Horse being hit around the head

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Well-Known Member
26 July 2015
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Anybody doing that to any horses at my yard would be given immediate notice; THEN I'd kick the cr@p out of them and hammer their head with fisticuffs to see how they liked it.

Why on earth would you assault someone? Unless you aren't serious and are typing in anger. That's completely understandable, it's awful seeing the treatment in that video.

I hope that's the case, because there's something incredibly worrying if you think repeatedly kicking someone and then beating their head to be acceptable behaviour.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2019
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But what about the other woman who had nothing to do with it but was named? How was she meant to avoid getting caught up in it?

I find the faith that the Times has got the name right quite touching tbh. I wouldn't hold my breath.

I’m not sure what your point is? I was referring specifically to the woman that hit the horse and other people that do bad/stupid things in public when there is a possibility anything could be being filmed and shared. It’s horrendous that another woman has been wrongly identified as the culprit and of course she did nothing wrong and could do nothing to avoid the situation she has found herself in. I feel very sorry for her.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2019
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Do you think that applies to the woman who was wrongly named, or is she just collateral damage?

Do I think what applies to the woman who was wrongly named? She didn’t do anything wrong. I was specifically talking about the culprit and other people who do bad things in public which could be filmed and shared on social media.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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But we live in the age of almost everything being shared on social media. Everybody knows that. I’m afraid if you are stupid enough to be caught behaving like that on camera you are likely going to have to face some pretty unpleasant consequences which affect other areas of your life. I’m not saying that is right, but it is a fact that we all run the risk of almost anything we do in public being filmed and shared.
But the first named woman hadn’t done anything, why is that ok?


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I don't think hunts need be to congratulated for not breaking the law. It is not like they have done something special by sticking to the rules. It should not be any harder to stick to the rules if they are being monitored than if they are not. It only becomes difficult to stick to the rules if you were planning to hunt illegally and then you get unexpectedly monitored.

How hard is it really for them to stay within the law and not chase and kill animals and not trespass on to private land without permission?.

Attitude? The Cottesmore are clearly hunting within the law and those who seek to disrupt are reduced to lurking about behind lorries filming unrelated matters.
So I congratulated the hunt for complying with the law in difficult circumstances. If they have information to release I'm sure this will be on a need to know basis only.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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In the video the horse and children are classed as ‘dependents’ - dependent on the adults in the environment to provide care for them.

For a child to witness violence to another human or animal by an adult they depend upon for care, is traumatising, therefore abusive.
Children are removed by child protective services from their primary care-givers for continually witnessing 3rd party violence, and certainly if directly subject to violence. The videographer whoever it may be, in this instance is not harming the child, but protecting it by showing it is also subject to these displays of anger and violence by the adult. The adult displays dis-regard for the emotional and physical safety and care of ALL the dependents in the scene.

Violence is generally categorised as choosing to willingly intentionally cause harm to another being via physical actions.

For an animal to be subject to violence by a human handler is also abuse.

(Yes horses play rough as a herd but they are free to turn their head away, or run away, not head-collared and roped to their aggressor, unable to deflect or run away)

I pity the woman as generally those in pain cause others pain. If this is her go-to response to deal with a relatively calm situation with a horse, it’s indicative she needs to stop and assess her actions and who she has become.

Social media is a furious hive of opinion, and has its downsides, yet it might just take this level of exposure for some people to stop treating others or animals badly. If its never seen by anybody, no-one ever changes their bad behaviour. She may think this behaviour is ok, might even have learnt it from others as ok, and needs this to open her eyes to see herself on video. I expect she’s taking stock of her actions very seriously now it’s viral.

I cant wish a person like this the loss of her job, or anything as she’s now got the loss of reputation in many social circles to deal with and for many, that’s the worst thing and a severe punishment in itself, affecting her whole life. She will also have the relevant authorities to deal with.
Witch hunt is not necessary as she will suffer enough due to impact of the video, is what im trying to say.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2019
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But the first named woman hadn’t done anything, why is that ok?

I haven’t said that is okay. I’m genuinely confused. Of course it is not okay for the wrong person to be named on social media for doing something they haven’t done and I have not said it is. I say again, for the third time, I was referring to people who do bad/stupid things, not innocent people who have done nothing wrong and are victims of mistaken identity.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I haven’t said that is okay. I’m genuinely confused. Of course it is not okay for the wrong person to be named on social media for doing something they haven’t done and I have not said it is. I say again, for the third time, I was referring to people who do bad/stupid things, not innocent people who have done nothing wrong and are victims of mistaken identity.
Sorry I misunderstood you then, I thought you said naming on SM was just what happened to them both and devil take the hindmost ( or sentiments to that effect).


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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I've just caught up with this whole thread. Wow.

