Well-Known Member
I am also an equine vet, of over 20 years standing. Threads like this make me want to either cry, or hang up my stethoscope. There is just no way of doing right for doing wrong. I think it is time to retire from social media.
Whatever actions are taken, in anything, there’s always people who can complain about it. While at the same time there will be those who applaud that action. That’s humanity for you.
Any action we take, if we’re trying to do the best we can, with the information we have at the time, we can walk through life with relative ‘self-ease’.
We can consider others opinions, sure, but ultimately in any moment, all a person has is their knowledge and experience at the time, and try to use it for the best outcome.
Even if at a future point having gained more experience/knowledge and we look back realising we did wrong, we can be thankful we now have learnt better and won’t repeat the mistake, while taking comfort that at the time, our intent was to do our best.