean" diet ish with no processed food - lots of fish,chicken and veg,salads etc which to be honest I have really enjoyed. Im sleeping better and feel brighter as well but heres the shocker....I have suffered with high BP for 2 years after a period of massive stress seemed to trigger something and off it went. At times its been very high and I have been really worried.I stopped medication 3 months ago as I just couldn't stand the side effects and have been very closely monitored by my fantastic nurse. Ive been this morning and since my last visit on December 9th when my BP was 166/125 it has gone down to 123/72 !!! I am over the moon and my nurse is ecstatic !! Its given me the real push to keep goign - I haven't lost any weight yet but if its improved my BP like this I am hoping it is all going to start moving shortly. Keep going all - its going to be worth it !!!


Well-Known Member
20 December 2007
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"accidentally" ;)

In all seriousness, well done! Glad it went well for you, the first time doing anything fitness-related is the worst but once that's out the way you feel so much better for doing it. Keep it up!

I saw my physio yesterday who did various tests and said he's really pleased with my core strength improvements and has given me a ton more exercises to do, along with Pilates, running and riding... So that should keep me busy for a while...

Believe me there was nothing worth seeing!!!!

It took a lot for me to go but I'm so glad that I did.

Good work! My core is rubbish at present although I think my physio will be shocked when I tell him how much I was able to do!!


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28 June 2012
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I've cut out a load of junk I used to eat, have taken up swimming and the gym along with riding 4 horses, so far only lost a couple of pounds but feel better already, I'm hoping the weight will start to drop off in the next few weeks!


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28 May 2015
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I have given up on loosing weight until my exams are over! And then I will have the time to do everything properly and start running again. Hoping I won't put too much on as I do tend to stress eat


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Goodness Biglets Mummy that is a MASSIVE change, fantastic!

I agree, that is the best news. Well done with the swimming too Wimbles. Sorry to hear you have been unwell AA, tht seems unfair to not eat and to not lose weight too. :(

For me the week has not been best. I hurt my groin in October, it had been getting better but last week the Pilates room was too cold and I pulled it again. It was only grumbling until I did the Duathlon, but the day after it was very sore, to limping again. So, no Parkrun this weekend as I took it easier the first part of the week. Still managed 3 swims, 3 home Pilates sessions, once to the gym and a 40 minute bike ride, but that is less than I hoped.

However I also have not done 100% well on the eating front. This week had wine 3 times, gin once and a whisky just to taste it. Also we have not finished the Xmas chocolate so I have had a bit of that too :eek: Daily ;)

All in all, I did exercise some, but ate some bad things, and overall am exactly the same weight! I do feel fitter though.


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24 October 2011
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I have put my sleepless wheezing self to good use overnight and found a facebook page with fabulous slimming world friendly recipes.

Pinch Of Nom

There is also a website called Two Chubby Cubs, you do need to be broad minded for the twochubbycubs website page, it is the weight loss journey of two gay men who write in the most hilarious way. Their recipes and methods are also slimming world friendly.

After husband had done 5 horses yesterday morning he was sent to Tesco with simple instructions. Fresh fruit, veg. Restock fridge with fresh food please. The good news is I must be getting better because I have the urge to investigate the fridge, the bad news is - a packet of precooked giant sausage rolls, fresh donuts and a massive slab of cheddar. No salads yoghurts etc. But there is a melon, which I am tucking into now at 5am ! Husband is on the motorway now and about to get another shopping list.


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3 January 2008
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mee tooo!! I have had loads of surgery last year and now feeling fit and well but have put on two stone :( so need to shift it. On a controlled diet at the moment lost 5lbs in the first 5 days hoping i can shift the first stone without having to do tooo much exercise and I am still sporting 5 stitches in my back


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28 May 2015
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TheOldTrout uni exams unfortunately! One down and 7 more to go... Trying to keep revision snacks healthy but its not always working as I am so stressed! Can't wait until they are over and then I will get on track with the healthy eating


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11 May 2015
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No idea if I have shed any weight but have been doing this 30 day fitness app for 9 days now and already my legs are getting slimmer. Not hugely so but it's better. My mum commented tonight that my posture when riding is getting better too so all of those press ups and planks are working. :)

Did my cardio tonight on the horse. Counting that because several times I had to stop to breathe again as I couldn't. But we were working hard and even he did well despite the pigeons flying around all the time and sometimes flying at him. Poor lad lol.


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20 December 2007
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OMG! Had my first go at Aqua Fit last night! My first issue was forgetting my contact lenses so had to go with my big plastic geek glasses.

Went thinking that it would be a nice, sedate work out............WRONG!!! It was frenetic with lots of moves that I was way too poorly co-ordinated to achieve so I just floundered around like a drowning hippo for those bits. It obviously did me some good though 'cause I'm aching like hell this morning.

First weight in tomorrow evening, really hoping that I've lost something as I've been so good.


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10 December 2008
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I managed to lose 5 1/2 lbs last week - my first week doing slimming world. Really didn't think I'd have lost any as I felt like I was eating even more than I was before I started so was very pleasantly surprised. Ruined it all with a uni reunion at the weekend that was basically just eating, drinking, sleeping, x3 but am back on it this week, I'll be happy with putting on a pound or two this week I think! I was going to leave it until after the reunion to start so at least that week before means i'll hopefully still be under where I started from!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I managed to lose 5 1/2 lbs last week - my first week doing slimming world. Really didn't think I'd have lost any as I felt like I was eating even more than I was before I started so was very pleasantly surprised. Ruined it all with a uni reunion at the weekend that was basically just eating, drinking, sleeping, x3 but am back on it this week, I'll be happy with putting on a pound or two this week I think! I was going to leave it until after the reunion to start so at least that week before means i'll hopefully still be under where I started from!

I joined SW on 30th Nov and managed to dump 1st 3lb by xmas and then put 3 back on over the holiday. I like the SW theory and the books are good, it is more lifestyle/cooking methods change than a diet. I did their take on vegetable lasagna last night, bit of a faff and obviously took longer that merely chucking a ready made one in the oven but, and it is a big but, the difference in calories was massive and it was really nice.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Weight in tonight, not feeling hopeful although I have been good. Only lost 1.5lb in the first week. What should I do if I have another crap week?

It isn't crap though is it ? dump it slowly and it won't come back. Any loss is still a loss, better health and a step in the right direction. Please don't think I am a skinny bint, the only horses I can ride are heavyweight cobs or hunters.


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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It isn't crap though is it ? dump it slowly and it won't come back. Any loss is still a loss, better health and a step in the right direction. Please don't think I am a skinny bint, the only horses I can ride are heavyweight cobs or hunters.

Absolutely! 1.5 lb a week is a good steady weight loss. And it'll get easier as you keep going.