Buddy has a home.

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2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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This is bloody brilliant, thanks for the entertaining read!

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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Jessica Young or Jessica Ellis of Ponthir, South Wales. You say no body spreading these 'rumors' knows you? I attended primary school with you and your younger brother Tom, I also attended Comprehensive school with you in Caerleon. At this time I did not know what you were like and when I needed somewhere to keep my horse you very kindly (as I thought) offered to let me on the land you had been renting in exchange for a small fee.. This is when I witnessed first hand your doings and these are not accusations. When I found out what type of person you were and wanted to take my horse you padlocked the field so I could not remove her. You even told me once that you used a crop on her because you were scared if her when you went in the field. During this time, you loaned a TB called Ozzy, (owners got him back luckily) had a section A who you got from up north or west wales for free (who I managed to rescue from you) I fell for your stories at first when you asked me to help you purchase a TB mare 'Rosie' who needed 'rescuing' and she was complete skin and bones.. I gave you half the money then expected to get this horse healthy again I saw you had advertised her for sale straight away!! You also got a cold backed black mare from oxford from a lady named Rue. You also 'bought' a gypsy colt 'Arthur's precious' named so after your grandad..and laughed about bouncing the cheque for him.this was all in a matter or 2 months. I know you and your family personally so to anyone who believes that this woman is innocent it is not true, she steals horses, bounces cheques rips off farriers and farm shops!! She even threatened to run over me and my son who was three at the time and yes I have a police record for this!! If people would like to know what she is really like then they can just use her name to any horsey person in the South Wales area. And further a field I'm sure they will all tell you the same!

LOL amelia steele bryan whatever your name is now as you keep changing...you were buying and selling horses with me so dont go all sour. u kept a pony in a tiny garden that I gave you. Rosie we sold to my friend a good home and went halves on her, I never locked the field or used any crop on her.. u r full of cr@p!! what horses have I ever stolen?? what farm shop have I ripped off? cwertainly not nigels thats for sure!! I took Ozzy back...you are evil when all I did was help u and be a friend.


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1 June 2011
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lol by responding the way you have to certain posters OP you have confirmed without doubt that yes you are JY from south wales who is known far and wide for all the wrong reasons!!


Well-Known Member
28 October 2006
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Well.. This has been one hell of an interesting read.
I've not had anything to do with the OP but I know her name and her face as does most of South Wales and the surrounding areas.. Simply because of her past dealings.

Good news travels very fast unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
28 August 2012
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You were the one who said that you didn't have time for a horse you couldn't ride. I don't see what the difference is. You could barely spare poor buddy 5mins yet somehow you have found time for a ridden horse. But what will happen if she is lame? Simple enough question

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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You were the one who said that you didn't have time for a horse you couldn't ride. I don't see what the difference is. You could barely spare poor buddy 5mins yet somehow you have found time for a ridden horse. But what will happen if she is lame? Simple enough question

Didn't have the finances to keep a horse that couldnt do a job I am afraid, hence why I found buddy an amazing home for life where he will be a pet more than anything. perfect for him - he wouldnt have done the job that I wanted him to do whereas farah can - and I dont do that much just regular hacking more in summer.


Well-Known Member
28 August 2012
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Didn't have the finances to keep a horse that couldnt do a job I am afraid, hence why I found buddy an amazing home for life where he will be a pet more than anything. perfect for him - he wouldnt have done the job that I wanted him to do whereas farah can - and I dont do that much just regular hacking more in summer.

So farah will be passed on then if she has something wrong with her?

buddy's mummy

Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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You were the one who said that you didn't have time for a horse you couldn't ride. I don't see what the difference is. You could barely spare poor buddy 5mins yet somehow you have found time for a ridden horse. But what will happen if she is lame? Simple enough question

and IF she ever goes lame then the vet will be called. and it will depend on the severity of the lameness on her future - same with everyother person/horse - ie if in lots pain she will be pts, if needs to be retired she will retire.
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