please show me pictures of your horse's head


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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Their veins will vary from breed to breed, temperature, activity they are doing etc. I don't think you can compare your horse to others tbh.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
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I'm not asking for help and I have enough photos now thank you everyone.

You were asking for help, otherwise you would not have posted... Why do you jump down peoples throats when they offer suggestions you don't like?

Still think the horse could do with an x-ray, I certainly wouldn't think of shooting him til I spent a couple of hundred quid on an x-ray, especially as you said previously you have spent a fortune on him... seems a waste of money now all the KS stuff you had done...

And now you can jump down my throat because I gave an opinion.


Well-Known Member
18 December 2010
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Have you really nothing better to do Nikki? Like go look up the word 'pedant' in a dictionary maybe?

I don't think it was a pedantic remark C. You asked for help. Then denied you did.

Regardless, it seems you've got the answers you wanted. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Their veins will vary from breed to breed, temperature, activity they are doing etc. I don't think you can compare your horse to others tbh.

I was reasonably certain that I had never seen his face look like it does now when at rest and supposedly relaxed. I wanted other people's photos because I couldn't find enough on Google, to reassure me that I was remembering correctly that for my horse, who I know intimately as he lives at home with me, it was not normal. Most other horses are the same as I remember him looking. In that respect, photos helped me.
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I don't think it was a pedantic remark C. You asked for help. Then denied you did.

Regardless, it seems you've got the answers you wanted. Good luck.

You know full well that the help I requested was photos and the help I denied requesting was help in finding a solution to his problems.

But you carry on being a pedant if you really have nothing better to do with your time.
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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You were asking for help, otherwise you would not have posted... Why do you jump down peoples throats when they offer suggestions you don't like?

I haven't objected to any suggestions, but I'm about to comment on yours.

Still think the horse could do with an x-ray, I certainly wouldn't think of shooting him til I spent a couple of hundred quid on an x-ray, especially as you said previously you have spent a fortune on him... seems a waste of money now all the KS stuff you had done

Wow. My vet is prepared to come and kill him for me without an x Ray, yet you have the expertise to tell me that he needs them. I'm impressed.
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Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
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Wow. My vet is prepared to come and kill him for me without an x Ray, yet you have the expertise to tell me that he needs them. I'm impressed.

Vets will do whatever YOU want. I myslef couldn't live without giving the poor ****** an x-ray before shooting him


Well-Known Member
21 December 2012
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If I were to hazard a guess cpt but if he's looking like that in rest it looks like he's clenching his jaw/cheeks in pain. The reason I posted both of my pics is that I've never seen any of my horses have clenched muscles like that when they have been relaxed or at rest which is why I remarked on Auslander's horse but she already mentioned she had a medical condition. I won't comment further except to say (hugs).


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I agree, how do you know he can't be fixed without investigating?

I have been offered a referral for a neurectomy.

I have turned this down on the grounds of pain and upset for the horse, low probability that it will work, and lastly by a long way cost.

Would you like to argue with me or my vet over any of that?


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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=cptrayes;12447843]I have a heart but you seem to be lacking a brain.[/QUOTE]

How rude! A vet would happily put any horse to sleep without further investigation on your say so
Doesn't make it right.
Surely if you love the horse you would spend a couple of hundred pounds getting an x ray and a correct diagnosis?I currently have a lame horse. No idea why but I certainly won't be shooting it until I know for sure the issue is irreparable.
I find your attitude very odd. If you can't fix it without spending a couple of hundred pounds then shoot it? All because the pictures of horses veins on here don't match yours? Goodness me


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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How do I not have a brain?

Would you like some money for the x-rays?

You seem to have lost your brain because we have been through all this on other threads, but you just won't let it go. But I will repeat it for you since you seen to be finding it hard to take in.

There is no point in x raying when I am not prepared to put him through any more operations and there is no possibility, with his history, of the x rays showing anything that can be fixed without an operation.

So no, I don't want money for an x Ray, but if you'd like to send me five hundred or so to have a post mortem done of his head, I would love that thank you.


Well-Known Member
21 December 2012
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Actually I will comment further, some of the remarks to the OP on this thread have been objectionable beyond belief.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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How rude! A vet would happily put any horse to sleep without further investigation on your say so
Doesn't make it right.
Surely if you love the horse you would spend a couple of hundred pounds getting an x ray and a correct diagnosis?I currently have a lame horse. No idea why but I certainly won't be shooting it until I know for sure the issue is irreparable.
I find your attitude very odd. If you can't fix it without spending a couple of hundred pounds then shoot it? All because the pictures of horses veins on here don't match yours? Goodness me

Lost your memory too Casey? Forgotten all the issues we've discussed on other threads? Forgotten that Ihave avet supplying experimental drugs to help him. you know full well the veins are simply an additional symptom, but it's fun to forget it and try to drum up an argument, isn't it?

Do you know what? It takes my mind off the problem wonderfully to read the tripe you are writing, so thank you :)
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Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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CPT, harsh though it sounds, I honestly would have this horse pts. I think you have done everything you can, and are breaking your heart over it, with little chance of a good outcome.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2012
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CPT, please ignore these horrible people who seem to delight in needling you even at this awful time.
I know what it is like to search for information, explanation, hope for an ill animal I loved. I know you are trying your best for him and will make the best decisions for him.


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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You seem to have lost your brain because we have been through all this on other threads, but you just won't let it go. But I will repeat it for you since you seen to be finding it hard to take in.

There is no point in x raying when I am not prepared to put him through any more operations and there is no possibility, with his history, of the x rays showing anything that can be fixed without an operation.

So no, I don't want money for an x Ray, but if you'd like to send me five hundred or so to have a post mortem done of his head, I would love that thank you.

