Shwmae horse products

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28 November 2013
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Somehow I do think they can do that unless I'm mistakenly wrong

No they can't and below is the legal definition:

libel 1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander which is oral defamation. It is a tort (civil wrong) making the person or entity (like a newspaper, magazine or political organization) open to a lawsuit for damages by the person who can prove the statement about him/her was a lie. Publication need only be to one person, but it must be a statement which claims to be fact, and is not clearly identified as an opinion. While it is sometimes said that the person making the libelous statement must have been intentional and malicious, actually it need only be obvious that the statement would do harm and is untrue. Proof of malice, however, does allow a party defamed to sue for "general damages" for damage to reputation, while an inadvertent libel limits the damages to actual harm (such as loss of business) called "special damages." "Libel per se" involves statements so vicious that malice is assumed and does not require a proof of intent to get an award of general damages. Libel against the reputation of a person who has died will allow surviving members of the family to bring an action for damages. Most states provide for a party defamed by a periodical to demand a published retraction. If the correction is made, then there is no right to file a lawsuit. Governmental bodies are supposedly immune for actions for libel on the basis that there could be no intent by a non-personal entity, and further, public records are exempt from claims of libel. However, there is at least one known case in which there was a financial settlement as well as a published correction when a state government newsletter incorrectly stated that a dentist had been disciplined for illegal conduct. The rules covering libel against a "public figure" (particularly a political or governmental person) are special, based on U. S. Supreme Court decisions. The key is that to uphold the right to express opinions or fair comment on public figures, the libel must be malicious to constitute grounds for a lawsuit for damages. Minor errors in reporting are not libel, such as saying Mrs. Jones was 55 when she was only 48, or getting an address or title incorrect. 2) v. to broadcast or publish a written defamatory statement.


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27 March 2006
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Sadly oh Company Director, this is not rubbish, this is very true. I ordered and paid via paypal a onsie from you on the 14th September 2013. Like so many others I experienced the experienced the same excuses of moving offices, horses sick and then nothing. It was not until a very concerted effort on my part, as not only do I know company law, but I also know consumer rights, that I eventually got a refund from you on the 14th November 2013. You may like to think that the issue is now "dealt" with, but I believe no one else should have to go through what I did to actually get my money back. Below is my correspondence with your organisation - it will be for others to make their own minds up as to the business practices of your company.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 15 September 2013
To: Client

Thank you ever so much for your order, the third working day dispatch will be Wednesday afternoon. We may find it hard to get the dark hearts in for then however we do have a smashing black star available if this would be ok? If not we will do our very best to get the hearts and keep you informed if it's in stock with our suppliers.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 16 September 2013
To: client

Thank you ever so much for getting back, apologies for my delay we are moving premises and things are very hectic so a few delays in reply. Will make sure your orders our ASAP as promised by postage,

From: Client
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013
I am now very bored of emailing you to chase up my order which I placed in mid Sept. In your email of the 16th Sept, you stated that the item would be dispatch on that Wed. When I emailed you last week, you responded that you would be sorting this out. I have not heard from you since, and I am still awaiting my order – for which I have paid and indeed I paid for express delivery.
If I do not hear from you by close of play this evening either confirming that my order will be with me at the latest Monday or that my funds have been returned, I will have no choice but to take action to recover the monies, as at present this is fraud – I have paid for an item in good faith and I have not received it. I will also have to inform your local trading standards office and the social media sites of this fact.

On 25 Oct 2013, at 17:19,
client wrote:

Jo as I have yet again hear nothing from you despite calling and emailing, please take this email as official notification that I require my funds to be re-paid under the trades description act, as you have taken my money and not produced the goods. Also be advised that I will be phoning one of the senior editors at xx as they be interested in a story such as this, particularly bearing in mind the amount of press inches they have given to you. I will also be advising payapl and your local trading standars who take matters such a fraud which this is very seriously. I will also be issuing a small claims procedure against you and I have requested from companies house your last trading years accounts. I will then inform the social networks of what I find. I have given you every chance and this young lady is not the way to grow a business and you need to learn that if you take funds off people who pay you in good faith and then FAIL to supply the product – there will only be one direction that you will head and that is to the bankruptcy court.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 26 October 2013 01:04
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again

Good evening,
Know one including myself has been available, a onesie has been prepared for Monday and will be with you tuesday.

