Anyone seen swelling like this?


Well-Known Member
26 November 2018
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Oh crikey @TPO - I can't believe how much you are having thrown at you these last few weeks. :(

Sending you healing vibes, hugs and everything else with bells on for an improvement soon. X


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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My gosh what a time of it you’re having, one thing after another. Hopefully the hole is nothing serious. You must be mentally and emotionally worn out x
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6 April 2009
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Really hoping for positive news from the vet today. It has to have been the worst possible time of year for this to have happened.

Echo what the others have said. Don't worry about the other horses, they'll be fine and the weather is rubbish out there so there could be worse times for them to be in.
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Well-Known Member
8 April 2007
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Fingers crossed for a positive outcome from vets visit today. You are giving this horse the best chance with everything you've been doing over the last few weeks.
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Well-Known Member
23 October 2011
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You are doing an incredible job in an awful situation. Fingers tightly crossed for the vet visit. We look set for a thaw on Sunday. Hopefully that will make it a little less awful.

Might something like hoof armour help with the sore feet without having to worry about Hoof Boots? I haven't used it - but a lot speak of it positively.


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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This has been such a long and difficult journey but the pics do suggest that he's turned a corner. I was lucky in that although it was January when my horse was so poorly the weather was kinder. I hope the vet can reassure you about the "hole". I know I keep saying this but pain relief is absolutely key to keeping the horse moving. Also pleased he's on steroids, fortunately we didn't have to use them with mine as he showed an improvement very quickly but tbh it was a close thing we discussed it on the first day he was ill and only held back because the horse had PPID. He can come back from this, once mine turned a corner it was slow but steady progress. You are doing a fab job with him.


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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Didnt get off to a great start when the vet phoned to say he was getting another vet to meet him there as two person job. That got me worried!

Long story short doesnt think the sheath is infected as V is too comfortable.

Long story long: The hole is where a tap would normally be done and he had a load more scabs around the fetlock where it could also be done. So you dont want to do a tap where there are open wounds.

The other entry options are in the cannon but V is still quite swollen so not easy there either and some technical vet talk that I think meant it wouldnt get an accurate sample.

The risk seems fairly high of introducing an infection by doing the tap and obviously no one wants that. So the decision was made to leave it be and thoughts are that the hole looks deeper because of the thickening skin.

However despite the leg looking better than last week we are almost at the end of week 3, week 4 starts monday.

With the drugs hes had and how normal cases present they are normally recovered, or well on the road to recovery, in 3 days.

So the vet has put a deadline on it. He has another two weeks or its a different conversation... he did say that if sufficient improvement is made he would possibly allow an extra week but that 3wks is it.

My vet spoke with the vet who actually did the surgery on my last horse. He works freelance/referral but also does a racing yard. He told my vet that he gets 2 or 3 cases a year like this (feels with a lot of cases) and they just dont heal. It is starting to sound like V might be one of those...

Until then keep on as we have been. Steroids run out on Wednesday and Thatll be that but hes to keep on with bute and antibiotics as well as steroid cream twice daily.

He also asked about a claim form because he had been expecting to see one given how substantial the bill is (?). The bill has fairly racked up to put it mildly and no, hes not insured. There goes the arena money the olds had allocated!

So yeah that's that...

On a different topic I am boiling mad about something and probably shouldn't even be posting about it but the rage is actually burning in me. I am generally far too lazy to have such extreme feelings!

So vet 2 held doped V while I went to back leg to speak with my vet. I saw her fiddling about in his mouth but I just thought she was maybe doing capillary test or summat. Didnt think on it to be honest because there were more pressing matters at hand.

So we were chatting etc and then we swapped places and she went back over leg stuff with my vet. I cant remember the exact sequence of events but I think she went back to the vehicles to get more stuff.

Next thing she is back in V mouth talking about him having a cap that needs removed and is so loose. I'll try and get a picture but he does have a firmly in place cap at the front of his mouth, he sees an excellent EDT every 6mths and hes never had any dental issues. He is also 14.

I dont know the proper name but she had a pair of like mini pliers and started hoiking at this tooth. My vet stopped her and said to leave it (dont know where my tongue was) and asked me what my EDT had said.

I honestly don't know because V is mums horse but my EDT is excellent and I have all of his records. I'm sure he'll have noted it on each visit since we got V but as its never been a thing I fully admit to never having given his mouth/tooth a second thought.

I've worked myself up so much that i am shaking with rage. Its probably partly displaced worry about V but still.

