Shwmae horse products

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6 December 2013
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Have a look at the profiles of the allegedly happy customers! Rather too many of them seem to be under the age of 13.
So should not even have a Facebook account!
The police are not interested or involved in this as it a civil matter.
Solicitors are also extremely unlikely to be under any instruction because the cost of legal action for this would be prohibitive!
However, trading standards,PayPal and Facebook are very interested.
Please, anyone who has encountered a problem with Shwmae can you get in touch with Carmarthen Trading Standards.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Oh- well I must say Im disappointed in DH too then!

Its such an unprofessional thing to do to your customers. *cough cough*

To be fair to DH they did ring me before the messages were deleted. In fact they deleted the messages after I'd posted a final one to say thank you for calling me back.


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5 December 2010
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They really need to get a grip on how to run a business. Making excuses such as 'our two homebred horses had to put down and we were upset' are just crazy. I run a small business and when my mum died I still had to get up the next day and fulfilled work requests. I cancelled new ones coming in for a while and explained I was sorry, but I wouldn't be able to do them on time. Stuff will always go wrong in your personal life but you need to handle it professionally and not make excuses.


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14 August 2011
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much as i loathe these equine onsies and would rather walk to hell and back than inflict one on my horses, there is obviously a market for these ridiculous products and anyone with a mind to, a few quid behind them and an entrepreneurial sprit , now would be a good time to set up a rival company offering the same product abet in quality materials, well made and fitted and offering excellent customer service run by professionals.

very much doubt shwmea have a patent on the equine onsie.

sounds like a gold mine in the waiting.


Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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much as i loathe these equine onsies and would rather walk to hell and back than inflict one on my horses, there is obviously a market for these ridiculous products and anyone with a mind to, a few quid behind them and an entrepreneurial sprit , now would be a good time to set up a rival company offering the same product abet in quality materials, well made and fitted and offering excellent customer service run by professionals.

very much doubt shwmea have a patent on the equine onsie.

sounds like a gold mine in the waiting.

Yeah very true. Would love to do it myself but wouldn't know where to start lol


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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they have now posted a picture on their facebook page of them lungeing in a full face and body onsie complete with saddle pad and roller over the top.

can just imagine how many of their younger 'happy customers' will now think this is the cutest idea ever and copy it resulting in some very itchy sweaty unhappy ponies.

but the ponies apparently tell their owners they love them so that's ok.


Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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they have now posted a picture on their facebook page of them lungeing in a full face and body onsie complete with saddle pad and roller over the top.

can just imagine how many of their younger 'happy customers' will now think this is the cutest idea ever and copy it resulting in some very itchy sweaty unhappy ponies.

but the ponies apparently tell their owners they love them so that's ok.

Yeah I saw that. How can the horse move freely and you said horse will sweat. This could lead to colic in some horse's. It just gets worse. As a 'reputable' business (as owners say they are) they should advise against this and what the risks are


Well-Known Member
22 May 2009
Halifax, West Yorkshire
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much as i loathe these equine onsies and would rather walk to hell and back than inflict one on my horses, there is obviously a market for these ridiculous products and anyone with a mind to, a few quid behind them and an entrepreneurial sprit , now would be a good time to set up a rival company offering the same product abet in quality materials, well made and fitted and offering excellent customer service run by professionals.

very much doubt shwmea have a patent on the equine onsie.

sounds like a gold mine in the waiting.

When we started up and we were making the hoods the most difficult thing is developing the right patterns and and good sizing, we thought about doing the onesies as we knew there was a market for them but after lots and lots of careful consideration we decided there was no way we could effectively make them fit in to general sizes ie small / med / large / cob / pony as you would have to consider length of leg and type of pony / horse and we decided the only way you could make them to fit properly was to do bespoke which just wouldn't be possible with such a high demand and only two machinists and that's why companies like snuggy hoods won't do them because it's too hard to generalise the sizing and pattern. When Shwmae first brought the onesie out we were just thinking of closing as we literally couldn't keep up with the orders and me and my ex partner both said to each other at the time that there was no way Shwmae would be able to make these fit all their customers equines without doing made to measure and we both said this would happen that they would have a lot of complaints and obviously with their already bad customer service that their reputation would just nose dive even further!


Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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Talking of horse welfare, the photo posted on the Companies FB page 8.41 this morning, of a pretty grey pony wearing a onsie, the owners of said pony should be advised by the Company that they need to pull the nearside eye hole up as it is dangerously close to the ponies eye. The alleged quote from happy customer as posted on the Companied FB is to follow

"We would like to say a huge thank you to the team at Shwmae Products ltd for designing a wonderful outfit, we received our equine onsie which was a birthday gift for our daughter and her pony Sebastian, the suit fits him to perfection from the hood down to the legs it is fantastically made from a re..."


Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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Its funnily how all the happy customers put a kiss at end of testimonies. I can ensure I wouldn't put a kiss on a testimonies.

Oh and according to them it was them that lunge the horse in the onesie and horse didn't sweat. Either wasn't worked hard enough or someone telling porkies


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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When we started up and we were making the hoods the most difficult thing is developing the right patterns and and good sizing, we thought about doing the onesies as we knew there was a market for them but after lots and lots of careful consideration we decided there was no way we could effectively make them fit in to general sizes ie small / med / large / cob / pony as you would have to consider length of leg and type of pony / horse and we decided the only way you could make them to fit properly was to do bespoke which just wouldn't be possible with such a high demand and only two machinists and that's why companies like snuggy hoods won't do them because it's too hard to generalise the sizing and pattern. When Shwmae first brought the onesie out we were just thinking of closing as we literally couldn't keep up with the orders and me and my ex partner both said to each other at the time that there was no way Shwmae would be able to make these fit all their customers equines without doing made to measure and we both said this would happen that they would have a lot of complaints and obviously with their already bad customer service that their reputation would just nose dive even further!

That's interesting.
i can see exactly what you mean as for such a body encasing product to be fitted properly it would have to be bespoke as horses come in all lengths and shapes no matter what they're size and to find one well fitting in a generic 'medium size' would be more luck than judgement.

im assuming Shwmae's key market is the child and pony one for the cutsie factor. (I cant imagine seeing a 4* eventer in the badminton stable block being kept clean for the trot up wearing a star spangled ear encasing onesie next season)

still, people ARE buying these things. would be interesting to see how many customers are happy with the fit on their horse after receiving them (if they eventually do)


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7 July 2010
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Taken advantage of.... Ok polar express you clearly aren't sure of being taken advantage of.

I can post her tracking public if you want and you'll see the date it was sent, but I'm not going to for her privacy and the fact your just a friend. If she's so upset then happily she can come start having a go at me.

Five time a day minimal and you know it! I was myself speaking with her yesterday just confirming things as the deadline for it to arrive on the couriers was then.

Package still not delivered. Courier company said her phone number was never passed on (despite you saying you had done so). It took you three weeks plus to give her a tracking number.

I know I said I was done, but I couldn't let this pack of lies go unchallenged. You take the biscuit - you really do.

Now I'm done.


P.S. Oh, and if she was such a happy customer, why would you tell her that she was "pathetic?"
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Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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That's interesting.
i can see exactly what you mean as for such a body encasing product to be fitted properly it would have to be bespoke as horses come in all lengths and shapes no matter what they're size and to find one well fitting in a generic 'medium size' would be more luck than judgement.

im assuming Shwmae's key market is the child and pony one for the cutsie factor. (I cant imagine seeing a 4* eventer in the badminton stable block being kept clean for the trot up wearing a star spangled ear encasing onesie next season)

still, people ARE buying these things. would be interesting to see how many customers are happy with the fit on their horse after receiving them (if they eventually do)

If you look at the web site and the ordering on the turnout Onsie you are very limited as to what you can put in. They said it was better for it to be a bit too long in the body as it would be easy to shorten. The other options were 'fine built', 'extra deep' 'standard' or 'cob'. I presume from this they try to get the actual body fit and leg fit. My girl can only be described as standard as she is not fine, cob or extra deep but a bog standard 15.3 ISH horse. So obviously their system does not work.

When they agreed to make the alterations they asked for measurements which I provided. Might have been better if they had asked for those in the first place and then it might have stood a better chance of fitting.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Oh and guess what I have just seen on eBay
And guess what it was bought but does not fit her horse.

I saw this yesterday, but to be fair we've all bought rugs that ended up not fitting . . . so it's hardly surprising that some of these onesies don't fit (and the clear as mud directions on the website don't help).

However, the issue is not onesies that don't fit - it's how the company deals with a) shipping product in the first place - as in setting realistic expectations with customers about delivery times and sticking to those times; and b) altering said onesies in a timely and professional manner.

While it might be tempting to dig up other examples of "unhappy" customers to add fuel to the flames, I don't believe it is helpful. If you want to make a difference/get your money back/get the product you paid for, you're better off dealing with what's in front of you.

Sorry if that sounds preachy - just my opinion - feel free to disregard.



Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Been following this thread, not had any dealings with said company as I wouldn't put my horse in a onesie but this whole scenario is a complete farce and has been going on for some time by the look of it!

and there pops up showingmadfilly on that thread as well pretending to me a 'happy customer'

surely it must break some trading laws when the company director pretends to be a satisfied customer giving false references on their own product?

i can only see lies being told and information surpressed on one side of this farce so far and it isnt the customers.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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and there pops up showingmadfilly on that thread as well pretending to me a 'happy customer'

surely it must break some trading laws when the company director pretends to be a satisfied customer giving false references on their own product?

i can only see lies being told and information surpressed on one side of this farce so far and it isnt the customers.