On 14 Nov 2013, ,
client wrote:
Good evening girls, as I have not heard anything from my last FB message to you, but have seen that you have closed down my link to you, I write in this format, so along with all other formats I can have it documented and logged, that as I have not received my funds back, be advised that tomorrow I will have to contact your local trading standards, I will of course have to share this statement of fact as and when I have done it with the on-line equestrian community. You may also be interested in the following link I await to hear from you regarding my funds.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 14 November 2013 20:58
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again
By 'girls' I take it you are trying to belittle the two ladies who own this company as they are younger than most company owners. I am however not either of the company directors, but will be the one to refund your order. Thank you for the link, I'm taking it you are referring to the thread back in 2012, these complaints where when the company closed for a month whilst the company directors had two of there homebred horses put to sleep. All situations were refunded or items sent, but thank you for bringing that back up.

On 14 Nov 2013, at 21:01,
client wrote:
You have 12 hours to refund via paypal (as you are obviously on-line now, you can do it straight away, before we go to court) trading standards and the national press. Also see link I think this is not a new problem.

From: Shwmae Products Payments []
Sent: 14 November 2013 21:34
To: client
Subject: Re: I send the same email yet again
Your money has already been refunded in full back to your account, thanks for reminding me though.

Below is some of the FB correspondence
25th Oct 2013
Shwmae Horsewear

Morning.... Confused...
25th Oct 2013
Am not sure what you are confused about. I think it is fairly obvious you have my money which you got in September and I don't have your product.

Shwmae Horsewear
To be honest if you wish to slander the company maybe we should keep the money for damages.... We are able to do that also. I'm not going to argue with you. Do you wish us to send the product and no more rude messages or shall we not persist to message and await an email and block?

Thank you at last for bothering to contact me. You should be aware of what the legal definition of slander and liable are before you make silly threats for your info to follow is the definition
I am allowed to say anything about your company as long as it is true, and can be proven to be true. Libellous statements are “untruths” that are harmful bringing the people or their business into “ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt”. As you well know what i have said is true you have my money, I have no product and I have the entire log for you or anyone else to read. I’ve pasted the whole legal definition below. In answer to your question, I have now lost so much faith in your organisation that I just wish for a return of my funds through Paypal - today. You have my details.

From Client
I am awaiting your reply - are you going to return my funds by pay-pal today? And don't worry about blocking my email, the magistrates courts wont be interested in that.
Unbelievable, although we fully expect to be told that you never emailed them and this is all made up!


Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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Unbelievable, although we fully expect to be told that you never emailed them and this is all made up!

They would have fun in trying to explain why, particularly when the Trading Standards Office has a full print out of all of these emails, dated, timed and confirmed by our main server log....


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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They would have fun in trying to explain why, particularly when the Trading Standards Office has a full print out of all of these emails, dated, timed and confirmed by our main server log....

Well done you, I have never ordered or know anyone that has ordered from this company but reading this and their replies makes my blood boil. I can't believe any company wpou,d want to have their name tarnished in this way.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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For the record, I don't want this company to fail . . . I just want them to provide at least basic customer service . . . I will acknowledge that it's hard to run a business in the current economy - particularly when you are young and (relatively) inexperienced (that's not a criticism, it's a fact). However, it makes me really sad to see two young people floundering in this way and refusing to see the wood for the trees.

I so hope they take some of the advice offered on this thread and get some real counselling on marketing and customer service (I am a very experienced marketeer - but no, I am not offering my services).

It's not just the way they treat customers - I have taken a look at the website and it needs some serious work . . . it doesn't present a professional image and, honestly, would put me off from buying.

There obviously are happy customers . . . and there clearly is a market for their product(s) or there wouldn't be competition . . . but the way they communicate with (some) customers (and FWIW potential customers) is beyond poor. This thread alone has been particularly unedifying . . . and I was saddened to see that there is a similar thread on another horsey site - that speaks volumes. Bad press like this - particularly when it can be so easily picked up on a search engine - is truly damaging to a fledgling business.

Please - SMF - if you're reading this post - instead of being defensive (which is natural but very counterproductive) - take a moment to be objective and think about the damage your attitude is doing to your business. Even if all these people are simply being vindictive and are slagging you off for fun (and I am prepared to bet that most of them aren't) - fighting with them on a public forum ultimately puts you in the shade, not them.

I highly recommend that you focus on what's important . . . your business . . . and that means providing customers with what they ordered, when you said they would receive it . . . and that's not a dig - it's a genuine piece of advice. What isn't important to your business - ironically, as these words are appearing here - is what's said or written here. Put your money where your mouth is . . . spend more time making goods and shipping them on time (or at least setting realistic expectations for arrival of said goods), and less time digging yourself a great big hole.

I don't want to see you fail . . . really, I don't . . . but you're not doing yourself any favours.



Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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For the record, I don't want this company to fail . . . I just want them to provide at least basic customer service . . . I will acknowledge that it's hard to run a business in the current economy - particularly when you are young and (relatively) inexperienced (that's not a criticism, it's a fact). However, it makes me really sad to see two young people floundering in this way and refusing to see the wood for the trees.

I so hope they take some of the advice offered on this thread and get some real counselling on marketing and customer service (I am a very experienced marketeer - but no, I am not offering my services).

It's not just the way they treat customers - I have taken a look at the website and it needs some serious work . . . it doesn't present a professional image and, honestly, would put me off from buying.

There obviously are happy customers . . . and there clearly is a market for their product(s) or there wouldn't be competition . . . but the way they communicate with (some) customers (and FWIW potential customers) is beyond poor. This thread alone has been particularly unedifying . . . and I was saddened to see that there is a similar thread on another horsey site - that speaks volumes. Bad press like this - particularly when it can be so easily picked up on a search engine - is truly damaging to a fledgling business.

Please - SMF - if you're reading this post - instead of being defensive (which is natural but very counterproductive) - take a moment to be objective and think about the damage your attitude is doing to your business. Even if all these people are simply being vindictive and are slagging you off for fun (and I am prepared to bet that most of them aren't) - fighting with them on a public forum ultimately puts you in the shade, not them.

I highly recommend that you focus on what's important . . . your business . . . and that means providing customers with what they ordered, when you said they would receive it . . . and that's not a dig - it's a genuine piece of advice. What isn't important to your business - ironically, as these words are appearing here - is what's said or written here. Put your money where your mouth is . . . spend more time making goods and shipping them on time (or at least setting realistic expectations for arrival of said goods), and less time digging yourself a great big hole.

I don't want to see you fail . . . really, I don't . . . but you're not doing yourself any favours.


Very well said. And agree totaly. Many of us started business from scratch thus we are experienced marketeers. So please Directors take the advice on board. We all want to see you make a go of your company, but if you hit out in such an unprofessional manner, it will, as you have learned, come back and bite. Your product obviously has a market, or so many of us would not have tried to purchase. It is just your customer service and or dispatch systems that has let you down. For my part, I wish you every success for the future.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Speechless ! Cross Thanks for posting the correspondence, having seen old threads on other forums about this company, I didn't think anything they did could shock me anymore but crikey, they've hit a new low.

Are they always rude to customers who annoy them by actually wanting the goods they've paid for ?

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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I have received communication from Shwmae via email tonight. I have never denied that the item was used for one night although recently Shwmae have claimed I used it for 3 weeks which is a bit on the impossible side as it was only in my possession for approx. 6 days. Anyway ... I thought I would share part the Shwmae response to me with you as it is so charming.

"Good evening,

It would appear you vicious and bully attitude follows into your emails as well when your strop like a child if you don't get what you want.

You used the items we have proof and we offered to alter when we didn't think it would damage the product.

Bullies are nothing but people who's brains didn't develop properly according to statistics.... Your bullish behaviour is something I expect from a child of four."

ps I only stated truthful facts in my email to them
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I have received communication from Shwmae via email tonight. I have never denied that the item was used for one night although recently Shwmae have claimed I used it for 3 weeks which is a bit on the impossible side as it was only in my possession for approx. 6 days. Anyway ... I thought I would share part the Shwmae response to me with you as it is so charming.

"Good evening,

It would appear you vicious and bully attitude follows into your emails as well when your strop like a child if you don't get what you want.

You used the items we have proof and we offered to alter when we didn't think it would damage the product.

Bullies are nothing but people who's brains didn't develop properly according to statistics.... Your bullish behaviour is something I expect from a child of four."

ps I only stated truthful facts in my email to them

Blooming heck.

Just did a quick google search and people have been complaining about them ever since they started the business.


New User
6 December 2013
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im haven the same problems with this shocking so called buisness taken my money and now no items, but this has been very informative to read thanks


New User
6 December 2013
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i have the same thing in my inbox saying im a liar ect but infact only the 100% truth has been told so i ave kept all my lovely messages off this company for future reference :) absolutley disgusting


7 December 2013
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Was this directed at me ? Alix (Alex).

I didn't get an email apart from one 30 mins ago replied to you.

Isit mine that is easily sorted? It's new? What's new ? The order? I paid on the 13th estimated delivery 10days.

thanks for the reply tho Jess.


update : got a nice response from Jess. Hopefully she will resolve this Monday and then I can stop worrying. Will keep this thread updated until my issues are fully resolved and I have my money and my goods ...



Have you got my images of the messages?

I am not being nasty but this has been the worst online shopping experience I have ever experienced.