So stop trying to find answers on here. Put him down and put him out of pain. If you dont want to do any more vet investigations that's fair enough but scrambling for answers on here won't help him. No one has seen him and can really understand from a few words on a forum how bad he is. If he is in that much pain and you don't want to spend money finding out why do the right thing by him and make a decision.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
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You seem to have lost your brain because we have been through all this on other threads, but you just won't let it go. But I will repeat it for you since you seen to be finding it hard to take in.

There is no point in x raying when I am not prepared to put him through any more operations and there is no possibility, with his history, of the x rays showing anything that can be fixed without an operation.

So no, I don't want money for an x Ray, but if you'd like to send me five hundred or so to have a post mortem done of his head, I would love that thank you.

Well... if you know for certain the xrays will show a problem that can only be fixed with an OP that you won't have done, why are you keeping him alive? You now have 2 new horses to replace him with....


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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So stop trying to find answers on here. Put him down and put him out of pain. If you dont want to do any more vet investigations that's fair enough but scrambling for answers on here won't help him. No one has seen him and can really understand from a few words on a forum how bad he is. If he is in that much pain and you don't want to spend money finding out why do the right thing by him and make a decision.

You are having a lot of trouble absorbing what I am writing, aren't you?

I will repeat for you what I have already written. The second head fracture is only about two months old. I have agreed a strategy with my vet that we keep him pain free if possible until it is three months old and evaluate then whether he has shown any signs of being able to get through this. I have been advised that far from improving, it is likely to progress, in which case he will be put to sleep.

Meanwhile, he is being kept quiet and stress free, as far as possible, and although it is clear to me that he has a perpetual headache, he does not appear to be suffering badly enough to rush into killing him this week.

I do hope you are happy with that proposed course of action Casey, but I'm sure you'll let me know if you aren't, darling that you are :)
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be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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It depends what you mean by an operation, one of my liveries went through similar periods of unbearable headshaking, vets had no idea other than the obvious, it turned out he had a fragment of tooth in his jaw pressing on the nerve, easily seen on xray and just as easily removed under sedation, sadly it had damaged the nerve as it had been left for well over a year by the time it was treated and in the end he was pts but I feel that earlier intervention may have prevented the damage being so severe.
I have a slight headshaker who suffered a mouth injury 18 months ago, the shaking has got slightly worse, he has been examined by vets who have found nothing, my next step is to xray to rule out a fragment causing this, in my cases the horses had no other issues so it was worth investigating further and possibly operating, if they had the numerous problems your horse has then it is a more difficult judgement to make but for the sake of a few xrays I think I would at least want to make sure it is nothing simple before I pts.

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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It depends what you mean by an operation, one of my liveries went through similar periods of unbearable headshaking, vets had no idea other than the obvious, it turned out he had a fragment of tooth in his jaw pressing on the nerve, easily seen on xray and just as easily removed under sedation, sadly it had damaged the nerve as it had been left for well over a year by the time it was treated and in the end he was pts but I feel that earlier intervention may have prevented the damage being so severe.
I have a slight headshaker who suffered a mouth injury 18 months ago, the shaking has got slightly worse, he has been examined by vets who have found nothing, my next step is to xray to rule out a fragment causing this, in my cases the horses had no other issues so it was worth investigating further and possibly operating, if they had the numerous problems your horse has then it is a more difficult judgement to make but for the sake of a few xrays I think I would at least want to make sure it is nothing simple before I pts.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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It depends what you mean by an operation, one of my liveries went through similar periods of unbearable headshaking, vets had no idea other than the obvious, it turned out he had a fragment of tooth in his jaw pressing on the nerve, easily seen on xray and just as easily removed under sedation, sadly it had damaged the nerve as it had been left for well over a year by the time it was treated and in the end he was pts but I feel that earlier intervention may have prevented the damage being so severe.
I have a slight headshaker who suffered a mouth injury 18 months ago, the shaking has got slightly worse, he has been examined by vets who have found nothing, my next step is to xray to rule out a fragment causing this, in my cases the horses had no other issues so it was worth investigating further and possibly operating, if they had the numerous problems your horse has then it is a more difficult judgement to make but for the sake of a few xrays I think I would at least want to make sure it is nothing simple before I pts.

The horse has fractured his head three times in his life, twice in the last four months. These problems stem directly from those injuries. I am taking the advice of the vet who has seen the horse that nothing can be done without an operation. I am not prepared to put him through any more operations.

ps the one thing he isn't doing is shaking his head!
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Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Cpt he's your horse you decide what's best with your vet .
I hope there's a way forward for you both .
It's a very difficult situation to be in but the time does come when enough is enough .
Best wishes as you get through this .


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Well... if you know for certain the xrays will show a problem that can only be fixed with an OP that you won't have done, why are you keeping him alive? You now have 2 new horses to replace him with....

Oooh, missed this one. Sorry, I can't resist an answer. I wondered when someone was going to play the 'you've replaced him already' card, cheap and nasty though it iis.

I always have two horses and often three, so I have not replaced Ace at all, nor do I want to. I love him. He cost me ten thousand pounds. He is an elite bred dressage horse. If I could save him, I would. Henry was bought to break and possibly sell, before we knew how ill Ace was, and Rizzle was bought to replace the hunter in my avatar I sold last month.

You are having a little trouble with logic. To say that x rays will disclose nothing that can be resolved without an operation is not the same as saying that x rays will disclose something which can be resolved with an operation. The advice I have is that x rays are unlikely to show anything at all, but that if they do, it would require surgical intervention to fix which would in any case not be likely to produce a good result.

Any more cheap digs up your sleeve zigzag? Don't be shy, will you?
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