Buddy has a home.

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4 March 2008
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not really just defending myself.

But you aren't defending yourself. I asked you if the story of the horse I knew which I now believe you took and sold rang any bells and you ignored my question.

If you are Jessica Young, which you seem to have accepted, then there seems to be a wealth of evidence that you have taken horses on the pretext of offering them a home for life and sold them on, either to work when they are not fit to work, or for meat. In the case of the horse I know of, that was not for peanuts, either, it was for a lot of money.

So, if you are Jessica, your position as an innocent party appears to be untenable.

In which case I can only imagine that you continue to post because it gives you some sort of enjoyment to cock a snook at all the upset owners, not to mention the law.

please correct me if I am wrong about this in any way, I would not wish to be unfair.


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24 October 2011
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The Op is also the infamous Ted'sMum right?

What, my mum infamous ! My mum is special (needs, most of the time). Watch it, or I will set my sister, Alice on you. I am too tired to get up. Love Ted


buddy's mummy

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6 November 2013
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But you aren't defending yourself. I asked you if the story of the horse I knew which I now believe you took and sold rang any bells and you ignored my question.

If you are Jessica Young, which you seem to have accepted, then there seems to be a wealth of evidence that you have taken horses on the pretext of offering them a home for life and sold them on, either to work when they are not fit to work, or for meat. In the case of the horse I know of, that was not for peanuts, either, it was for a lot of money.

So, if you are Jessica, your position as an innocent party appears to be untenable.

In which case I can only imagine that you continue to post because it gives you some sort of enjoyment to cock a snook at all the upset owners, not to mention the law.

please correct me if I am wrong about this in any way, I would not wish to be unfair.
have no idea what you are on about

Crugeran Celt

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20 April 2012
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I have just read the whole thread and am shocked by it. OP I am very confused by some of your previous posts as they are frequently asking advise that someone with your 'knowledge' of horses wouldn't need advise for, eg. feeding the native colt foal?? This would suggest that you are just craving attention from the horsey world and that in itself is very odd as unfortunately I have heard of your rather unsavory reputation although I have never met you. I was given your name and description when a friend parted with three very nice horses to ensure that they were not passed onto you.

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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I have just read the whole thread and am shocked by it. OP I am very confused by some of your previous posts as they are frequently asking advise that someone with your 'knowledge' of horses wouldn't need advise for, eg. feeding the native colt foal?? This would suggest that you are just craving attention from the horsey world and that in itself is very odd as unfortunately I have heard of your rather unsavory reputation although I have never met you. I was given your name and description when a friend parted with three very nice horses to ensure that they were not passed onto you.

I dont want any horses I am quite happy with what I got thanks.


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4 March 2008
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have no idea what you are on about

It's pretty straight forward.

You are not denying being Jessica young. If you are Jessica young, then there is a wealth of evidence that you have misled people into trusting you with their horses and then sold them on either to an uncertain future or to a slaughterhouse.

If you are this person, that would be bad enough on its own, but to post on here to rub people's noses in such callous behaviour would, if you were Jessica, make you rather a despicable human being, in my opinion.
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Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I wonder if admin are letting this thread run because they are planning a feature in Horse and Hound in the near future. Working title 'Beware of con artists offering to re home your horse'.

There are quite a few interesting leads for them to follow up on here.

Crugeran Celt

Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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I dont want any horses I am quite happy with what I got thanks.

I think you have missed my point somewhat don't you?? Haven't really explained why a supposedly knowledgeable horsey person should ask some very basic horse care questions if wasn't just to draw attention?? All three horses went to lovely homes by the way and are all happy and healthy and loved. They wouldn't have suited you I don't think, not under weight, lame or old!!:wink3:

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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It's pretty straight forward.

You are not denying being Jessica young. If you are Jessica young, then there is a wealth of evidence that you have misled people into trusting you with their horses and then sold them on either to an uncertain future or to a slaughterhouse.

If you are this person, that would be bad enough on its own, but to post on here to rub people's noses in such callous behaviour would, if you were Jessica, make you rather a despicable human being, in my opinion.

I am not her

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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I think you have missed my point somewhat don't you?? Haven't really explained why a supposedly knowledgeable horsey person should ask some very basic horse care questions if wasn't just to draw attention?? All three horses went to lovely homes by the way and are all happy and healthy and loved. They wouldn't have suited you I don't think, not under weight, lame or old!!:wink3:

sorry have no idea what your on about. totally lost me..why was I offering your horses a home, I wasnt looking what are you bleating on about?


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4 March 2008
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I am not her


I am at a total loss to understand a number of things:

Why you have answered at least two other posters by name as if you were her.

Why you have not had this libellous thread and the last one about Buddy pulled by the FAT

Why so many people who know about her think that you are her, from matching up pictures and things you say on Facebook and on here.


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20 August 2008
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In Post 127 someone suggests that you are a particular person (the same person as mentioned by CP Trayes above). You do not deny this in your reply. However, in post 164 you are now denying it?
Surely if you were not that person you would have pointed this out in post 127?
The OP's identity is very important here considering the nature of the allegations being made. It's strange that it has taken so many postings for her to deny that she is the person named.

But I will repeat, there are lots of inconsistencies in your stories and in your other threads, it's all very dubious.

Crugeran Celt

Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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sorry have no idea what your on about. totally lost me..why was I offering your horses a home, I wasnt looking what are you bleating on about?

Now either you are not very intelligent or you are being deliberately difficult, if you care to read very carefully you will see that I said I was warned about you regarding taking on horses free to good homes not that you were ever offered my friend's horses or that you ever approached her to have them. My question was why someone with your 'knowledge' of horses and horse care ask very basic horse care questions in some of your posts and this appears that you just crave attention!! Is that a little clearer for you??


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Surprised this is still going....

I'm happy to keep it going because the longer it gets the more chance there is of people googling Jessica young/Ellis finding out what a ghastly person she seems to be and not in any circumstances to loan or sell a horse to her.

Of course buddy's mummy is not her, as she has now stated, so it is a public service that she is doing to the horse world to allow the thread to stand, for which I would like to thank her.

Shannon's mummy

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22 December 2013
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but I am not nasty or cruel?! nobody knows me apart from amelia who has never been generous with the truth!

Excuse me but in what way have I never been generous with the truth? The pony was put in to my mums garden which is approximately an acre in size before being moved away from you, it's amazing how I'm the only one who knows you yet everyone's stories are the same as mine.. Says it all really. The only one not being generous with the truth is you! I never bought and sold horses with you the only one as I stated was Rosie who was in a sorry state and you convinced me you were going to make well.. Clearly we know each other and everything I stated previously is the truth... As I said I have a police log against you for threatening my child!!


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11 June 2008
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Buddy's Mummy/ Teds Mum / Jessica Beau / Jessica Young / .............I personally would be embarrassed to read comments people are posting about you and especially when you search on Google.

I am not sure how you have got away with this behaviour for so long and if the 'suspended sentence' is true then you got away lucky.

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