Boggle- USA bound!


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1 April 2018
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My horse is the same way. He will get into anything and go anywhere. It's cool, but irritating. On the plus side he stood at the back of my truck while I whipped out various blankets to try on him (to see what fits this year) on a very windy and cooler day. He also gave zero f*cks about a plastic bag waving around in his face.

His curiosity is annoying sometimes though 🤣 especially when you walk away for one second and suddenly a trash bin is being thrown down the aisle of the barn 🤔


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20 November 2008
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I’m unconvinced having watched his very active back and all morning. And front end. He’s.. agile.
Chip was the same. I've got video of him as a 2yr old chest hitting the ground as he stopped and span when "cutting" the tractor in the neighbouring field. I did think I would die! However there isn't a single bad bone in his body and he's always known (apart from once when I got gallus and fired myself on bareback and he had a "this feels weird" scared buck and I flew off 🤦🏼‍♀️) to keep his feet on the ground under saddle.

I'm certain Atlas will be the same 🥰

Caol Ila

Well-Known Member
23 January 2012
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Indeed. Hermosa was in a buzzy mood the other day, because I gave her a a day off work (I know!) so she felt on fire while I rode her bareback in a headcollar from the barn to the field. 'Caue, yeah, we do that. But she kept a lid on it. Once I'd turned her out, she galloped across the field and threw herself around in all sorts of interesting acrobatics and airs above the ground. I said, "I'm glad you've worked out how to hold that off until an appropriate moment because there are no words for how deeply unimpressed I would have been if you'd done that whilst riding you bareback, in a headcollar. No. words."


Demon exorcist...
17 July 2007
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Ok so the mane...
.clippers...get someone to hold his head bent a little downwards and just run even hand held clippers along it BUT the trick is to have them at a bitnof an angle so you don't get the chopped look.

Option 2
Take a few inches of mane upwards and snip into the ends. Bit like sticking layers into your own hair.

Option 3
Mane extentions?


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Atlas looks lovely and I am so pleased Boggle loves him. Also pleased that Boggle is doing so well at the moment. He looks great!

Thanks, I know his movement especially in trot looks weird/off. And I'm having a vet check him over in a few weeks just for routine. I genuinely think something in his neck has maybe fused given the elimination of the pain reaction I was sometimes seeing when he itched. I don't know. I'm just keeping an eye on his demeanor, rather than trying to look to hard at how he moves/compensates. So long as he's happy doing his ridiculous acrobatics and galloping around and being Bog and his eye is soft and cheeky then I figure he's doing good.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Today Atlas was purposely bought in whilst the others were out and asked to tie outside for five mins whilst I groomed etc. He was totally unbothered by this! Then he went to the beach (aka the pond) where he had to stand around a bit whilst I spoke to a neighbor, and watch pepper launching herself into the water.

He did test giving me a nip when he got impatient at me talking to said neighbour, but now understands that’s not how we roll here 🤣

We had a huge herd of deer spring out of no where then scale the steep bank which he just wanted to watch. No sharp reaction at all.
