Facebook - Horse shot by livery owner


Well-Known Member
8 July 2010
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What they did was inexcusable but I agree that this cant be the whole story, but he needs to be prosecuted for what he did to a healthy normal horse!


Well-Known Member
27 February 2010
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Am I the only one that finds it very sad that there is such a lack of trust, indeed a huge level of mistrust and contempt, for the organisation that is meant to be protecting animals in this country?

Dear Lord, I hope none of my animals ever fall into the "care" or RSPCA.

I feel the same. My Dad is in hospital at the minute and I am looking after his 2 dogs. One of my dogs doesn't like his, so it's a juggling act. My friend said "the RSPCA can look after them in situations like this" I thought God no! I wouldn't trust them to come back in one piece, if at all!


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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Sadly in law ,a horse is merely property. Being arrested doesnt mean being charged which in turn doesnt mean being prosecuted ,let alone found guilty. In a simplistic way it is like cutting off a branch of your neighbours tree which overhangs your property.You are within your rights provided you return the branches to him. Will the CPS take up this case,I think not. All I can say is that the poor horse still had more dignity in the bucket of that JCB ,than ALL who had a hand in putting him there.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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Totally agree - poor poor horse to pay the price for human stupidity.

If nothing happens is there no way to force an investigation by a third party given the RSPCA link to all this making them biased?


Active Member
18 October 2014
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I think people should stop speculating and know hard truth facts about Layton and cooper what they did was inexcusable and wrong and corrupt and as far as the rspca horses on layton land they will all probably end up dead anyway as that's what the rspca does to them I know this for a fact as I worked there and rescued a horse from been shot from them this needs to go to the governing body at horse welfare as the rspca doesn't have one and they get away with murder literally


Well-Known Member
9 February 2010
Leeds, West Yorkshire
I don't think anyone is trying to defend the yard owner but, if the person who has been named as actually shooting the horse is correct then I certainly don't think the full story has been heard as i cannot believe that person would shoot a horse without good reason or having been spun a line about the reason! As far as i was aware the person who shot the horse was released without charge if initial reports were correct.

This, 100%


Well-Known Member
14 February 2008
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The poor 'actual' owner of the horse!!! Why did the man let the loaner move on the yard if he wanted payment in advance though? & He's obviously got a screw loose to shoot the horse and dump it in her garden but she should've paid her rent.. If you can't afford horses you shouldn't have them!!


Well-Known Member
14 October 2014
Might have been answered in the previous 40odd pages but I wonder, which is easier and has less legal bite-back - killing the horse or selling it on. It might be that selling the horse the YO doesn't own (under the argument of it being abandoned and going through the paperwork) might actually come with a greater potential legal threat than simply killing it.

A question as to the time and volume of paperwork needed as well might be a key factor. Speed and lack of strong legal punishment might well explain the brutal approach (assuming no further information comes to light that might have forced the YO hand in the kill itself - though then we've the body dumping which suggests a more malicious element).


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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The poor 'actual' owner of the horse!!! Why did the man let the loaner move on the yard if he wanted payment in advance though? & He's obviously got a screw loose to shoot the horse and dump it in her garden but she should've paid her rent.. If you can't afford horses you shouldn't have them!!

Im not sure if its been said that she couldnt afford the payment, from what i can gather it was more of a didn't want to pay it upfront, wanted to pay it after the horse had already been there


Well-Known Member
2 October 2009
Noth East Scotland
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She said: "I walked over and used the torch on my phone and she was still moving at that point.
I was horrified. I ran back inside and locked the door then phoned the police."
The RSPCA today said they believed Kit, above, had been humanely killed,

if the horse was still moving after being "humanely killed", driven in a JCB and dumped in the garden......how can the RSPCA justify that stance?

We have the SSPCA up here, and I am so glad they are not the same organisational culture as the RSPCA.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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I think people should stop speculating and know hard truth facts about Layton and cooper what they did was inexcusable and wrong and corrupt and as far as the rspca horses on layton land they will all probably end up dead anyway as that's what the rspca does to them I know this for a fact as I worked there and rescued a horse from been shot from them this needs to go to the governing body at horse welfare as the rspca doesn't have one and they get away with murder literally

Welcome to the forum.

However, there's no evidence that your version is any more "fact" than any other.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a HUMAN so no, the RSPCA do not get away with murder "literally". Unless there's something we don't know....


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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She said: "I walked over and used the torch on my phone and she was still moving at that point.
I was horrified. I ran back inside and locked the door then phoned the police."
The RSPCA today said they believed Kit, above, had been humanely killed,
if the horse was still moving after being "humanely killed", driven in a JCB and dumped in the garden......how can the RSPCA justify that stance?

We have the SSPCA up here, and I am so glad they are not the same organisational culture as the RSPCA.

Strange reaction from the loaner. If it had been my horse and she was still moving I would have examined her quickly and then phoned a vet before the police. I would also have stayed with her!


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I can't believe the disinformation in the press.

Let's get a few facts straight.

It is perfectly legal for any person to kill any horse as long as it is done humanely.

