Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
Your pain is palpable, TPO. I wish there was something the might of HHO could do
Thanks for the replies and well wishes. I do really appreciate them
I will talk to my vet about it when I next speak with him. Aside from my anger I just can't believe that a vet would do that. I'd never met her before and she didnt ask permission or even say anything until she was in his mouth pulling on the tooth.
I have messaged my EDT just looking for some guidance. My thoughts are that removing the tooth would cause issues and I guess just looking for confirmation of that.
As much as I appreciate all the positive thoughts I think we all know that this story is not going to have a happy ending.
It's almost week 4 and steroids end then. He's had 3 wks of intensive care and it hasn't been enough to fix him. I just dont know what to do.
I feel so guilty seeing him and I just dont know if I have it in me for another 2wks knowing that it will ultimately be in vain. On the other hand I want to give him every possible chance. Just really upset right now, sorry
My lovely EDT has kindly called me to discuss.
He confirmed my thoughts. It's a baby tooth that was never shed.
Fair enough removing it in a youngster as the gap will close but not in an adult horse. It's always been solid (still is but now the gum has a wee bruise) not loose as she claimed. I am in his mouth four times a day administering drugs and always look at his silly wee tooth.
To remove it now would also disrupt his wear pattern and the lower teeth would grow up into the gap.
Also horse has 2wks deadline, wtf was she even doing even looking in his mouth (or palpating his back)?
So angry!
I am worried about doing the whole "she's never to attend my horses" and then there's an emergency when she is the on call vet ?
A vet badly misdiagnosed Minto and literally almost killed him. She said it was his arthritis and suggested acupuncture, I queried laminitis, was told very dismissively of course it wasn’t as he wasn’t the type. And to turn him out 24/7. 2 days later I called “my” vet to come and pts as his “arthritis “ had deteriorated to such and extent. “My” vet immediately diagnosed laminitis and I was lucky he pulled through. But of course the long term damage was done and could have been prevented. I didn’t put in a proper complaint but did raise the issue and said that veg would not be welcome again and if she was on call in emergency they would have to call someone else in or I would use a different practise.
She then appeared at work and did an equally rubbish job, boss complained and she “moved on” pretty soon after.
I heard that story from someone else, who lived in auchterarder, about a (small blonde female) vet who was covering at a local practice doing this exact thing? Crazy if its you and shocking that it happened.
What a ‘not’ great day (understatement) ?
When you speak to your vet tell him how furious and upset you were (are) about this other vets actions.
But what I will say is that some vets do love getting their hands on a problem and looking at the whole horse (when it’s obvious what they’re there to treat). I used to have a vet like that. Real old school guy who liked nothing more than giving an animal a good going over and discussing what was in front of him. Of course he’d never have attempted a procedure like your vet did today. But every animal was a learning experience....
Of course, we’d all be furious about the mouth incident, and rightly so xx
I think there would be a number of us doing the same!Sending all possible healing vibes. If you weren't at the opposite end of the country I'd muscle in and give you all a few days off from the grind x
Would/has manuka honey been mentionned? Is it a possibility?
? your dad
Sounds like my OH. Back when Arts was tricky to rug OH used to tell her that he would give her a treat if she was good. I did try explaining that this probably worked because it made him act more confident, but no, he was (and is to this day), absolutely certain that the promise of a hay cob made her refrain from kicking his head in.