Shwmae horse products

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28 December 2009
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From someone who works in Customer Services- and coaches members of staff with their service, could I politely suggest that you have an external trainer come in and run some sessions with you? I use snuggy hoods, for showing, at stay away shows and for turnout. I'm always looking for something similar where I don't have to wait for the sale (!) and so have been following this thread. Your responses have put me off ever dealing with your company. Whether the posters here are right or wrong is irrelevant- I have rarely seen such awful customer service skills as those displayed in your responses. Sometimes, the best thing to say is nothing at all until you can step back, draft a professional response and read it before posting.

As for only dealing with complaints when sent to a specific email address- any company should deal with any complaint in any format.


People on this thread have actually copied and pasted the emails they've sent you (and in done cases, your rude replies) so I can't quite see how you can claim that everyone is lying and you've received no messages whatsoever?

In fact, the only person I've seen proved to have been duplicitous is yourself when you have formerly posed as a happy Shwmae customer, when you actually run the business??

I run a business and I just can't imagine ever ever talking to customers in the way you do.


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11 March 2012
West midlands
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11am.... Still nothing. Two messages one off Alix who's easily sorted because it's not even old and another off someone who's worries on response to this rubbish. Both happily chatting and will be sorted because it's total misunderstanding from this utter load of rubbish.....

So still I ask where are all these unhappy people.

I'll keep asking
Message me at:-

Still looking convincing that you have nothing to go on!


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Still no reply to my question about why you removed my comments asking you to make the owner of the badly fitted / fitting onesie aware of the risks. Further I'm horrified to discover more people also posted to make you aware of the issue and ask you to inform the owner and their comments were also removed.


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1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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That's amusing... So all you have is 2012.
As I said in the past 2012 yes we made mistakes.... 2013 and half of these people we've not mad many at all and the people on here are either fake, don't come forward to resolve or are from that year.

If this is thread is so true and your all so upset why have I woken to more happy people and non of these so called so unhappy people.

Your simply beating around the bush and can't answer why know one has!

Might be from 2012 but in these post your claiming to be a HAPPY customer when in fact you own the business. So you putting out false testimonies to big your business up. Yes you may have happy customers but you also have very UNHAPPY customers and these the one's you should be resolving, not going on facebook removing negative comments and threatening legal action cause it just makes you look like you got something to hide and that your pathetic and immature


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Showingmadfilly please get some training on consumer relations , you have ensured as I read this thread that yours is one of the last companies on earth that I would attempt to buy something from.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Still no reply to my question about why you removed my comments asking you to make the owner of the badly fitted / fitting onesie aware of the risks. Further I'm horrified to discover more people also posted to make you aware of the issue and ask you to inform the owner and their comments were also removed.

yup both me and miss_c made similar comments, made in good faith and not at all rude or accusatory but were just removed.


Well-Known Member
15 February 2013
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How unprofessional and pathetic this company is . I feel very peed off reading all your pathetic crap on here. I was a genuine buyer that paid on time and had nothing but hassle with this company. I do not know how they can keep blaming everyone else for their errors and incompetence. Do the decent thing and refund or send people their items .


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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That I find really disturbing, that they would deliberately prevent information regarding horse safety from reaching their customers.

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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Corner mad house who is the bully who started this who since the police got in touch seems to have learnt not to put my name but hasn't learnt that trading standards do not help those who use and use and use an item decide to have it altered we said it would break it so she's been cruel enough to start this and get so petty she is messaging people ruining it for many and now I must admit people are starting to email me saying how can she find the time.

Dear Jessica.

1. I did not start this, you did by promising me something and reneging on the contract

2. I am not a bully, just wanted to be treated fairly and you would not respond to emails only on this forum

3. When you do respond to emails it is usually a load of made up rubbish.

4. The Police have not been in touch with me

5. I used the rug ONCE, washed and returned to you as agreed. No fitting instructions/guidance provided. Stretchy material exacerbated the problem of the body being too long. Legs caused pressure marks around pasterns. It wont be used again until altered.

