please show me pictures of your horse's head


Well-Known Member
22 August 2013
Western Australia
Because they , including me, have been on the receiving end of her damn right rude responses on other posts. Honestly, the replies she has given to me in the past have been bordering on abusive and bullying.
It seems acceptable when the rudeness is coming from her side but not when its the other way round!
So two wrongs make a right do they? "She was rude once, now it's my turn"... very mature.
CPT I DO have an MRCVS after my name and I think the course of action you and your vet have agreed upon is very sensible, as much as it can be when faced with what sounds like a horrible scenario. At the same time, when what you are dealing with is so clearly out of left field" I can see why you are asking for the photos you did.
The rest of us should probably butt out round about now.


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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So two wrongs make a right do they? "She was rude once, now it's my turn"... very mature.
CPT I DO have an MRCVS after my name and I think the course of action you and your vet have agreed upon is very sensible, as much as it can be when faced with what sounds like a horrible scenario. At the same time, when what you are dealing with is so clearly out of left field" I can see why you are asking for the photos you did.
The rest of us should probably butt out round about now.

No not once, several times.
Anyway, I haven't been rude, just had an opinion as you do on a forum.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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CPT I DO have an MRCVS after my name and I think the course of action you and your vet have agreed upon is very sensible, as much as it can be when faced with what sounds like a horrible scenario. At the same time, when what you are dealing with is so clearly out of left field" I can see why you are asking for the photos you did.
The rest of us should probably butt out round about now.

Thank you, that really helps. For your info, he's now on carbemazepine, which you will probably already know is a human anti epilepsy drug.


Well-Known Member
12 June 2012
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Hi,I'm the one who replied to you before as I have Trigeminal neuralgia.I have taken carbamazepine and it does help but it's quite difficult to determine the correct dose. I'm not on any medication at the moment and the weather conditions have been bad for me for the last three days, I'm probably frowning at the moment! Feel free to PM me ,I do feel that no one can understand this condition unless they have experienced it.


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26 February 2007
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Why would I want to set myself up for any more abuse Dianchi, especially when the request is from someone who has been pretty rude to me in the past just because I suggested that a footsore nineteen year old could be tested for Cushings?

For anyone who wants an update and will give up their anonymity, I do a regular email newsletter in place of the blog I gave up doing last year, and if you want to share that then I need your email address.

Apologises for daring to ask how your horse was doing, many people had posted and I just asked how it was going.

In response to your "it must be Cushing comment" which you appear to not be able to drop (did I mention it??)
Weirdly my vet laughed at the suggestion and she is fine and out winning at elem dressage, international HorseBall and happy as larry.

Tell me, how is your top dressage horse doing currently in his competitions and life? Oh hang on............


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Apologises for daring to ask how your horse was doing, many people had posted and I just asked how it was going.

In response to your "it must be Cushing comment" which you appear to not be able to drop (did I mention it??)
Weirdly my vet laughed at the suggestion and she is fine and out winning at elem dressage, international HorseBall and happy as larry.

Tell me, how is your top dressage horse doing currently in his competitions and life? Oh hang on............

My top dressage horse isn't doing at all well Dianchi, which would normally be a reason to commiserate with someone, rather than mock them?

My problem with you and your horse who was footie at the time was that I offered a suggestion which has previously helped many people with barefoot horses, and you PMd me multiple times in what felt to me like an attack to try to make me withdraw my advice. And ever since then it feels like you have, like now, lost no opportunity to take a dig whenever you feel you can get one in. All I ever did was suggest a Cushings test on a nineteen year old foot sore horse, I think you've got your own back now, haven't you?
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Hi,I'm the one who replied to you before as I have Trigeminal neuralgia.I have taken carbamazepine and it does help but it's quite difficult to determine the correct dose. I'm not on any medication at the moment and the weather conditions have been bad for me for the last three days, I'm probably frowning at the moment! Feel free to PM me ,I do feel that no one can understand this condition unless they have experienced it.

Thank you, I am about to PM you, you are the closest I can get to giving him a voice.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2012
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Oh my gosh.. People are so cruel. Yes maybe some of CPT's responses are blunt and maybe a little harsh, but from what I can see they are only in retaliation. I can only imagine that CPT is going through emotional turmoil with what's happening with Ace, I know I would be! So yes maybe some responses are snappy and a little irrational but for what she's going through - I find that perfectly reasonable. I cannot believe some of the below the belt remarks, do you not think it's hard enough what CPT's been through with Ace without the constant jibes? It is clear that she loves this horse dearly and will do what is right by him.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2009
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It's absolutely no different to CPT telling me how unhappy CS is and implying that I ride him knowing he's in pain whilst being well aware he is under vet/ chiro/ trainer supervision.
No diff at all.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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It's absolutely no different to CPT telling me how unhappy CS is and implying that I ride him knowing he's in pain whilst being well aware he is under vet/ chiro/ trainer supervision.
No diff at all.

