Cheeky/ridiculous posts you see on Facebook.


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28 July 2010
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I think I've just seen one of the best ones yet. "Looking for a rubber curry comb. No more than £2". Are these people for real??


Well-Known Member
17 February 2011
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I see people I know asking for head collars, breastplates and over reach boots saying *must be under £4...* and I just want to scream at them!
Yesterday I realised my stirrup leathers were cracked so I went straight to the tack shop to get new ones. Why can't people do the same?
The only thing I have asked for on these pages is a small horse micklem bridle as I may find a cheapy but head collars, lead ropes and other bits I buy online or in the local tack shop.
These are the people who will offer you £10 for a brand new PE rug that has been worn once. I kept it in the end and glad I did as I have used it this year.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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What I find extraordinary is for every deluded poster there is at least three or four FB responses that back up this fantasy. Perhaps we were all truthful in our responses they would get the message, but perhaps not. When I was very new to FB I got into a long conversation on why someone would not want to loan their dam near perfect horse or pony when it was probably worth several thousand pounds,


Well-Known Member
23 May 2012
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I see people I know asking for head collars, breastplates and over reach boots saying *must be under £4...* and I just want to scream at them!
Yesterday I realised my stirrup leathers were cracked so I went straight to the tack shop to get new ones. Why can't people do the same?
The only thing I have asked for on these pages is a small horse micklem bridle as I may find a cheapy but head collars, lead ropes and other bits I buy online or in the local tack shop.
These are the people who will offer you £10 for a brand new PE rug that has been worn once. I kept it in the end and glad I did as I have used it this year.

Sometimes (or often!) I can't afford tack shop prices for lovely English Leather new stirrup leathers....However I am happy to pay the going rate for decent used ones and would NEVER post in the way that these people do!!

ETA - there was a tack sale at my yard the other day and I did get a worn once 1200d amigo rug for a tenner - it was the best bargain of my life I nearly fell over when she said she only wanted a tenner!


Well-Known Member
17 February 2011
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That's fine and I assume that you are good enough to check that they are sound leathers but I know these people won't. I paid £15 for mine new yesterday, my last set of leathers lasted 10yrs but I'm not paying anymore than that as I am poor!
I know it is great that you can pick up these bargains, however, my PE rug was advertised at £70, much cheaper than the £120 I paid only a few weeks before and I was offered a tenner. I politely declined the offer...


Well-Known Member
23 May 2012
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To be fair if it was me that was selling the rug I bought, I would have wanted £50 not a tenner. Some people are cheeky beyond belief - but then if you don't ask you never know!


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12 February 2013
West Midlands
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I've recently seen a post on a Facebook group that someone had shared that was asking for donations towards colic surgery. As far as I could tell, the horse had already had the surgery and the owner couldn't afford the vet bill and so was asking people to help contribute, directing them to her online donation page...

On a more light hearted note, I saw a shavings fork advertised for £15 the other day. It was used!


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25 January 2015
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I saw a post the other day on a certain Kent page (you all know the one! I'm sure some of you have seen this) but a young (13) boy was posting asking for a horse on full loan but with a budget of £40 a week!! Yes fine I understand he is young and has never ridden outside of a riding school but he was so adamant despite advice that this could be done.

On a certain thoroughbred's advert for loan he took a long time to persuade the girl that he should have him, and when asked how he would be able to afford this horse on £40 a week (ignoring the fact that it was a 16.2hh TB for a novice 13 yr old!) his reply was that it would live out all year round, he would feed it Barley in winter, shoes would come off, he would worm it once a year and get tack that already fitted. (No mention of hay, vets, emergency bedding, replacement items, insurance etc etc etc) The real scary thing was he has two unhorsey parents that have apparently agreed to pay this if he can find someone crazy enough to allow him to have their horse, which probably means he will end up with a 3 yr old almost backed colt!


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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One I saw the other day also was "Wanted: Land Rover or Range Rover to tow a two horse trailer. Must be in good condition. Budget of £600".

I actually want to slap these people.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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Nothing to add to this thread as I tend to steer clear of silly bods on FB, but I LOVE your username. A shetland bit me once, too. :D

haha thanks! I will admit that I was very young, probably no older than 3 or 4 and I had its food in my hand but I forgot to open my fist so it just opened its mouth and in went the whole lot. Must have deep seated trauma as a result if I'm still harking on about it now!


Well-Known Member
1 September 2013
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One I saw the other day also was "Wanted: Land Rover or Range Rover to tow a two horse trailer. Must be in good condition. Budget of £600".

I actually want to slap these people.

Well good luck to them they'll only get a rot box for that. May find a disco 1 thats had an hard life - doubt they will find a range rover hse for that unless it's got a blown head gasket!!! Cheeky bu**ers


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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Some of the best I see are on a local (non horsey) selling site.

'DVD for sale. £3'

'Would you take £2?'

I mean, really?!

My uncle car boots a lot and he said everyone always haggles. But over things they are only selling for about 50p! People will say "will you take 20p?". It's 50 flipping pence!


Well-Known Member
8 May 2012
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I got a reply for a horse to loan whilst at uni.. the owner said she would be upfront and told me that the horse had a broken leg and there would be no riding.. looking for £15 a week.