6. Rug returned to me unaltered. It is not fit for purpose.

7. I suggested to a few folks that they might like to look at the threads on H&H before purchasing so they could make their own minds up on your company as your FB page is not a true reflection. Nothing wrong in that.

8. You did more damage to your company with your own FB ravings of police/solicitors/taping phone calls/hate groups than I could ever do to your company, as well as the rantings you have posted on this thread

I think that addresses most of your accusations against me.

ANYONE HAVING ISSUES WTH SHWMAE PLEASE CONTACT CITIZENS ADVICE, who will pass all information onto Trading Standards.


Well-Known Member
20 March 2008
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Can anybody please point me in the right direction of where exactly I should write to? Also, if there is any kind of template as to what exactly I should send?

I had major problems with this company between February and March last year, when I ordered a fleece hood from them. After a few weeks with no correspondence I tried both writing on their Facebook wall (which was deleted!), and sending them a private message on Facebook. They replied (four days later) saying they had already emailed me regarding the delay and that I must not have received it. On the 7th March 2012 they told me that: (and I quote directly from their message) "Oh gosh yes, now we've got the full order we can make in 48 hours for you. We are so sorry about that 10off anything you order and have name and sparkles on as an apology xxxx"

On the 14th March, I found a post on here asking for reviews on the company. I stated that several weeks since ordering, and despite a 48 hours promise on the 7th, that I had still not received my hood, nor any correspondence telling me what was going on. They then messaged me (extremely quickly!!) asking to remove the reply I had put. Stupidly, I did in the hope that it would hurry my hood along. Again, they promised free items as an apology and stated they would send on the 15th March and would supply me with a tracking number (even asking where was best to send me this number).

On the 16th March, my hood arrived. It was not the satin lined version they promised, and nor were there any free items and I emailed to tell them as much. They informed me the free items were sent in a different bag, and that it wasn't lined because they didn't have one long enough. I went to try the item on my horse to discover before I had even tried it on that the hood was covered in pen lines. The hood was far too big, and the surcingle much too short. I informed them I would be returning it the next day special delivery, and wanted a refund for the item plus postage and it was not the item they said they would be sending.

Their reply was "we dont do refunds only adjustments when items do not fit but will make an exeption for you as you are not satisfied. We wouldgreatly appreciate if you could not post over forums as we hope we can deal with this situation with out further complications."

I explained that as the item was covered in pen, it was not JUST that it did not fit, and that if anybody asked my opinion I would only tell them the truth. Unbelievably, their reply was:

"We can't stop you from doing what you must but sadly we feel this would be very unfair. We have always explained and always understood. We were supplying free items and now prepared to refund with postage back as well (can't name a company who would do this) We personally feel a little backed into a corner as work hard to please and have done so here but also feel we can't stop you from bad mouthing the company through all of our good will efforts. It's a real shame but we understand if you feel the need to say bad things when we've tried so hard beyond policies and kind nature to satisfy. You yourself would have lost nothing we have lost a lot through this......
We accept your decisions wrong or right
We hope to hear from you soon"

I sent the item back and sent them a message with the tracking number and the money that I required back straight away and was met with the message "We will sort payment on arrival or the item in case it's damaged or has sign of wear. Has the item been kept completely clean as policy states we have to return items to the owners if they are in any way dirty?" Bit of a cheek really considering it arrived with me defaced.

Luckily, I received a full refund. Funnily enough, I never received the free items they said they had sent separately. I then sent them an extremely long email detailing exactly what had gone wrong with the process they had used to deal with my issues, in the hope that they would learn from it in the future. I then blocked the company from my Facebook, as I was unsure if I would ever be left alone!!

Absolutely diabolical treatment, I have never been treated so badly by anyone before or ever since the whole episode.

