

Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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Showing 67mph gusts in Brighton now on that app
And over 100 in parts of Brittany 😧
French wireless was predicting 120kph (so about 75mph) with gusts up to 150kph (93mph).

France Météo is currently reporting 73 kph at Brest, 127 kph at Pointe du Raz (both Finistère, westernmost part of mainland Brittany).


Well-Known Member
1 March 2016
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Apparently the Chagford sale is still going ahead tomorrow- I'm not convinced that is a great idea, particularly as people will be towing and travelling with high sided vehichles etc.

That said, it's still not noticeably windy here- I'm more worried about flooding.


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23 September 2021
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This morning, there was howling wind and driving rain here in North Kent (UK). One small and one medium-sized leak in the barge's headlinings. Basin under small one, plasterer's deep oblong bucket under the medium-sized one. The latter lined with newspapers to stop the rain falling into it from splashing onto my head as I recline in bed reading or curl up and try to sleep. Madam Carrie Cat is curled up on her cashmere throw at the bottom of the bunk. Earlier, she decided that I was a good hot water bottle and flumpfed heavily on top of me to prevent me attempting to read my library book. She got groomed and that, together with some Cheese Dreamies, persuaded her to retreat back to the cashmere throw.
The weather has settled down now, but I'm in day clothes in case of trouble later on. I checked the moorings earlier and the pontoons as the river was very high and the pontoons were clanking noisily. An extra nut has been replaced - should be six on each connector plate, usually only two, but an extra one had been added. My bit of the pontoon is attached to a massive piece of iron piling and the barge is attached at both ends and amidships, so we should be OK. I hope.


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31 January 2020
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I'm N Devon, just looked out and it's raining but not sideways rain yet - not really any wind and we're on top of a hill with nothing between us and the coast several miles away.

Praying it's not too bad tomorrow, ours are staying out (edge of Exmoor), high hedges for shelter and they've got a field shelter that I know they won't use. I'm most worried about the shelter or stables blowing away!

Was hoping to go to Chagford tomorrow but will assess in the morning.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2016
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The weather still isn't too bad here (heavy rain but what's new at the moment) but my lights have been flickering a bit, which isn't ideal.

Horses at my yard are out- I think they are probably safer that way than in if the winds do pick up. I've also kept in before during amber weather warnings when I was on a yard with very substantial stables and no trees nearby.

Apparently it is still possible the absolute worst of it could go up through the channel, so I'm hoping for that!


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1 March 2016
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Winds just picked up here but have died down again- we have had short sharp gusts throughout the day, rather than anything sustained (so far). I appreciate the worst isn't due to come through but I am more concerned about the rain than winds at the moment.

There's quite a few reports of flooded roads across Cornwall now, and I can imagine it'll be worse by morning.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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just been out to do the hay and the wind has really ramped up now. I remember the winds in the storm of 1987. I came home from work mid day and the road was blocked with a massive straw lorry with an equally large trailer of straw and both had blown over on the top of the moorland road. I'll take the rain I think, sorry Wishfilly :D


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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are we all still here? and OK?
thunder and lightening around 11pm and then that was it. Winds didn't get any worse and by the dreaded 3am pretty calm, couldn't hear the wind.

now at 6am there is no rain and the trees are barely blowing. Hopefully that is it or at least the rest will be in daylight.


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13 March 2010
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In Hampshire we had torrential rain about 1am but looking out now there’s no wind, which isn’t what I was expecting


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25 June 2010
South East
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I'm not far from Brighton coast - can confirm shocking weather.
Roof tile flew off middle of the night and exploded on patio. Not slept since!
Normally would be out with horses by now, but have decided to wait for daylight and am working from home. Boss won't be happy, but after a night of no sleep I am in no condition to play dodge the hazard for an hour's commute. My route was already flooded badly with local villages shut off, so I can't imagine it will be good driving today. In over 10 years I've only once before chickened out of the drive for weather-related reasons ... but I always go back to what Warwick Schiller says about "freak accidents" around horses. They're not freak accidents if they were predictable lol. I apply that to everything. Today, I predict very dangerous driving conditions. Might go in later morning if things calm down. By then the situation will have been assessed by everyone else and there will be a proper traffic forecast!

Brighton seaside cams will be good today for those who like the big waves!