She had no right being in his mouth in the first place never mind taking it into her own hands without permission to pull a tooth. Then when she was stopped saying "poor boy that'll be ...(cant remember exact work but either awful or uncomfortable) as if I dont already do fecking everything in my power to provide the very best for all the horses.

If they are going to shoot him in 2wks I dont really think a 14yr old tooth matters or needs unnecessarily added to the flipping vet bill!!

On top of that while she was standing alongside him she was palpating his back. He has no topline (wasnt in work) and has dropped a tonne due to this. He is slowly putting it back on with 4 feeds a day. Hes clearly lame and compensating with his movement... I dont understand why anyone would be palpating his back never mind while he was heavily sedated and had his foot up for inspection.

I dont want to complain or rock any boats because I cannot press enough how amazing my vet is and how brilliant he, the other partner and the office staff have been. Not just through this episode but we have had everything from colic, to fracture skull needing bone removed, my last horse who was an undiagnosable walking vet bill and everything in between. I dont want them to sack me!

Am I reacting badly/wrongly? I really feel aggrieved by her actions

But yeah I am so angry...oh pants, I've just angry cried a contact lens out ?
Last edited:


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I would have been livid too. In fact I would calm down and then email the practice manager to ask them *never* to send that particular vet to my yard again. In the email I would stress how grateful I am for the work done by her colleagues in the past and currently, expressing that they have gone above and beyond but that you felt that her approach was unprofessional and reflected badly on the practice and you certainly didn't appreciate her attempt to remove a tooth without discussion.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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Have a bloody big hug!

With all the hard work and dedication you and your dad have shown, you SO deserve Vinnie to heal and get better. Their is still time so let's all hope and pray. Come on Vinnie!

Vet no.2 was an insensitive oik. I can well imagine that knowing how hard you've been working and all the hand walking and everything you've been doing, to have someone insinuate that you aren't doing your best for him...Well I'd have been raging too.

I do hope your vet had a little word with her afterwards!


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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I think I might not have been able to control my rage... but also the shock of watching someone do something like that is paralysing so I don't know. I would definitely email a complaint through. Got no business messing with a seriously ill horse's mouth and back. FFS.

I'm so sorry that it's not looking better but will be hoping and praying for Vinnie to pull through after all your hardworking heartbreaking efforts. X


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Sorry there wasn't any better news to be had today. Fingers crossed his recovery continues x

Vet 2 sounds like a knob. I don't know what I would do to be honest...if it wasn't such a pants situation already then I would email/call and speak to someone about her. But if I had going on what you do right now I would probably leave it for the time being because dealing with the emotional ickiness of complaining about someone at the same time would just be too much.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Vet 2 is an insensitive, interfering sod. I am sure your vet has already told her she was out of order. You have every right to be furious. As to what to do about it: Use your wise mind. What would make you feel better? Or less bad? You have every right to complain but that does not mean that's best for you. Some people would feel better for complaining and others worse.

I am so sorry you did not get better news but glad it was not the catastrophic news it could have been. Keeping everything firnly crossed for Vinnie.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2001
Hants, England
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Oh goodness, the last thing you needed today. It sounds like your vet wasn’t happy either, but kept it professional at the time. If it were me I probably wouldn’t say anything now, but would thank your vet for stopping her when you next speak and say something along the lines of “I’m sure it goes without saying that she won’t be welcome near my horses again”. Your vet was probably quite embarrassed at her behaviour, or one would hope so.

Keeping everything crossed that he starts healing soon. I think two weeks is kind of positive. If there was no hope he would be throwing in the towel before that I’d have thought.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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Didnt get off to a great start when the vet phoned to say he was getting another vet to meet him there as two person job. That got me worried!

Long story short doesnt think the sheath is infected as V is too comfortable.

Long story long: The hole is where a tap would normally be done and he had a load more scabs around the fetlock where it could also be done. So you dont want to do a tap where there are open wounds.

The other entry options are in the cannon but V is still quite swollen so not easy there either and some technical vet talk that I think meant it wouldnt get an accurate sample.

The risk seems fairly high of introducing an infection by doing the tap and obviously no one wants that. So the decision was made to leave it be and thoughts are that the hole looks deeper because of the thickening skin.

However despite the leg looking better than last week we are almost at the end of week 3, week 4 starts monday.

With the drugs hes had and how normal cases present they are normally recovered, or well on the road to recovery, in 3 days.

So the vet has put a deadline on it. He has another two weeks or its a different conversation... he did say that if sufficient improvement is made he would possibly allow an extra week but that 3wks is it.

