Boggle- USA bound!


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17 October 2016
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That is so awesome! And thanks for laying the lines :) I wish I could remember all the ones I've done.. Angelita, Carwash, The Pit, Dos Ojos, Dreamgate, Zapote, Taj Maha, Chac Mool, Ponderosa... I know there must be another 4 but I can't recall the names.

I should really keep a log book, haha.
Slight thread hi-jack which dive operator do use to dive the Cenotes with? They are on the list of dives I want to do. In October/November '23 did a holiday that we booked in 2018 to dive Komodo specifically to dive with Manta's which was due to happen in 2020 but thanks to Covid it got rolled over...... It was magical but very demanding as the currents were ripping and hanging onto a reef hook line for dear life was a new experience and one I was nervous about I must admit!!


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17 October 2016
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Not sure slightly wet dive boots were any better than flip flops and definitely getting some odd looks on the shuttle bus 🤣

-24 Celsius when landing in Denver. Though honestly not sure it feels much different to -10, though I’m definitely not standing out in it. Defrosting my car will be fun and hopefully windscreen still intact as it had two big chips/cracks..

Edited to add… no, -24 feels a lot colder 🤣 this is going to be a tense drive into the mountains!

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Whats not to like if your dive boots are like mine they always are slightly minging after a dive trip😂😉. Definitely better than flip flops though................


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22 January 2014
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Slight thread hi-jack which dive operator do use to dive the Cenotes with? They are on the list of dives I want to do. In October/November '23 did a holiday that we booked in 2018 to dive Komodo specifically to dive with Manta's which was due to happen in 2020 but thanks to Covid it got rolled over...... It was magical but very demanding as the currents were ripping and hanging onto a reef hook line for dear life was a new experience and one I was nervous about I must admit!!

I always go with Good Vibes, you only have to look at their 5 star reviews to see why. Omar for Cenotes or Alex for ocean. They are the best dive operator I've ever come across, anywhere!

I love the mantas in Komodo! But yes there is plenty of current there :) Have to say the reef mantas aren't a patch on the oceanic ones in Socorro, whole new level.


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22 January 2014
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Video evidence, the noise these two are making just cracks me up 🤣 Bog snorting, pig munching and grunting. A match made in heaven.

And Bog post having his teeth done (the vets here were horrified when I said he was fine without sedation- I guess because most dentists in the uk don’t sedate it’s more normal!?). His teeth weren’t too bad which is good as he was a few months overdue as he missed it when he had the ataxia, and we didn’t want to sedate him when he was wobbly.

He then got some acupuncture to reward being such a good boy! Something I never had done in England but he really loves it, I’ve never seen him relax so much. I didn’t know if anyone else having it done either, is it a “thing” in the UK? Still, I’d trade it for a really good physio which we don’t have here :(



riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
the sat-nav is wrong, go farther up the hill
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Michen, I bought my first pony as a foal in the ‘60’s. He was kept at a farm that had pigs, actually huge sows and piglets, in an old red brick sty. The horses always ‘honked’ when passing. The pigs undermined the wall and one day it collapsed. I arrived to find farmers trying to herd pigs and piglets meanwhile the all horses were grazing peacefully in the chaos. The sty was never rebuilt and the pigs were sold.
That pony is the only one I have owned that was 100% pig-safe.


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22 January 2014
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Michen, I bought my first pony as a foal in the ‘60’s. He was kept at a farm that had pigs, actually huge sows and piglets, in an old red brick sty. The horses always ‘honked’ when passing. The pigs undermined the wall and one day it collapsed. I arrived to find farmers trying to herd pigs and piglets meanwhile the all horses were grazing peacefully in the chaos. The sty was never rebuilt and the pigs were sold.
That pony is the only one I have owned that was 100% pig-safe.

Ha! That is awesome. I'm not sure Bog is at the point of being happy that the pig shares his stable run (and certainly not his stable, whereas his friend Taki literally sleeps with the pig).. but maybe one day :D


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1 April 2018
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I had a horse in the US when I was younger, and he loved acupuncture. My last horse seemed impartial to it. I haven't tried any bodywork professionals around here yet. Partially because I haven't come across a good one and partially because my horse seems fine/doesn't actually do anything with his life. I do want to give it a go with him though, and maybe I'll find someone at his new yard.


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22 January 2014
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I had a horse in the US when I was younger, and he loved acupuncture. My last horse seemed impartial to it. I haven't tried any bodywork professionals around here yet. Partially because I haven't come across a good one and partially because my horse seems fine/doesn't actually do anything with his life. I do want to give it a go with him though, and maybe I'll find someone at his new yard.

It's so hard, I don't really believe in chiro. PEMF is a big thing in Colorado at least, and ROLF- neither of which I am thrilled with either. A qualified physio doesn't exist it seems, really frustrating.

Plenty of taping, myofacial stuff but my UK physio really benefitted Bog and I've found nothing compares.


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1 April 2018
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PEMF is a thing here too. I've never really bought into it, but I've not given it a fair go either.

I do a few stretch and mobility things that I learned from an osteopath in Germany. I also use the Posture Prep brush thing.


Go away, I'm reading
18 December 2010
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Mine has had it, some vets in the UK have done the training. Two at my old practice did, though one was from the US and she was had the better training etc....according to my UK trained vet.

Though mine had to be sedated for it as he hated the feeling. But it did stop the muscle spasms.


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25 February 2016
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Proper snow! It's been a fair few years since we had proper snow in my part of the UK and the horses loved it. Lots of silly prancing and rolling about

My physio likes PEMF and has a machine. The Appy is hit and miss as to how she reacts so I'm on the fence. The Appy loves acupuncture though. The first time the vet proceeded with caution but the last two times the pins went in everywhere and she was zonked.


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22 January 2014
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Oh guys what a start to 2024. The most beautiful gift came in the post yesterday, posting now because I wanted to be able to put up a picture of 2/3 of us wearing it! I kind of just don't even know what to say that I haven't already it's just really, really touching .You all had so much faith that Bog would be ok enough and have a future to have this. The quality is beautiful and I really hope he can wear it on a trailer outing in the not too distant future. Pepper is also thrilled to be included even if she doesn’t look it here 🤣

I don't know who exactly to thank as part of this HHO gift, I pm'ed who I knew before but I'm truly sorry for those I have missed.

Thank you xxxx And for helping us survive 2023!!



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22 January 2014
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Improvement from Bog today, before he would back up 3 strides ish as a diagonal pair before going un coordinated. Now it’s consistent, didn’t ask for more than 6 as he was doing it perfectly.

It sound small but these little things count! I wish the snow would buzz off and the indoor was more usable (being resurfaced this year). He is looking a bit more like a horse out of work and I’m itching to get going and see what I have in terms of a rideable horse. I do see the occasional front leg “wobble”. But despite many antics he’s not made a single mistake that I’ve seen, galloping around in snow and on a hilly pasture.

Per my other thread he is being a bit awful to his pasture mate though. Doing a round of omeprazole incase and also swapping stalls so he’s no longer next to a mare (and now next to the stall where the pig sleeps 🤣).They also get a lot of treats in the pasture so those are now banned, we’ve been spoiling them!
