The Xmas Furry
Living in 🦄 🦄 land
Obviously then, our regions differ greatly in observed entitlement from 'sporting' people.What you're describing is illegal and should be stopped. They are not allowed to start as a group on a time trial.
There are frequent time trials on the A roads around here and I've never in over 30 years seen what you have described.
I have, though, been out with drag hunts that trashed verges parking, blocked roads parking, left horse shit all over urban roads outside people's homes, trashed bridleways, went on land where the land owner said not to, held up traffic for long periods, had hounds run into roads and be hit, killed sheep, caused horses in fields we passed to get into a dangerous frenzy, upset dog walkers ....
And I do question whether we are now simply too over populated for such antisocial behaviour.
I too comment from 1st hand regular experience over many years.