Well, in any case, I don't think it is fair to kick anyone when they are down, so if you have had similar comments in the past, that too is unfair.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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It's absolutely no different to CPT telling me how unhappy CS is and implying that I ride him knowing he's in pain whilst being well aware he is under vet/ chiro/ trainer supervision.
No diff at all.


All I have ever said about CS or your riding of him is that if he was mine I'd have his back x rayed. Which I would.

Yes, I have called CS unhappy in my response to your first offer to take him off my hands, because you said he was biting you and your sister over the stable door and consistently trying to dump you at home, and that to me is an unhappy horse.

The real problem here, Princess, is that from mid November on my blog, and probably before that, you have been utterly convinced that you know better than me how to manage a horse that you have never met. You told me so repeatedly at great length on my blog.

On this board, you have refused to make it clear that you do not think that I am making up Ace's head problems. It wouldn't surprise me to find that you are telling people that I am looking for an excuse to put the horse down so that I do not have to admit that I cannot ride him.

And for the people who think I follow the Sparkle sisters around posting about them, I suggest that you track back the last six months and see just who is posting after who. Perhaps my favourite was a single word post that Nikki followed one of my posts with. She wrote 'baa'. Maybe she was feeling a little sheepish that day :)

No different, me thinking your horse might be in pain and politely saying I would x ray him, and me knowing that mine is but you thinking it's me making it up and that If only you could get hold of him he'd be fine? I think not PS, I really do.
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Well-Known Member
26 February 2007
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That was why I was trying to be the bigger person put the past in the past and genuinely asked how it was going- my post didn't attack or have a go, merely asked how the treatment was going.
And a lovely grown up response I got there!

CPT is quick to tell others her opinion, get the vet or what to do, or what people are doing is wrong, but when others do to her posts we're all wrong.

I genuinely hope that ace gets a treatment that works or that CPT when exhausted all efforts (perhaps an xray) can find the strength to make the right call at the right time (something that I'm sure all owners hope they can do for their horses)


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Tell me, how is your top dressage horse doing currently in his competitions and life? Oh hang on............

Wow! Whatever CPT may or may not have said in the past, you have just passed the test to be a Grade-A Bitch! Congratulations, I'm sure that your family is proud of you!


Well-Known Member
15 November 2009
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Wow! Whatever CPT may or may not have said in the past, you have just passed the test to be a Grade-A Bitch! Congratulations, I'm sure that your family is proud of you!

As did CPT when she:told NMT that fig was more or less certain to get kissing spines as he is so short coupled. Told NMT that she adjusts her flash noseband like a grackle to effectively cheat BD rules and cover up a contact issue. Told NMT she had an eating disorder(publically, on this forum).repeately suggests that my horse has kissing spines even though I have repeatedly explained he had a full KS work up as a young horse and my vets do not feel it needs repeating.

Can you also not remember replying to one of my threads stating how beautifully ace was coming back in to work and then TWO weeks later posting that FOUR weeks previously was when you noticed his head banging issue? One of those two posts was total fabrication hence I don't think we are getting the full story here again and your aggressive and evasive replies only confirm it.

As far as my horse goes, he's a quirky barstool but one who is out-performing his genetics. The proof is in the pudding and he's getting the results. Several vets, several GP riders, 2 judges, 2 chiros and the best EDT in Europe agree he's just a tricky git. Somehow I think they are right.
In aces case he is severely under- performing so some part of his routine/ schooling/care is not right. He was no diff post KS OP than before, you were still having problems,the same problems, with spooking, humping, bucking etc. that tells me that whatever was wrong initially, remained so.

But he's your horse, same as CS is mine. Diff being I am very happy with the general trend of CS's work and the marks he is getting.


Well-Known Member
18 December 2010
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Yes, I have called CS unhappy

Perhaps my favourite was a single word post that Nikki followed one of my posts with. She wrote 'baa'. Maybe she was feeling a little sheepish that day :)


As for my 'baa' to one of your posts, that was regarding feet/shoeing/youngster IIRC. Could you elaborate as to what I could have possibly been feeling sheepish about?


