Shwmae horse products

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7 December 2008
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And Xmas dispatch has gone from £39.99 to £46.98... On certain products... Weird. And there are different telephone numbers on different pages...
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Well-Known Member
17 May 2012
South of Scotland
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I would like to say that I cannot comment on the onesies themselves or the customer service as I am not a client. However as a young business owner myself (22 and running my company since 21) I am shocked and appalled at the things they have been posting on their Facebook and their responses on this thread. Running a business is as much about customer relations as the product itself, and they are presenting a truly awful online image of themselves. I work very hard to be professional, and I edit my personal Facebook, company Facebook and LinkedIn etc continually so that it is suitable for my clients to see and is presenting a professional image, as well as every phone call I take, email I send, text I receive, and conversation in person with clients and potential clients at demos.

Being young is not an excuse for being unprofessional, and being in the same boat as you I am disgusted that you use age as an excuse for bad customer relations. Before starting my business and during the whole course of trading I have continually referred to accountants, business advisors, bank manager, PR personnel, etc so that my inexperience does not hinder my business. Age is no excuse for not seeking good advice and presenting your business appropriately.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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I would like to say that I cannot comment on the onesies themselves or the customer service as I am not a client. However as a young business owner myself (22 and running my company since 21) I am shocked and appalled at the things they have been posting on their Facebook and their responses on this thread. Running a business is as much about customer relations as the product itself, and they are presenting a truly awful online image of themselves.

Being young is not an excuse for being unprofessional, and being in the same boat as you I am disgusted that you use age as an excuse for bad customer relations. Before starting my business and during the whole course of trading I have continually referred to accountants, business advisors, bank manager, PR personnel, etc so that my inexperience does not hinder my business. Age is no excuse for not seeking good advice and presenting your business appropriately."

Very well and very sensibly written and obviously from the heart. I have been a customer of this company and I had a dreadful experience. I like you, many years ago started my first company at the age of 17 and grew it to a multi national - so I too was angry when this company tried to use their age as a defence as to why, along with the many other excuses such as moving premises, sick horses etc. that they held on to my funds for two months without supplying me my product which I paid for on a 3 day express delivery. Only after a a huge effort on my part did I get my funds returned.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2008
It looks as if I have been blocked from their FB page; there was a comment from an unhappy customer in Hertfordshire Horse Riders and I pointed out this thread to them. Keep blocking everyone and they will never get any customers!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2012
South of Scotland
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Very well and very sensibly written and obviously from the heart. I have been a customer of this company and I had a dreadful experience. I like you, many years ago started my first company at the age of 17 and grew it to a multi national - so I too was angry when this company tried to use their age as a defence as to why, along with the many other excuses such as moving premises, sick horses etc. that they held on to my funds for two months without supplying me my product which I paid for on a 3 day express delivery. Only after a a huge effort on my part did I get my funds returned.

Exactly. I understand having blips, that is human nature - once, I had a computer crash which resulted in me losing all of the data for some reports that were due in two days' time. Thankfully I had the raw data backed up, but the reports weren't. I was immediately on the phone and apologetic to my clients, explained the situation and outlined a timeline for rewriting from the raw data, and offered a huge discount on their next booking as an apology, with an offer of a refund if the report delay was unacceptable. My clients were very understanding, and I had their product with them as soon as possible - because I was very clear in what had happened and kept them updated I never had a complaint about the situation, and in fact no one even took the refund.

However, these unavoidable occasional incidences should be death with with utmost apology, and with utmost respect for the client who has parted with their money. And they most certainly should not be the norm, with excuses pouring out and blame laid at the feet of the clients. That is nothing to do with age, or misfortune, it is bad customer service and that is all.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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It looks as if I have been blocked from their FB page; there was a comment from an unhappy customer in Hertfordshire Horse Riders and I pointed out this thread to them. Keep blocking everyone and they will never get any customers!

think they have closed the page down now

i too haven't had the misfortune of buying from this company however even if i had wanted a onesie for my rose Jessica's responses to this thread would have been enough for me to keep hold of my money let alone the hundreds of bad experiences i have since read about!

as others have said it would have been better for them to have held their hands up and said we are sorry, what can we do to make this better instead of your all the problem and we are perfect!

i too am wondering what on earth this 'extensive training' is! i did GCSE and AS level textiles and all we learnt was how to make things look truly s**t! by adding as many different 'techniques' as physically possible to a pillow case :p


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13 December 2013
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Has anyone ever ordered/received the turnout socks? Just dawned on me that most on here are talking about onesies and all photos are off onesies on their fb. Have I even ordered a product that exists??


Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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As I am blocked from the companies FB page, and they have ignored the majority of my emails, I write this on a platform which I know they read.

Shwmae Products, if you persist in threatening me either with physical abuse as you have done on this forum and I quote "we aim to give people the chance to rectify the situation before it gets out of hand, anyone who steps out or comes forward will not be touched" and the verbal abuse such as labeling me a "troll" and a "liar." I will commence legal proceedings against your company.