And showingmadfilly, you may threaten me with whatever you like (as I am sure you will) but I have all of the messages saved on my computer (and am willing to show/send them to whoever wishes to see them), and will be making a formal complaint, as I wouldn't be doing my bit if I allowed you to continue to treat people the way that you obviously feel is correct and acceptable.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2009
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I guess this is what happens when a company is run by children.

After reading this thread and seeing how the owners conduct themselves I certainly wouldn't be recommending them to anyone!


7 December 2013
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11am.... Still nothing. Two messages one off Alix who's easily sorted because it's not even old and another off someone who's worries on response to this rubbish. Both happily chatting and will be sorted because it's total misunderstanding from this utter load of rubbish.....

So still I ask where are all these unhappy people.

I'll keep asking
Message me at:-

Still looking convincing that you have nothing to go on!


Was this directed at me ? Alix (Alex).

I didn't get an email apart from one 30 mins ago replied to you.

Isit mine that is easily sorted? It's new? What's new ? The order? I paid on the 13th estimated delivery 10days.

thanks for the reply tho Jess.



Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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Do they have issues though because I'm awaiting these apparent people and no..... No messages what so ever.

It would appear they are figure of the instigators imagination or even better people she's hounded enough with her rubbish that they've got involved.

Where are you unhappy people?
I've been waiting all night.... No in fact I've been waiting since this rubbish started.

Sadly oh Company Director, this is not rubbish, this is very true. I ordered and paid via paypal a onsie from you on the 14th September 2013. Like so many others I experienced the experienced the same excuses of moving offices, horses sick and then nothing. It was not until a very concerted effort on my part, as not only do I know company law, but I also know consumer rights, that I eventually got a refund from you on the 14th November 2013. You may like to think that the issue is now "dealt" with, but I believe no one else should have to go through what I did to actually get my money back. Below is my correspondence with your organisation - it will be for others to make their own minds up as to the business practices of your company.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 15 September 2013
To: Client

Thank you ever so much for your order, the third working day dispatch will be Wednesday afternoon. We may find it hard to get the dark hearts in for then however we do have a smashing black star available if this would be ok? If not we will do our very best to get the hearts and keep you informed if it's in stock with our suppliers.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 16 September 2013
To: client

Thank you ever so much for getting back, apologies for my delay we are moving premises and things are very hectic so a few delays in reply. Will make sure your orders our ASAP as promised by postage,

From: Client
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013
I am now very bored of emailing you to chase up my order which I placed in mid Sept. In your email of the 16th Sept, you stated that the item would be dispatch on that Wed. When I emailed you last week, you responded that you would be sorting this out. I have not heard from you since, and I am still awaiting my order – for which I have paid and indeed I paid for express delivery.
If I do not hear from you by close of play this evening either confirming that my order will be with me at the latest Monday or that my funds have been returned, I will have no choice but to take action to recover the monies, as at present this is fraud – I have paid for an item in good faith and I have not received it. I will also have to inform your local trading standards office and the social media sites of this fact.

On 25 Oct 2013, at 17:19,
client wrote:

Jo as I have yet again hear nothing from you despite calling and emailing, please take this email as official notification that I require my funds to be re-paid under the trades description act, as you have taken my money and not produced the goods. Also be advised that I will be phoning one of the senior editors at xx as they be interested in a story such as this, particularly bearing in mind the amount of press inches they have given to you. I will also be advising payapl and your local trading standars who take matters such a fraud which this is very seriously. I will also be issuing a small claims procedure against you and I have requested from companies house your last trading years accounts. I will then inform the social networks of what I find. I have given you every chance and this young lady is not the way to grow a business and you need to learn that if you take funds off people who pay you in good faith and then FAIL to supply the product – there will only be one direction that you will head and that is to the bankruptcy court.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 26 October 2013 01:04
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again

Good evening,
Know one including myself has been available, a onesie has been prepared for Monday and will be with you tuesday.