1. I do not condone for one second what this woman did.

2. I've been on this forum for many many years, and I have seen countless threads from people (yeah, quite a few of you here on this one) where the mistreatment of horses has been blatant, either in the form of the written word or in videos and photos.

You think not? I've seen people riding in ill-fitting saddles and bridles, people who are too heavy for their horses (not fat-shaming, just stating a fact), people riding horses that are lame or otherwise showing distinct discomfort. There was even one poster who for more than two years posted endless threads about her struggles with her (unsound) horse, while loads of people on here were all "there there just work him through it" and the couple of people like me who told her to get a proper vet work up on it were told not to post on her threads any more because she was getting upset :mad:.

All of these things are long term "abuses", things that horses are putting up with every day of the week, nobody makes a song and dance about them because (a) they're not related to hunting and (b) no sabs have bothered lifting the videos from here and plastering them all over Facebook with the endorsement of some gobby celebrity.

I bet not a single one of us has never done something that our horses would rather we hadn't. This ripping apart by social media is disgusting and disgraceful and there were plenty of you agreeing with that when Caroline Flack killed herself. Short memories.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2010
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I'm afraid that Employment Law doesn't work like that!

no, but a school could certainly argue that her actions have bought the school into disrepute and are not adhering to ‘British Values‘ (which are explicitly mentioned in section 8 of the Teaching Standards, and I think we can agree that not beating animals is a widely held ‘British Value’) both of which are generally requirements written into a teaching contract. As such she could be dismissed - I think there was a case a year or so ago of a TA whose dismissal was upheld by the courts after she posted anti-gay marriage or something similar posts on her own social media, which the school then received complaints about.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Wow some the replies are appealing at the end of the day this woman is a adult and should be able control her anger. She should face some conquests for her actions and she should loss her job because if she loses her temper on horse then I hate see what would she do to a child. This behavior shouldn’t be normalise like people are trying to do on this fourm.

The two are poles apart. I posit that never in a thousand years would she even dream of treating a child like that. Such arguments are frankly ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2019
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Sorry I misunderstood you then, I thought you said naming on SM was just what happened to them both and devil take the hindmost ( or sentiments to that effect).

It must be absolutely horrendous to be wrongly accused of something like that and have it plastered all over social media and she has my utmost sympathy. The culprit doesn’t have my sympathy because she is a grown woman who must take responsibility for her actions. Her treatment of the horse was absolutely vile and completely unnecessary. But do I think her whole life should be ruined and her family should have to suffer abuse? No. I’m sure there will be death threats and all manner of deeply unpleasant comments until the media storm subsides.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Attitude? The Cottesmore are clearly hunting within the law and those who seek to disrupt are reduced to lurking about behind lorries filming unrelated matters.
So I congratulated the hunt for complying with the law in difficult circumstances. If they have information to release I'm sure this will be on a need to know basis only.

I believe that the Cottesmore are so heavily monitored because of very strong concerns that they don’t hunt within the law.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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All of these things are long term "abuses", things that horses are putting up with every day of the week, nobody makes a song and dance about them because (a) they're not related to hunting and (b) no sabs have bothered lifting the videos from here and plastering them all over Facebook with the endorsement of some gobby celebrity.
Don't disagree, particularly about the link to hunting, which is crucial.

The video and subsequent sharing by 'names' is an anti's wet dream. The harm to hunting's already trashed image is enormous.

No one would disagree either that horses have to put with all sorts of less than great management and care, but that is where whataboutery comes in. This video of the woman whacking the horse is what this thread is about, there are plenty of other threads where the whatabouteries can be and are discussed.
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Xmas lucky

Well-Known Member
11 October 2021
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The two are poles apart. I posit that never in a thousand years would she even dream of treating a child like that. Such arguments are frankly ridiculous.
Someone with a bad temper and if they got mad enough they would lash out . What I saw in this video was concerning behavior for that woman to lash out on a horse that easy would do that to a human just as quick. Sorry but some like that shouldn’t be around children. At the end of the day she done that in a very public place. If this was a man it’s would get a very different response .


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Someone with a bad temper and if they got mad enough they would lash out . What I saw in this video was concerning behavior for that woman to lash out on a horse that easy would do that to a human just as quick. Sorry but some like that shouldn’t be around children. At the end of the day she done that in a very public place. If this was a man it’s would get a very different response .

There is no correlation between the two. You‘re making an unproven assumption and should be careful not to write something libellous. She could easily be a member on here.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2020
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There is no correlation between the two. You‘re making an unproven assumption and should be careful not to write something libellous. She could easily be a member on here.
So what if she's a member?
Actually I hope she sees what's being said about her. I hope she will get prosecuted. About time someone was made an example of - we have laws against animal abuse yet they very rarely are enforced.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I've just caught up with this whole thread. Wow.