I have been a customer of yours who suffered at the hands of your company. I am well within my rights as a consumer to report on my experience. It is illegal to threaten physical or verbal violence as it is to bring my good name in to disrespect.

The directors of Shwame Products Ltd have also reported on many occasions on their companies FB page, that the "liars and Trolls" are only jealous of their successful company. Indeed many of their impressionable young followers on their FB state the same thing. The following is in the public domain, it will be for the companies customers/potential customers to make their minds up as to the success of Shwame Products Ltd.

1. Shwmae Products Ltd, had had a half page feature in the national press, with a heading "Horse Onesies firm in trouble with customers"

2. Shwmae Products Ltd, have posted with Companies House two years of accounts which show trading losses.

3. Shwame Products Ltd are trending on the HHO

4. Shwame Products Ltd have been reported to the Trading Standards Authority. The Financial Ombudsman and the Advertising Standards Authority in connection with their business practices.

You know who I am, my correspondence with your company is already on this forum.


Active Member
6 December 2013
West Country
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As I am blocked from the companies FB page, and they have ignored the majority of my emails, I write this on a platform which I know they read.

Shwmae Products, if you persist in threatening me either with physical abuse as you have done on this forum and I quote "we aim to give people the chance to rectify the situation before it gets out of hand, anyone who steps out or comes forward will not be touched" and the verbal abuse such as labeling me a "troll" and a "liar." I will commence legal proceedings against your company.

I have been a customer of yours who suffered at the hands of your company. I am well within my rights as a consumer to report on my experience. It is illegal to threaten physical or verbal violence as it is to bring my good name in to disrespect.

The directors of Shwame Products Ltd have also reported on many occasions on their companies FB page, that the "liars and Trolls" are only jealous of their successful company. Indeed many of their impressionable young followers on their FB state the same thing. The following is in the public domain, it will be for the companies customers/potential customers to make their minds up as to the success of Shwame Products Ltd.

1. Shwmae Products Ltd, had had a half page feature in the national press, with a heading "Horse Onesies firm in trouble with customers"

2. Shwmae Products Ltd, have posted with Companies House two years of accounts which show trading losses.

3. Shwame Products Ltd are trending on the HHO

4. Shwame Products Ltd have been reported to the Trading Standards Authority. The Financial Ombudsman and the Advertising Standards Authority in connection with their business practices.

You know who I am, my correspondence with your company is already on this forum.

Well SMF?
Disgraceful way to treat a customer!
That is why I won't be ordering.
I do not know Cross, I am not a troll (last time I looked) I am a concerned member of the public. This thread has over 41,000 views. More likes than your defunct page!
You have your critics, you have your fans, listen wisely to the best of both and you may learn something.
Merry Christmas!


14 December 2013
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I am new to this forum, is there anywhere on these 55 pages someone who has had a positive experience with this company?
Their company Facebook page, has now gone but it alleged that there were 1000's of happy customers?
Yet here is a forum on the world's leading equestrian magazine's web site, that has 41,000 plus views and not one of these people have come forward in Shwmae's defence?
Horse and Hound wouldn't delete negative comments, unlike the company concerned, so who am I supposed to believe? Hmmm let me think.
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Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Postage charge £46.98 for a bit of fleece cloth ?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must be using a private chauffeur to deliver these little packages. How do they manage to charge such an outrageous amount when other companies guarantee Christmas delivery for the usual (and often free) charge ?


Well-Known Member
24 November 2011
North and East, of England
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Has the FB page been removed or have I been blocked?

I've been playing nicely and have only let a friend know that the one that I had delivered two years ago had to be re-sewn after one night's usage- I fixed it and sold it straight on.

And I directed her to this thread as well... It's good to have a balanced view of a company...

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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Postage charge £46.98 for a bit of fleece cloth ?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must be using a private chauffeur to deliver these little packages. How do they manage to charge such an outrageous amount when other companies guarantee Christmas delivery for the usual (and often free) charge ?

Cos they are fleecing their customers ..... HA, sorry couldn't resist it!


Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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So their facebook page still down. negative comments on the H&H article (which they can't remove). No comment on here or their website to what's happening or if customers are getting refunded. All I can say Shwmae I think your lies have finally caught up with you so please make amends by refunding your customers who you have failed to deliver their goods too


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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So their facebook page still down. negative comments on the H&H article (which they can't remove). No comment on here or their website to what's happening or if customers are getting refunded. All I can say Shwmae I think your lies have finally caught up with you so please make amends by refunding your customers who you have failed to deliver their goods too

are you sure its down and we're not just all blocked?


Well-Known Member
17 April 2013
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No I think they are both down. I haven't commented on their page at all, and I can't see the pages.

Unless they've changed their settings so it's now a 'secret' group that can only be viewed by those that have 'liked' the page. But I doubt that too.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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I actually reported their page to Facebook because I was so fed up with their cavalier attitude to Consumer protection laws which they were not complying with but were basically sticking their fingers in their ears and ignoring when told. You get no feed back from Facebook but perhaps other people have complained?
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