On 14 Nov 2013, ,
client wrote:
Good evening girls, as I have not heard anything from my last FB message to you, but have seen that you have closed down my link to you, I write in this format, so along with all other formats I can have it documented and logged, that as I have not received my funds back, be advised that tomorrow I will have to contact your local trading standards, I will of course have to share this statement of fact as and when I have done it with the on-line equestrian community. You may also be interested in the following link I await to hear from you regarding my funds.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 14 November 2013 20:58
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again
By 'girls' I take it you are trying to belittle the two ladies who own this company as they are younger than most company owners. I am however not either of the company directors, but will be the one to refund your order. Thank you for the link, I'm taking it you are referring to the thread back in 2012, these complaints where when the company closed for a month whilst the company directors had two of there homebred horses put to sleep. All situations were refunded or items sent, but thank you for bringing that back up.

On 14 Nov 2013, at 21:01,
client wrote:
You have 12 hours to refund via paypal (as you are obviously on-line now, you can do it straight away, before we go to court) trading standards and the national press. Also see link I think this is not a new problem.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 14 November 2013 21:34
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again
Your money has already been refunded in full back to your account, thanks for reminding me though.

Below is some of the FB correspondence
25th Oct 2013
Shwmae Horsewear

Morning.... Confused...
25th Oct 2013
Am not sure what you are confused about. I think it is fairly obvious you have my money which you got in September and I don't have your product.

Shwmae Horsewear
To be honest if you wish to slander the company maybe we should keep the money for damages.... We are able to do that also. I'm not going to argue with you. Do you wish us to send the product and no more rude messages or shall we not persist to message and await an email and block?

Thank you at last for bothering to contact me. You should be aware of what the legal definition of slander and liable are before you make silly threats for your info to follow is the definition
I am allowed to say anything about your company as long as it is true, and can be proven to be true. Libellous statements are “untruths” that are harmful bringing the people or their business into “ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt”. As you well know what i have said is true you have my money, I have no product and I have the entire log for you or anyone else to read. I’ve pasted the whole legal definition below. In answer to your question, I have now lost so much faith in your organisation that I just wish for a return of my funds through Paypal - today. You have my details.

From Client
I am awaiting your reply - are you going to return my funds by pay-pal today? And don't worry about blocking my email, the magistrates courts wont be interested in that.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Sadly oh Company Director, this is not rubbish, this is very true. I ordered and paid via paypal a onsie from you on the 14th September 2013. Like so many others I experienced the experienced the same excuses of moving offices, horses sick and then nothing. It was not until a very concerted effort on my part, as not only do I know company law, but I also know consumer rights, that I eventually got a refund from you on the 14th November 2013. You may like to think that the issue is now "dealt" with, but I believe no one else should have to go through what I did to actually get my money back. Below is my correspondence with your organisation - it will be for others to make their own minds up as to the business practices of your company.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 15 September 2013
To: Client

Thank you ever so much for your order, the third working day dispatch will be Wednesday afternoon. We may find it hard to get the dark hearts in for then however we do have a smashing black star available if this would be ok? If not we will do our very best to get the hearts and keep you informed if it's in stock with our suppliers.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 16 September 2013
To: client

Thank you ever so much for getting back, apologies for my delay we are moving premises and things are very hectic so a few delays in reply. Will make sure your orders our ASAP as promised by postage,

From: Client
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013
I am now very bored of emailing you to chase up my order which I placed in mid Sept. In your email of the 16th Sept, you stated that the item would be dispatch on that Wed. When I emailed you last week, you responded that you would be sorting this out. I have not heard from you since, and I am still awaiting my order – for which I have paid and indeed I paid for express delivery.
If I do not hear from you by close of play this evening either confirming that my order will be with me at the latest Monday or that my funds have been returned, I will have no choice but to take action to recover the monies, as at present this is fraud – I have paid for an item in good faith and I have not received it. I will also have to inform your local trading standards office and the social media sites of this fact.

