Buddy has a home.

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31 December 2013
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So you know my name then! Actually, it wasn't. As I'm very good friends with Robin. It was you. As we had contacted the previous owner and had him sent back to them once we found out.

Don't put this on someone I have good contacts with thank you. I think you'll find she looks after her horses well. And all are sent to good homes. You on the other hand, are insane.

How do you know my name then?
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20 March 2007
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yeah right it was robin who got sent to nick for having slaves on her yard - and she was the one who had farah and sold her on...when I didnt sell her to her...so thats how well u know robin...robins horses are not in good condition I know someone who went and bought about 5 out of pity from her!!

So how have you got Farah now? As you have not owned her for 3 years like you have made out!

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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if anybody would like to come and meet me and see my yard and horse you are more than welcome. just to prove I am not some monster everyone is accusing me of..not that I give a damn about what others think.


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4 March 2008
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OK. Now I think it is looking more and more likely that this really is the same person who took a horse on permanent loan as a light hack due to long standing mild lameness, told the owner that the horse had been put down due to bad behaviour, sold the horse, which was very well bred, for alot of money to go affiliated show jumping (where he went lame of course) and then on this very forum, when the owner posted that she had spotted him on Facebook alive and being jumped, posted that he had only ever been lame because he had a bit of thrush.

Buddy's Mum if this is not you, then I apologise for thinking that it might be, but if your name is Jessica as has been suggested then you share the same name, I think. Does it ring any bells with you??

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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Hold on, you know my name through Robin? Funny that because me and Robin haven't spoken since that incident a year or 2 ago. You seriously are full of sh... You really are infuriating. Nothing but full of lies, might as well dig your own hole here whilst your ahead! Can't lie to a liar lovely, know all your tricks and mind games, and let me assure you, if you ever touched a horse of mine, or did what you do to these beloved horses, you wouldn't have limbs to touch another horse with.

And as for the naming my full name Robin doesn't even know my full name. So 1) you've either stalked me to find my name ") you've got some crappy plan in thought.

what are you on about the the insane one.!!

buddy's mummy

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6 November 2013
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So how have you got Farah now? As you have not owned her for 3 years like you have made out!

had a call off her new buyer - she has passed through 4 homes since robin got her claws into her - she is now thin and needs a lot of building up but at least she is back with me and safe where she belongs. and none of you actually know me personally just heard things that multiply in consistency!


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7 May 2011
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wonder how many of us will be on "holiday" before this thread runs it's course? OP must have had more accounts on here than you can shake a stick at, wonder how she gets away with it?

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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So you didn't have Peter on loan then???

oh yeas one horse who I had off Lisa - then was sold b y lisa to someone else I didnt hide him or anything, I was in hospital when he was just taken from my livery yard!!

ETA I never sold him on or took him on loan? he was taken from my yard whilst I was in hospital!!
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Well-Known Member
10 February 2013
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I feel the need to shout a very loud STOP!! And jump in like a referee here!!

It's all getting rather heated and sooner or later some one is going to get greyed out.

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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You are CRAZY. Seriously! No, it wasn't Robin you tool, so stop being so slanderous! ANd her 'gypsy friends'. None of them are gypsies you idiot. And police would NOT openly discuss confidential matters that are still on going with the likes of you. So keep your lies and crap to yourself!!

slanderous ...jesus!! know the feeling!

risky business

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22 April 2010
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I feel the need to shout a very loud STOP!! And jump in like a referee here!!

It's all getting rather heated and sooner or later some one is going to get greyed out.

I agree, I think people need to calm down a little. If buddy's mummy is who your all saying she is then getting a bit OTT will only see yourselves banned.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
Wester Ross, the beautiful NW coast of Scotland
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OP I have no idea who you are but just looking at your own posts shows serious inconsistencies in your stories.

You were asked in the 'free to good home' thread why you had to part with Buddy, especially as you yourself described him as a 'total gem', saying 'he is not lame'. You said that the reason he had to go was purely down to lack of time.

So I agree with those who are asking how you can suddenly find time for Farah? You also make a big fuss about her being 'SOUND', as if Buddy's lameness (although you said he wasn't actually lame - see above) had been a factor.

There are clearly people here who have a lot of axes to grind...this is very worrying stuff indeed.
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