Is it just me that thinks it's cheeky to ask someone to pay you to look after your horse when that is surely what livery services are for?!

When I told her this she replies saying that loans cost - yes a loan where I would get more than being a vet nurse to your injured animal!

Polar Bear9

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17 April 2014
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I saw a post the other day on a certain Kent page (you all know the one! I'm sure some of you have seen this) but a young (13) boy was posting asking for a horse on full loan but with a budget of £40 a week!! Yes fine I understand he is young and has never ridden outside of a riding school but he was so adamant despite advice that this could be done.

On a certain thoroughbred's advert for loan he took a long time to persuade the girl that he should have him, and when asked how he would be able to afford this horse on £40 a week (ignoring the fact that it was a 16.2hh TB for a novice 13 yr old!) his reply was that it would live out all year round, he would feed it Barley in winter, shoes would come off, he would worm it once a year and get tack that already fitted. (No mention of hay, vets, emergency bedding, replacement items, insurance etc etc etc) The real scary thing was he has two unhorsey parents that have apparently agreed to pay this if he can find someone crazy enough to allow him to have their horse, which probably means he will end up with a 3 yr old almost backed colt!

I keep seeing this kid posting, he's also all over the BSJA site. He's obviously completely clueless, has tried to do his research but got it all wrong. He recently posted looking for a '14hh sturdy cob to live in out shod' Or something like that. Harmless as long as no idiot lets him have their horse but no doubt some moron will.

Ellen Durow

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15 March 2012
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"Cheep or free", presumably?

It's so sad, my friend has advertised her lovely cob mare on FB (and other places) because she doesn't have time for her, and she'd had no responses beyond silly wee lassies saying "shes lovely but bit to much money lolol" or wanting a loan ... :(
Last year I advertised my 23 year old RETIRED ID hunter, HATES SHOWING, HACKING ONLY , with a bit of schooling in the indoor if weather bad, MUST STAY ON CURRENT YARD, for PART LOAN.

I had a reply from someone who wanted a full loan. To bring on for HOYS veteran classes. To take him off the yard to a more convenient one. Oh yes and she asked if he was a thoroughbred. Which bit(s) of my advert didn't she understand?


Well-Known Member
29 July 2014
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That sounds 'interesting' MDIAI. ;) :)

Google tells me that 'Zoopharmacognosy is a behaviour in which non-human animals apparently self-medicate by selecting and ingesting or topically applying plants, soils, insects, and psychoactive drugs to treat or prevent disease.'

This is actually a thing, I read about it today when reading up about pasture maintenance on the bhs website.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2012
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Someone on Equifest thinks someone has hacked off their pony's mane and tail..

The pony had clippers put to his tail and shaved it in December so it is now growing out.. Apparently not true.. :D

The "cut" on the mane is where your average rug sits. *sigh*

Apparently if you think it is a pulled tail growing out you must be guilty. :p


Well-Known Member
29 July 2014
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Ok so I have finally caught up, some people eh?!

Although I will say, I can understand people looking for second hand stuff- not cheap or free, and not iddy biddy bits like headcollars/buckets lol!!

My biggest pet peeve of facebook, that drives me absolutely bonkers, has to be the wprrp- Welsh ponies re homing project.

So a common in Wales is overpopulated and the council wants to cull, some lady comes forward and takes on 80 or so ponies to rehome rather than have them go for meat, mm okay...

She brings them off the common, gelds the stallions and packs them off to their new home, a few get backed far too young and all hell breaks loose, but they handle it and carry on...

Winter comes, ponies are dropping dead on the common due to worms/starvation and some hit by cars, the woman is now taking donations for/of hay, wormers, salt licks and feed!

Flash forward THREE YEARS the ponies she took on that stayed on the common (she only had room to take 4/5 off at a time) have now bred, she has also taken on another common, last I saw she is trying to rehome 500 odd Welsh ponies!

Cherry on top? They are no longer gelding the stallions that are being rehomed!

I know everyone may not agree, but surely it would have been better to cull to a reasonable number and raised funds to bring in a proper breeding programme? Rather than risk hundreds of horses going to bad homes and hundreds of horses dying long painful deaths due to starvation?!

Just looking at the page makes my blood boil!


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1 September 2010
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I once asked about a saddle someone had posted for sale, I wanted to know size and measurements and all I could get out of the person was that it fit her 13hh 'screwbald'. She seemed to think that was its breed.

Also on the topic of idiots, I had a trailer I was selling a few years ago, I had traveled my 15.3 in it and the woman told me she had a 13hh pony. When she came to see it she said it would be too small for her pony, so I pointed at my horse and said he fit in it fine. 'Hmmm I think shes a bit bigger than him though..' well then your pony clearly isn't 13hh?!


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18 January 2006
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Tonight's FB special from our local page.
Looking for size 8-10 jodhpurs in blue, black or brown. Need to be free & good condition. I'm in Newmarket & don't drive.
She does start with 'this may be a long shot' don't say sweetheart!!


Well-Known Member
17 December 2010
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There was someone looking for a 'surf single' the other day.. apparently there weren't any available on ebay - really??!!!

We all have to learn somewhere - but surely just 5 minutes with google would have helped !!