Anyone seen swelling like this?

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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Back around 1970, my friend's late twenties PB arab got stuck in a stream. He was there for a significant length of time before fire brigade got him out. All 4 of his legs swelled up and the skin and hair came off leaving huge scabs. When he was getting better his owner went a way for a couple of days and I had the job of putting cream on his legs every day. He was a real mess poor lad but made a full recovery. I have no idea if that was cellulitis or not but it wasn't nice.

I am in awe of the dedication you and your dad have shown in getting Vinnie well again and am keeping everything crossed that you succeed.


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7 September 2011
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Late to this but so sorry you are going through’s so tough for you all.I had a horse brought in to me as had really badly cut and taken a lot of skin off half his leg below the knee. Once the leg is in a position to have something else on....give Manuka Honey a go.Literally everything had been tried on this horses leg and it was disgusting.Firstly it was applied with some cling film and then bandaged, then was applied and left open....took about 5 weeks to totally clear but it was amazing.Even the vet couldn’t believe it as he honestly thought the horse would be put down due to the leg not healing.He was a Chestnut Thoroughbred,retired.Good luck.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2013
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That is a grim looking leg - poor Vinnie! But isn't your dad such a superstar - he looks like the 4th emergency service out there in all weathers :)

Bloody impressed by the whole team - you, your dad, the vet and Vinne - for sheer determination. I hope he really has turned a corner now. I've only dealt with cellulitis once - thankfully no where near as bad as poor Vinnie.

Wishing you some nice warm dry weather and s speedy recovery for Vinnie.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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That looks better TPO! It does take a while with that kind of swelling and serum to come down, but it looks as if Vinnie is heading the right way. Keep on doing what you're doing! xx
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13 May 2011
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Just discovered this thread, what a horrible experience TPO! Did you get anywhere with Trinity? My old horse is on L94 at the moment for a "kickstart" and has previously had his life saved I think by L94 when he was more or less tied up and bunged up internally due to some mystery virus. He went from only 2/3 poos in 24 hrs for weeks on end as I recall, right up to 12 and stayed there ever since. I would highly recommend them and their products.
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19 May 2009
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Keep going, they say the darkest hours are just for the dawn.

Go team Vinny - you will need to get a t-shirt with Team Vinny 2021 Cellulitis Recovery Tour on the back with your key dates.
Antibiotics and the date
Steroids and the date
Had walking from x to y

you never know the vets practice may sponsor it


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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I have been almost too nervous to check in on him but that photo looks very encouraging to me. Your dedication is beyond what I think I might be able to muster up, given the dreadful time of year and doubly freezing to usual temperatures.

I second the manuka honey (and I'd probably give him some on sandwiches, too) if he gets to the non-prescription meds stage and still needs a bit of help with healing or barrier type cream.

Bloody well done 'Team Vinnie'! *cheers like mad*


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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Aww thanks everyone ?

My dad talks to anyone and hes been telling the neighbours about Vinnie (i.e. stands talking to them at the end of the road with rope wrapped around his hand (he wont take a telling and its been decades of trying) while Vinnie burls about like the impatient eejit that he is) and his walking duties.

Today a neighbour, with an even smaller tractor than dad's, came with a wee snow plough to clear a path for Vinnie (dad had already been out in his car to get shopping for said older neighbour so it wasnt to allow him to get out). Hes a local celebrity...the eejit who takes his horse for a walk in the middle of the night in all weathers!


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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Aww thanks everyone ?

My dad talks to anyone and hes been telling the neighbours about Vinnie (i.e. stands talking to them at the end of the road with rope wrapped around his hand (he wont take a telling and its been decades of trying) while Vinnie burls about like the impatient eejit that he is) and his walking duties.

Today a neighbour, with an even smaller tractor than dad's, came with a wee snow plough to clear a path for Vinnie (dad had already been out in his car to get shopping for said older neighbour so it wasnt to allow him to get out). Hes a local celebrity...the eejit who takes his horse for a walk in the middle of the night in all weathers!

That is so wonderful...



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3 April 2020
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This is a superhuman effort from all involved I have fingers and toes crossed that you and your Dads perseverance pays off. Certainly looks like your heading in the right direction. I don't know if you ever look at Prince Fluffy Kareem site but they used the sleeve of an old jacket held up with what looked like vetwrap to pull over a horses leg to prevent flies. Maybe something that would protect from the rain/mud when walking out (I am assuming we are getting a straight swap of mud/rain for frozen ground and snow).
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Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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So theres a hole at the back of his pastern that is pus rather than serum. My dad has stuck his finger in it (??) and it's quite deep. Vinniendoesnt seem bothered about it being touched, cleaned, dried or poked.

Vet was back from holidays today so left an update at reception for him so he called back. Having left an update that swelling was down and could feel tendons his leg was back swollen (no tendon) and really hot at lunch time.

My vet called me and asked for photos, specifically of hole, and video of him walking.

V has now gotten really sticky to walk. Nothing to do with cellulitis; he is just over it (don't blame him), he's bruised his toes with wear and the weather.

He has hoof boots and I did think this movement all of a sudden, when he hadnt done anything for months, would have a detrimental effect. Initially he was walking around a grass paddock so that was ok and then it was mainly on a muddy verge but now its snow. I couldn't get boots on his fronts because I coulsnt get a foot up with how sore he was behind.

So today was the first day with boots. Fine in theory but he needs socks on to stop rubs. Dad cant put hoof boots on pr off never mind socks and I physically cant be there because of work. I'm sneaking out as much as I can but it's not really manageable for more than 3-4 walks a day. Also quickly going through soaking socks!

The snow has been pretty bad out here and it is so cold (it was saying-11/12 for last night?). When the snow was falling an East wind was blowing it right through the ventilated shed panels ??‍♀️ so in the morning Vinnie was standing in snow and the bed was ruined. Hes in a big corner stable and was deep bedded to the door since his cellutlis so that's a lot of bedding.

Poor fat cob was made to swap stables but thankfully the snow and wind has died down. I'm dreading it all melting and flooding everything again but that's a worry for another day.

So yeah, vet said location of the hole is next to DDFT sheath. If the infection has eaten into that then its game over. Hes out tomorrow to do a thorough check and clean up of the area.

I'm hopeful that isnt the case because Vinnie has been on antibiotics from the start. Surely that would stop something like that happening?

It is possible that because the skin has thickened with the infection that the hole looks deeper than it actually is because of the almost proud flesh. So that's the theory I'm going with.

As he is also an eejit TB he wont stay in his stable on his own (grilled internal stables) unless I ACP him. If I do that walking him is even harder so we have only used ACP once.

This means the other two are only getting out for half hour at lunch time (I get 45mins and have to prep V for walk, dad walks him, I try to do 3 stables/water/hay, dry V off and return all 3 to stable in that time) and when I finish work they get chucked out again while the same routine happens. They have been really good but neither are really indoor horses and they much prefer being out in almost all weathers.

So yeah, just a bit over it all.

Also nice neighbours gesture of clearing the road just compacted it into an ice rink so now forced to wade through deep snow up and down the track. Why is nothing ever simple?!


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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:( don't really know what to say but didn't want to read and run.
You sound remarkably calm and positive about it, but I guess you're probably not (unless you are a seriously zen sort). I know the snow in the bed would have been what pushed me over the edge.

Don't worry about the other horses though, they'll survive. At least they're not stuck in with beautiful weather out. Fingers crossed vet can help tomorrow.