1. I do not condone for one second what this woman did.

2. I've been on this forum for many many years, and I have seen countless threads from people (yeah, quite a few of you here on this one) where the mistreatment of horses has been blatant, either in the form of the written word or in videos and photos.

You think not? I've seen people riding in ill-fitting saddles and bridles, people who are too heavy for their horses (not fat-shaming, just stating a fact), people riding horses that are lame or otherwise showing distinct discomfort. There was even one poster who for more than two years posted endless threads about her struggles with her (unsound) horse, while loads of people on here were all "there there just work him through it" and the couple of people like me who told her to get a proper vet work up on it were told not to post on her threads any more because she was getting upset :mad:.

All of these things are long term "abuses", things that horses are putting up with every day of the week, nobody makes a song and dance about them because (a) they're not related to hunting and (b) no sabs have bothered lifting the videos from here and plastering them all over Facebook with the endorsement of some gobby celebrity.

I bet not a single one of us has never done something that our horses would rather we hadn't. This ripping apart by social media is disgusting and disgraceful and there were plenty of you agreeing with that when Caroline Flack killed herself. Short memories.

Great post .


Well-Known Member
14 September 2020
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Great post .
Guess what ? I may have ridden badly or given incorrect aids or not positioned the numnah correctly etc but I've certainly not lost my shit abd beaten an animal.
There's a big difference between doing "something the horse would rather I didn't do " and beating a horse.
Anyone defending this disgraceful woman is equally low in my view.


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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Guess what ? I may have ridden badly or given incorrect aids or not positioned the numnah correctly etc but I've certainly not lost my shit abd beaten an animal.
There's a big difference between doing "something the horse would rather I didn't do " and beating a horse.
Anyone defending this disgraceful woman is equally low in my view.

You might not have but others harshly attacking the woman on this thread have, or at least posted that they have. One poster provided a detailed description of them attacking their pony before.

It doesn't have to be one or the other, or what's worse. What was filmed was completely uncalled for and never acceptable.

Yes this womans actions were disgusting and should never have happened. I also can't comprehend the stupidity given she knew that she was being filmed.

I don't think destroying someone's life is the correct course of action. What happens to the children and horses if she loses her job or worse?

It's being dealt with I don't see what is added by stalking and harassing the woman.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I do in part agree with you and the element of They are very few people who have not told their horses off.

However the clip looks very violent and that is what makes it look so awful to the general public. A poorly fitting saddle or people riding unsound horses or using a schooling whip just does not look quite so bad.

The horse that got punched at the pentathlon was awful as well.

The media circus around this I think will make the small minority of people who are violent towards horses in public places think twice about their actions and be more careful. It won't stop those sort of people from beating their horses at home but I think people will be scared of being filmed in public hitting a horse in case it gets on to social media.

Nobody knows if this was a one off situation caused by some sort of mental breakdown or if she does this all the time to her horses.

Nobody wants anyone to commit suicide or to receive death threats. This situation should be a learning situation to prevent others thinking this sort of violent behaviour is acceptable and perhaps considering their training methods. The horse is not going to understand why it is being told off.

I have never seen this level of violent behaviour towards a horse on a livery yard, I have only seen it occasionally in competition environments in the lorry park. However all the yards I have been on have been what some people might call "fluffy" - middle aged ladies with school master older horses who are primarily pets and not a lot of competition riding or high stress handing situations which tend to bring out the worst in people.

I've just caught up with this whole thread. Wow.

1. I do not condone for one second what this woman did.

2. I've been on this forum for many many years, and I have seen countless threads from people (yeah, quite a few of you here on this one) where the mistreatment of horses has been blatant, either in the form of the written word or in videos and photos.

You think not? I've seen people riding in ill-fitting saddles and bridles, people who are too heavy for their horses (not fat-shaming, just stating a fact), people riding horses that are lame or otherwise showing distinct discomfort. There was even one poster who for more than two years posted endless threads about her struggles with her (unsound) horse, while loads of people on here were all "there there just work him through it" and the couple of people like me who told her to get a proper vet work up on it were told not to post on her threads any more because she was getting upset :mad:.

All of these things are long term "abuses", things that horses are putting up with every day of the week, nobody makes a song and dance about them because (a) they're not related to hunting and (b) no sabs have bothered lifting the videos from here and plastering them all over Facebook with the endorsement of some gobby celebrity.

I bet not a single one of us has never done something that our horses would rather we hadn't. This ripping apart by social media is disgusting and disgraceful and there were plenty of you agreeing with that when Caroline Flack killed herself. Short memories.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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So what if she's a member?
Actually I hope she sees what's being said about her. I hope she will get prosecuted. About time someone was made an example of - we have laws against animal abuse yet they very rarely are enforced.

For a ‘minor’ albeit distressing incident such as this, it is highly unlikely she will be prosecuted
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