Well-Known Member
Not a short memory thankfully. Simply a greater understanding of the situation since that time.
Not a short memory thankfully. Simply a greater understanding of the situation since that time.
The Best of Breed Foxhound at Cruft's this year is Dazzleby Dandelion, and she is owned, handled and bred by me, and if the pack responsible for letting me use their stallion hound on my bitch had their choice, she would have been hunting with their pack. It was quite evident from a very young age that this hound was destined to become a star. She has already had numerous awards, and is highly regarded in knowledgeable circles. She is a beautiful, elegant and correct hound. It is rather sad that some on this forum dismiss her so callously, when knowing nothing of her breeding or background.
I have been striving for many years to promote both Foxhounds and Foxhunting both in the UK and in Europe.
Incidently, Dandelion is by the Duke of Beaufort's Milton, and she would hunt for England if you let her.
I wonder if there will be those who would agree with me, when I say that the Show Bench, en masse, are responsible for the bulk of the damage done to the bulk of our breeds.
I've always assumed, obviously wrongly, that disciplined Masters have refused to allow their hounds to be used, outside of hunting. They seem to have found their way to Crufts.
They're hounds. They aren't pets. They're going to be sort out by those who have no possible comprehension of the canine mind, or worse still, that of the hound.
....... It may not be a dog for just anyone.......
You're right there. They aren't dogs, they're hounds and there's a world of difference. If you fail to grasp that point, then you cannot but fail to understand.
Perhaps those hounds which fail, could be retrained as Guide Dogs for the Blind.
SL, you mightb chuck you shot fox hounds on the muck heap in Ireland but here we bury them, with a certain amount of respect.
Maybe so..but the poor things are deprived of doing and living as they are meant to. The very last thing any hunting people want to see is this breed in pet homes,it is by showing them at "cur dog" shows that this will happen.And..BTW not be rude to someone as eminent and respected as Mrs George
You're right there. They aren't dogs, they're hounds and there's a world of difference. If you fail to grasp that point, then you cannot but fail to understand.
Perhaps those hounds which fail, could be retrained as Guide Dogs for the Blind.
That's right, hounds. Like wolfhounds, greyhounds, deerhounds...... all types of dog. Bred for one purpose but slotting nicely into lots of different purposes. Thanks for the heads up on that one Alec
Could be an extremely interesting guide for any blind person
Providing, that is, that Charlie doesn't decide to use the zebra crossing, at the same time!!
"A Dog Called 'Lucky'!" - Europa Times, October 1993.
"We will not have him put down. Lucky is basically a damn good guide dog," Ernst Gerber, a dog trainer from Wuppertal told reporters. "He just needs a little brush-up on some elementary skills, that's all." Gerber admitted to the press conference that Lucky, a German shepherd guide-dog for the blind, had so far been responsible for the deaths of all four of his previous owners. "I admit it's not an impressive record on paper. He led his first owner in front of a bus, and the second off the end of a pier. He actually pushed his third owner off a railway platform just as the Cologne to Frankfurt express was approaching and he walked his fourth owner into heavy traffic, before abandoning him and running away to safety. But, apart from epileptic fits, he has a lovely temperament. And guide dogs are difficult to train these days." Asked if Lucky's fifth owner would be told about his previous record, Gerber replied: "No. It would make them nervous, and would make Lucky nervous. And when Lucky gets nervous he's liable to do something silly."
Dazzleby is being far less rude than most of the other posters on this thread, yourself included.
Her foxhounds look happy and healthy, in excellent weight and condition. Any working dog, as farrierlover points out, needs plenty of exercise and stimulation, but it absolutely does not mean that can be found in one job or activity alone.