Well-Known Member
19 January 2013
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Just to echo Boysy post-I too have trigeminal neuralgia,treated with anti-convulsants. The way in which TN is diagnosed is to give the patient the medication (which doesn't respond to standard analgesia) & if it kills the pain then you have both a successful treatment and a diagnosis. A very long shot-but is it possible to give anti-convulsants to a horse? Haven't a clue but your vet would obviously know and could be worth a try. And as a radiographer I know that X-rays are useless in diagnosing TN problems-great for fractures,not so good for more complex conditions.
Good luck CPT, it must be horrendous watching your horse suffer like this,I do hope you find a way forward.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Just to echo Boysy post-I too have trigeminal neuralgia,treated with anti-convulsants. The way in which TN is diagnosed is to give the patient the medication (which doesn't respond to standard analgesia) & if it kills the pain then you have both a successful treatment and a diagnosis. A very long shot-but is it possible to give anti-convulsants to a horse? Haven't a clue but your vet would obviously know and could be worth a try. And as a radiographer I know that X-rays are useless in diagnosing TN problems-great for fractures,not so good for more complex conditions.
Good luck CPT, it must be horrendous watching your horse suffer like this,I do hope you find a way forward.

He on anti-convulsants and the bad news is that they are working and that he cannot stay on them, because the dose is likely to have to be rapidly increased as the effect wears off.

Meanwhile, this is a you tube video showing what a beautiful horse he is. I am riding him there at twelve weeks after the operation for kissing spines in an arena away from home, the beginning of December.

And just to remind those who still think I am looking for an excuse to put this horse down rather than admit that I can't ride him, this was his second head injury in three months, and happened while turned out on a twelve acre field.


If anyone wants to know the truth about anything else I have posted, please read the originals, because I don't recognize the description of what I am supposed to have written :)
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Well-Known Member
1 August 2013
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Wow definitely less tail swishing than the before video. I do hope you get to the bottom of his issues and back track


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Wow definitely less tail swishing than the before video. I do hope you get to the bottom of his issues and back track

Yes, the two very significant changes were the increase in the length of his stride and the very marked reduction in tail swishing. I'll never buy another horse Wii does it, just in case. He also lost a clear limb flight deviation in his front right, which was unexpected.

I know that his back is not involved in these current issues because he has retained his overtrack and his beautiful movement. He has, though, lost a lot of his top line now from being out of work so long :(


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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I know you don't want to take my advice but my dressage horse did this to himself on several occasions, ended up in the vets with a suspected brain tumor and after extensive tests turned out he had a hay seed or some thing in his ear, he had his ears cleared out and has been fine ever since.
He damaged his face so much he had stitches.
The vets were convinced he had some thing majorly wrong, I had to beg them them to slwan out his ears. Worth a try?


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I know you don't want to take my advice but my dressage horse did this to himself on several occasions, ended up in the vets with a suspected brain tumor and after extensive tests turned out he had a hay seed or some thing in his ear, he had his ears cleared out and has been fine ever since.
He damaged his face so much he had stitches.
The vets were convinced he had some thing majorly wrong, I had to beg them them to slwan out his ears. Worth a try?

Well an ear clean would be easy enough. What was your horse actually doing to cause the injuries? Ace did one in September by cantering straight into a wall.


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27 March 2006
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He smacked his head on stable walls, the worse one, where he almost lost an eye he shredded his face so badly, he did in the field, no idea how, the vet came to stitch it and within ten mins of him leaving he whacked his head again! Almost looked like he said it on purpose so they took him in for tests.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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He smacked his head on stable walls, the worse one, where he almost lost an eye he shredded his face so badly, he did in the field, no idea how, the vet came to stitch it and within ten mins of him leaving he whacked his head again! Almost looked like he said it on purpose so they took him in for tests.

Ace has never looked as if he did it on purpose :(

For anyone interested, this video shows at one minute thirty what happened when the spines clashed. He felt absolutely explosive the whole way through, which was why I rode in an air jacket. (No riding critique please, I know my faults, and since I didn't have a horse till my twenties and didn't learn to ride in balance until I was in my thirties, I don't think I do so bad) .

It was obvious to us then that his behaviour was pain and not malice, so I had him x rayed and found six impinging processes right under the saddle.

I got him through the kissing spines rehab, then through a gut upset caused by acid haylage, and then found him one morning with a busted right eye socket. He got a numb nose from that, which had just got the feeling back in it when he crunched his left cheek bone and has been left with trigeminal neuralgia, which I am giving him as long as is sensible and fair to show that he can resolve.
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