It is completely normal for horses to be put down with a bolt gun, as was apparently used here to the outrage of the Daily Mail. It is also normal to use a pistol, but in that case the holder must, since Dunblane, have a special licence.

It is not 'normal' for any other gun to be used, but neither is it illegal if humanely done.

Lots of horses move for minutes after being shot even though they are dead. One of mine was still running while his body was being winched into the wagon. The horse is dead, it is only the last of the signals in the nerves firing off.
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Horse servant
2 December 2010
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I can't believe the disinformation in the press.

Let's get a few facts straight.

It is perfectly legal for any person to kill any horse as long as it is done humanely.

It is completely normal for horses to be put down with a bolt gun, as we apparently used here to the outrage of the daily mail. It is also normal to use a pistol, but in that case the holder must, since Dunblane, have a special licence.

It is not 'normal' for any other gun to be used, but neither is it illegal if humanely done.

Lots of horses move for minutes after being shot even though they are dead. One of mine was still running while his body was being winched into the wagon. The house is dead, it is only the last of the signals in the nerves firing off.

But it wasn't 'minutes' was it? Horse is shot, then JCB brought over to scoop her up. That would probably take ten minutes at least. Then has to go off to loaner's house. Must have been half an hour later at least with all the messing about they would have had to do first. I have also heard of horses being shot, loaded up and then 'coming round' in the wagon. I have heard of several first hand experiences of horses needing to be shot more than once.

But whatever reason the horse was still moving, the natural reaction would be to stay with it surely?


Well-Known Member
14 February 2008
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But whatever reason the horse was still moving, the natural reaction would be to stay with it surely?

I would stay with mine... but then maybe she thought it was like a scene from godfather, panicked and feared for her life. He sounds like a rather crazy stubborn man who though 'sod you ill show you'

I just fear on the outcome of the prosecution... no one will be able to rest at yards ever again if this is deemed as acceptable to kill horses for money owed.


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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Strange reaction from the loaner. If it had been my horse and she was still moving I would have examined her quickly and then phoned a vet before the police. I would also have stayed with her!

That was one of the first things that I thought on reading the initial reports. If I thought for a moment that the horse was alive I would never have left her side. Let alone going inside and locking the door.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2014
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But whatever reason the horse was still moving, the natural reaction would be to stay with it surely?
Yes, for most horsepeople. You'd usually get a little forewarning/ time to pull it together mentally though.
However a lot of people are scared of death and pain, look at the amount that won't move an injured animal out of the street. Plus it's got to be a singularly grim surprise to find a dead/ dying horse in your front garden.
If it wasn't shot with an appropriate firearm I'd say probably not humane; look at the requirements for pithing with bolt guns. Horses are tough to kill, as you say, may need more than once.


Well-Known Member
14 October 2014
Different people react to shock in different ways, plus different up-bringing results in different reactions again. For someone who might have been brought up without being on a working farm the death of an animal (in such a violent manner) might well be just so far outside of their personal experiences that they don't quite know how to react. With all that fear and the sudden brutality chances are they probably felt threatened as well from whoever killed and then dumped the horse - so fleeing inside and locking the door and calling the police makes perfect sense.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Eh? anyone can wander in a field and shoot a horse ???

If done humanely and they have a licence for the gun and the owner's permission to shoot the horse, yes. Same goes for killing your cat or dog or any other animal which is not going into the food chain, unless it's a protected species, of course.

A friend of mine shoots his very old cats. It's a lot more humane than taking them down to the vet, having their arm shaved and a needle stuck in it, like I do to mine :(
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village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Actually I think it's very pertinent information regarding the general attitude and care that the place and the RSPCA offers....

Imagine if there was a show centre that had strangles/salmonella etc but because they are 'kept round the back then that's ok?' There would be absolute public uproar.

There is. There wasn't.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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And as for the horse still moving, load of rubbish, if it was still moving its heart would still have been pumping and there would have been a whole lot more blood.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2008
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If done humanely and they have a licence for the gun and the owner's permission to shoot the horse, yes. Same goes for killing your cat or dog or any other animal which is not going into the food chain, unless it's a protected species, of course.

A friend of mine shoots his very old cats. It's a lot more humane than taking them down to the vet, having their arm shaved and a needle stuck in it, like I do to mine :(

Phew, with the owners permission!! I thought I had a whole load of anxiety to deal with worrying about them out in the field then!


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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God no! But it would only be criminal damage even then. We really need a law change to recognise pets and horses as being more than just 'property' .


Active Member
18 October 2014
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Yes this is 100% the RSPCA are corrupt and all the horses that go to GG are case horses from owners that are waiting trail if the RSPCA win the case the the horses are in there care and a lot of them in fact over half of them will be put to sleep as they can't be bothered to rehome them or give them a chance of a new home

As regarding beckys horses layton and cooper have done the wrong thing and it's barbaric and inhumane and copper would only destroy a horse if it was life threatening he would not just shot it for no reason unless the threat from Layton about the RSPCA horses on his land
Also it was agreed she was paying the rent at the end of the month as in earlier massage it states this as she spoke to lay tons mum dorthey about this and she agreed what her son Layton has done behind his back it's discusting and he should fear for his life right now