I want my order to match my emails on Facebook. If my order doesn't match - then don't send it.

We ordered four onesies in stars and 1 in purple sheep.

Both exercise sheets are sheep. I Don't want them in stars. Please confirm the order before it's shipped.

I have waited since the 13th November for my order. I want a full refund or my order exactly as I requested.

Please can you confirm it won't be shipped incorrectly.

Can't you call me? It's much easier?


Sent from my iPhone

> On 7 Dec 2013, at 21:16, "Shwmae Products Payments" <> wrote:
> I've rang through to the person who you went through and they have told me under no circumstances did they say we ever had a purple frog and they didn't offer red star, they say the one exercise sheet was a star sheet and they are sending me the copy of the messages Monday to make sure I can see where the order was taken.
> If it comes back they offered purple frog and red sheep I'll take it up with them and refund the items but they are extremely sure they've never even made you believe there could be a purple sheep or a red sheep available.
> Jess


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22 October 2008
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Have you got my images of the messages?

I am not being nasty but this has been the worst online shopping experience I have ever experienced.

I want my order to match my emails on Facebook. If my order doesn't match - then don't send it.

We ordered four onesies in stars and 1 in purple sheep.

Both exercise sheets are sheep. I Don't want them in stars. Please confirm the order before it's shipped.

I have waited since the 13th November for my order. I want a full refund or my order exactly as I requested.

Please can you confirm it won't be shipped incorrectly.

Can't you call me? It's much easier?


Sent from my iPhone

> On 7 Dec 2013, at 21:16, "Shwmae Products Payments" <> wrote:
> I've rang through to the person who you went through and they have told me under no circumstances did they say we ever had a purple frog and they didn't offer red star, they say the one exercise sheet was a star sheet and they are sending me the copy of the messages Monday to make sure I can see where the order was taken.
> If it comes back they offered purple frog and red sheep I'll take it up with them and refund the items but they are extremely sure they've never even made you believe there could be a purple sheep or a red sheep available.
> Jess

The way I read this, you are being accused of lying about what you ordered... What happened to 'the customer is always right'? Where have you asked about purple frogs in your email? I'm being thick and can't see it.

Absolutely appalling customer service.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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Two little pieces of advice for you Jessica
1) Learn to spell properly......Not one single email/message/post from you makes the slightest bit of sense.
2) Refund your long suffering customers and cease trading until you have a grasp on customer service and how to properly run a business.

Had I not already been aware of your name, having read the dross you have posted here NOTHING would convince me to every buy a single item from you.

Mrs B

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3 May 2010
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How come two young adults seem to have an attitude which stinks so badly? Even if I played Devil's advocate and said there are two sides to every story, I am staggered by the rudeness, arrogance and aggression from the owners to customers and potential customers.

And it makes me wonder who they learned it from: who's giving such laughable advice about slander and the police and deciding who does and doesn't get a response/product/refund? And that recording conversations is ok? And obviously telling the youngsters that they're in the right and everyone else is wrong, stirring, bullying, mean, lying etc etc.

Maybe the person who emailed Cross to say they were not one of the owners, but would be the person refunding the money? Which says to me probably a parent ...


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10 February 2013
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I too have been blocked from their page, my only crime was posting a link to this discussion- if I was buying an expensive item from a company I would rather someone enlightened me to any problems prior to ordering. I have never ordered anything myself- and can say with certainty I never will.

The issue I have is that all negative comments on FB are removed and users blocked. All positive, happy feedback is rarely posted by others, but instead comes as a quote by Shwmae themselves, in language and, shall we call it- 'typing style' that is suspiciously similar to their own.


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1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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I too have been blocked from their page, my only crime was posting a link to this discussion- if I was buying an expensive item from a company I would rather someone enlightened me to any problems prior to ordering. I have never ordered anything myself- and can say with certainty I never will.

The issue I have is that all negative comments on FB are removed and users blocked. All positive, happy feedback is rarely posted by others, but instead comes as a quote by Shwmae themselves, in language and, shall we call it- 'typing style' that is suspiciously similar to their own.

I fully agree with this


Well-Known Member
10 February 2013
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Compare Shwmae's FB page to Derby House- they too have quite poor customer service- and lots of unhappy customers posting on their page- no users are blocked, and no comments removed. (I know this as I am one of them)

The key difference is that DH remain professional about it.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I have had comments removed from Derby House as well - the conversation went something along the lines of "please could someone contact me as I am unable to get through by phone" "yes Emma will contact you by 9.30am tomorrow" "It's now 10.30am and I'm still waiting for the call I was to have received by 9.30".
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