How dishonest.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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I saw this yesterday, but to be fair we've all bought rugs that ended up not fitting . . . so it's hardly surprising that some of these onesies don't fit (and the clear as mud directions on the website don't help).

However, the issue is not onesies that don't fit - it's how the company deals with a) shipping product in the first place - as in setting realistic expectations with customers about delivery times and sticking to those times; and b) altering said onesies in a timely and professional manner.

While it might be tempting to dig up other examples of "unhappy" customers to add fuel to the flames, I don't believe it is helpful. If you want to make a difference/get your money back/get the product you paid for, you're better off dealing with what's in front of you.

Sorry if that sounds preachy - just my opinion - feel free to disregard.


Hm, if they don't fit you send them back don't you? No point in spending a lot of money on an item that doesn't fit when it arrives. So it is all part of the problem, mine especially.

I placed my order with Shwmae 15th July and did not receive until 23 August, nearly 6 weeks, rather longer than they said it would take to deliver. Then it did not fit properly so they said they would alter it, quote "and there will be no hassle sorting it for you xx". Then 2 months later they decide that they wont alter it.

So, that was why I found it interesting that someone was eBaying one because it didn't fit.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Hm, if they don't fit you send them back don't you? No point in spending a lot of money on an item that doesn't fit when it arrives. So it is all part of the problem, mine especially.

I placed my order with Shwmae 15th July and did not receive until 23 August, nearly 6 weeks, rather longer than they said it would take to deliver. Then it did not fit properly so they said they would alter it, quote "and there will be no hassle sorting it for you xx". Then 2 months later they decide that they wont alter it.

So, that was why I found it interesting that someone was eBaying one because it didn't fit.

I see that - and I can see that you have had a massive runaround, but you can't assume that because someone is eBay'ing something - anything - even one of the dreaded Shwmae onesies - because it doesn't fit that they have had the same runaround. Perhaps they couldn't be bothered to send it back - perhaps they just didn't like it and saying it doesn't fit is the easiest reason for selling?

Don't get me wrong - I am as frustrated by Shwmae's shoddy customer service as the next person . . . but I don't think that making assumptions helps the argument . . . but feel free to ignore me ;).



Well-Known Member
16 January 2008
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much as i loathe these equine onsies and would rather walk to hell and back than inflict one on my horses, there is obviously a market for these ridiculous products and anyone with a mind to, a few quid behind them and an entrepreneurial sprit , now would be a good time to set up a rival company offering the same product abet in quality materials, well made and fitted and offering excellent customer service run by professionals.

very much doubt shwmea have a patent on the equine onsie.

sounds like a gold mine in the waiting.

Yeah very true. Would love to do it myself but wouldn't know where to start lol

There are other equine all in ones avaliable, shwmae did not invent the concept, I had a lycra horse all in one in the 80's. There are other decent companies out there that make these!!!

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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I see that - and I can see that you have had a massive runaround, but you can't assume that because someone is eBay'ing something - anything - even one of the dreaded Shwmae onesies - because it doesn't fit that they have had the same runaround. Perhaps they couldn't be bothered to send it back - perhaps they just didn't like it and saying it doesn't fit is the easiest reason for selling?

Don't get me wrong - I am as frustrated by Shwmae's shoddy customer service as the next person . . . but I don't think that making assumptions helps the argument . . . but feel free to ignore me ;).


Hi, I am not jumping to assumptions at all. The person selling on eBay told me that it took months for the rug to come, one excuse after another. It was decent quality but not the size ordered, and although they tried to get a refund it was a nightmare. So put on eBay to try and get some money back . A comment was also made that the customer services was a joke but Shwmae could have a fabulous business if they looked after customers. So basically the same old story.


Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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and there pops up showingmadfilly on that thread as well pretending to me a 'happy customer'

surely it must break some trading laws when the company director pretends to be a satisfied customer giving false references on their own product?

i can only see lies being told and information surpressed on one side of this farce so far and it isnt the customers.

I agree


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I placed my order with Shwmae 15th July and did not receive until 23 August, nearly 6 weeks, rather longer than they said it would take to deliver. Then it did not fit properly so they said they would alter it, quote "and there will be no hassle sorting it for you xx". Then 2 months later they decide that they wont alter it.

Under Distance Selling Regulations, unless agreed by the customer, the business has 30 days to deliver your goods. Failure to do so means the customer can have a full refund + postage costs.

I notice that Shwmae's website doesn't have the address of the business on the website, this is reguired under DSR, along with the VAT number.

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