My vet spoke with the vet who actually did the surgery on my last horse. He works freelance/referral but also does a racing yard. He told my vet that he gets 2 or 3 cases a year like this (feels with a lot of cases) and they just dont heal. It is starting to sound like V might be one of those...

Until then keep on as we have been. Steroids run out on Wednesday and Thatll be that but hes to keep on with bute and antibiotics as well as steroid cream twice daily.

He also asked about a claim form because he had been expecting to see one given how substantial the bill is (?). The bill has fairly racked up to put it mildly and no, hes not insured. There goes the arena money the olds had allocated!

So yeah that's that...

On a different topic I am boiling mad about something and probably shouldn't even be posting about it but the rage is actually burning in me. I am generally far too lazy to have such extreme feelings!

So vet 2 held doped V while I went to back leg to speak with my vet. I saw her fiddling about in his mouth but I just thought she was maybe doing capillary test or summat. Didnt think on it to be honest because there were more pressing matters at hand.

So we were chatting etc and then we swapped places and she went back over leg stuff with my vet. I cant remember the exact sequence of events but I think she went back to the vehicles to get more stuff.

Next thing she is back in V mouth talking about him having a cap that needs removed and is so loose. I'll try and get a picture but he does have a firmly in place cap at the front of his mouth, he sees an excellent EDT every 6mths and hes never had any dental issues. He is also 14.

I dont know the proper name but she had a pair of like mini pliers and started hoiking at this tooth. My vet stopped her and said to leave it (dont know where my tongue was) and asked me what my EDT had said.

I honestly don't know because V is mums horse but my EDT is excellent and I have all of his records. I'm sure he'll have noted it on each visit since we got V but as its never been a thing I fully admit to never having given his mouth/tooth a second thought.

I've worked myself up so much that i am shaking with rage. Its probably partly displaced worry about V but still.

She had no right being in his mouth in the first place never mind taking it into her own hands without permission to pull a tooth. Then when she was stopped saying "poor boy that'll be ...(cant remember exact work but either awful or uncomfortable) as if I dont already do fecking everything in my power to provide the very best for all the horses.

If they are going to shoot him in 2wks I dont really think a 14yr old tooth matters or needs unnecessarily added to the flipping vet bill!!

On top of that while she was standing alongside him she was palpating his back. He has no topline (wasnt in work) and has dropped a tonne due to this. He is slowly putting it back on with 4 feeds a day. Hes clearly lame and compensating with his movement... I dont understand why anyone would be palpating his back never mind while he was heavily sedated and had his foot up for inspection.

I dont want to complain or rock any boats because I cannot press enough how amazing my vet is and how brilliant he, the other partner and the office staff have been. Not just through this episode but we have had everything from colic, to fracture skull needing bone removed, my last horse who was an undiagnosable walking vet bill and everything in between. I dont want them to sack me!

Am I reacting badly/wrongly? I really feel aggrieved by her actions

But yeah I am so angry...oh pants, I've just angry cried a contact lens out ?

I don't actually know where to start with this...

More healing vibes for poor Vinnie. Once you set off down roads like this, it's madly difficult when to pull over and switch the engine off for good. My heart goes out to you.

Don't pay anything over attending fees - and I'd miff at those- for the 2nd opinion vet. Be a shitty practice that'd argue the toss, especially if this is a no-win situation.
I'm nearly crying, too.

Peregrine Falcon

Sunshine and warmer weather welcomed
1 July 2008
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Oh my goodness. I hope you have managed to breathe now. I'd be furious and certainly be contacting the practice. I would advise only paying for the treatment carried out by 1st vet.

I do hope that Vinnie starts healing up soon. You've certainly been put to the test this time.


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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Thanks for the replies and well wishes. I do really appreciate them

I will talk to my vet about it when I next speak with him. Aside from my anger I just can't believe that a vet would do that. I'd never met her before and she didnt ask permission or even say anything until she was in his mouth pulling on the tooth.

I have messaged my EDT just looking for some guidance. My thoughts are that removing the tooth would cause issues and I guess just looking for confirmation of that.

As much as I appreciate all the positive thoughts I think we all know that this story is not going to have a happy ending.

It's almost week 4 and steroids end then. He's had 3 wks of intensive care and it hasn't been enough to fix him. I just dont know what to do.

I feel so guilty seeing him and I just dont know if I have it in me for another 2wks knowing that it will ultimately be in vain. On the other hand I want to give him every possible chance. Just really upset right now, sorry