On 25 Oct 2013, at 17:19,
client wrote:

Jo as I have yet again hear nothing from you despite calling and emailing, please take this email as official notification that I require my funds to be re-paid under the trades description act, as you have taken my money and not produced the goods. Also be advised that I will be phoning one of the senior editors at xx as they be interested in a story such as this, particularly bearing in mind the amount of press inches they have given to you. I will also be advising payapl and your local trading standars who take matters such a fraud which this is very seriously. I will also be issuing a small claims procedure against you and I have requested from companies house your last trading years accounts. I will then inform the social networks of what I find. I have given you every chance and this young lady is not the way to grow a business and you need to learn that if you take funds off people who pay you in good faith and then FAIL to supply the product – there will only be one direction that you will head and that is to the bankruptcy court.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 26 October 2013 01:04
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again

Good evening,
Know one including myself has been available, a onesie has been prepared for Monday and will be with you tuesday.

On 14 Nov 2013, ,
client wrote:
Good evening girls, as I have not heard anything from my last FB message to you, but have seen that you have closed down my link to you, I write in this format, so along with all other formats I can have it documented and logged, that as I have not received my funds back, be advised that tomorrow I will have to contact your local trading standards, I will of course have to share this statement of fact as and when I have done it with the on-line equestrian community. You may also be interested in the following link I await to hear from you regarding my funds.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 14 November 2013 20:58
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again
By 'girls' I take it you are trying to belittle the two ladies who own this company as they are younger than most company owners. I am however not either of the company directors, but will be the one to refund your order. Thank you for the link, I'm taking it you are referring to the thread back in 2012, these complaints where when the company closed for a month whilst the company directors had two of there homebred horses put to sleep. All situations were refunded or items sent, but thank you for bringing that back up.

On 14 Nov 2013, at 21:01,
client wrote:
You have 12 hours to refund via paypal (as you are obviously on-line now, you can do it straight away, before we go to court) trading standards and the national press. Also see link I think this is not a new problem.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 14 November 2013 21:34
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again
Your money has already been refunded in full back to your account, thanks for reminding me though.

Below is some of the FB correspondence
25th Oct 2013
Shwmae Horsewear

Morning.... Confused...
25th Oct 2013
Am not sure what you are confused about. I think it is fairly obvious you have my money which you got in September and I don't have your product.

Shwmae Horsewear
To be honest if you wish to slander the company maybe we should keep the money for damages.... We are able to do that also. I'm not going to argue with you. Do you wish us to send the product and no more rude messages or shall we not persist to message and await an email and block?

Thank you at last for bothering to contact me. You should be aware of what the legal definition of slander and liable are before you make silly threats for your info to follow is the definition
I am allowed to say anything about your company as long as it is true, and can be proven to be true. Libellous statements are “untruths” that are harmful bringing the people or their business into “ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt”. As you well know what i have said is true you have my money, I have no product and I have the entire log for you or anyone else to read. I’ve pasted the whole legal definition below. In answer to your question, I have now lost so much faith in your organisation that I just wish for a return of my funds through Paypal - today. You have my details.

From Client
I am awaiting your reply - are you going to return my funds by pay-pal today? And don't worry about blocking my email, the magistrates courts wont be interested in that.




Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Them! We used one of their suppliers who didn't even like dealing with them, said they always bought the cheaper fleece and were obnoxious to the reps and to generally do business with, it says something when even the suppliers don't like doing business with them!

Again . . . wow!



Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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I have never been on a "forum" in my life. But I have been so angry at their behaviour and I just would so hate others to go through what I have been through. I also hate the fact that they say it is because they are young that they are getting the bad press. It is not the case. Look at the most successful entrepreneurs of all time, and they all started their business lives early - as I did many years back at the age of 17. The way to grow a business is to look after your customers. If things go wrong, hold your hands up, and at all times be polite and charming, that old expression "the customer is always right" is old for a reason - it works....


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Shwmae Horsewear
To be honest if you wish to slander the company maybe we should keep the money for damages.... We are able to do that also. I'm not going to argue with you. Do you wish us to send the product and no more rude messages or shall we not persist to message and await an email and block?

Customer service? Bullying? Threats? Sigh.

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