The sacked horse hitting ex teacher is going to court

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18 June 2005
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But now the RSPCA has decided to take this case to court, it is going to be tried under the actual law, not by mob rule and the loudest voices ?‍♀️. She might be found not guilty.

I'm another who thinks that the RSPCA were going to be damned by the opposing factions whatever they did.

Do the RSPCA get everything right? No, of course they don't. But I have had a fair few dealings with them when fostering ponies from them, and the staff on the ground that I've worked with have been excellent. These hard working foot soldiers do not deserve all this vitriolic opprobrium being poured over them.

I wouldn't touch the RSPCA with a bargepole, no matter what the circumstances, on the basis that they are a corrupt organisation.
With regard to the employees, someone I know worked for them, breaking and 'schooling' their horses for rehoming, despite the fact she can't ride one side of a decent, well schooled horse. I was incredulous when I discovered her role withing the organisation but not at all surprised.


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3 December 2019
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Now that is a ridiculous response, especially when discussing possible legal actions. There is a process, even if the mob don't like that fact. You( one) cannot categorically state a *thing* happened if you ( one) did not see it, or it has not been tested to a standard of proof.
I am also neither judge nor jury, nor part of any mob or court case. To start nit picking to that degree, like we on the forum cannot possibly say this woman did anything unless were were 3 feet away is ridiculous and deserved a ridiculous response imo. I honestly can't remember what her name even is and wouldn't know her if she knocked on my door so when I say "she" or "her" I mean the woman shown in the video. If it was all edited as part of a conspiracy against some random teacher and she in fact kindly patted him on the nose or has a doppelganger I will comment on that as I see it as well. It might as well all be made up for all the effect my opinion, or anyone else's here, has on the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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I am also neither judge nor jury, nor part of any mob or court case. To start nit picking to that degree, like we on the forum cannot possibly say this woman did anything unless were were 3 feet away is ridiculous and deserved a ridiculous response imo. I honestly can't remember what her name even is and wouldn't know her if she knocked on my door so when I say "she" or "her" I mean the woman shown in the video. If it was all edited as part of a conspiracy against some random teacher and she in fact kindly patted him on the nose or has a doppelganger I will comment on that as I see it as well. It might as well all be made up for all the effect my opinion, or anyone else's here, has on the whole thing.
We had a man break in to our house one night, he broke the front door, he had an axe, my husband showed him into the kitchen, because he wanted food, I escaped out of the broken door, and got the neighbours to call the police. Even though they caught him sat outside eating the food from the fridge, picnic eggs, with the axe, the police spent two hours taking statements, because he could deny what happened, if it went to court. If you think you have a chance of going to prison, or even having your reputation ruined, you are going to look at any piece of evidence, and check that any footage isn't altered, or if the camera angle alter the perspective of what happened. I think checking what we are seeing is a true representation of what happened is important.


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29 October 2008
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in this day and age, i would expect that if she had lost her temper with the children it would have been already been picked up. When my children where at primary school they loved to come home and talk about the day, especially if someone had been naughty or had been told off.
I really dont like this assumption that because of this one incident she must have anger issues. Weve all done things we are not proud of.
Unless you know the person in question of course ?
I phrashed the sentence "Would you be happy for someone like the person in question". Don't try and suggest i know the person as I don't. My role ended many many years ago. And although i wouldn't say I'm completely anti hunting i personally dislike it and don't mix with anyone that does although that's just the way it is, not that i deliberately avoid people who do.

For me (and many others who have their head screwed on) i wouldn't feel happy if someone who lost their temper so easily and so aggressively for such a prolonged period was in charge of my child.

There are many on this thread that have said the same.

My new horse has been hit somewhere in his dim and distant past. One day he was inside his stable kicking his door. I raised my index finger to him and said a gruff "No!". Seconds later i went into his stable to retrieve a bucket with no intention of taking the telling off any further. However, he fled to the back of the stable visibly shaking. Broke my heart that he expected to be walloped.
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Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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It seems like you can not have a different opinion to others here anymore. If you disagree with someone they report the thread to try and get it closed. I am expecting this one to that way too anytime now.
People are allowed to have different views!


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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I phrashed the sentence "Would you be happy for someone like the person in question". Don't try and suggest i know the person as I don't. My role ended many many years ago. And although i wouldn't say I'm completely anti hunting i personally dislike it and don't mix with anyone that does although that's just the way it is, not that i deliberately avoid people who do.

For me (and many others who have their head screwed on) i wouldn't feel happy if someone who lost their temper so easily and so aggressively for such a prolonged period was in charge of my child.

There are many on this thread that have said the same.

My new horse has been hit somewhere in his dim and distant past. One day he was inside his stable kicking his door. I raised my index finger to him and said a gruff "No!". Seconds later i went into his stable to retrieve a bucket with no intention of taking the telling off any further. However, he fled to the back of the stable visibly shaking. Broke my heart that he expected to be walloped.
Sadly, some people seem to think violence to animals is ok. I have a pony that reacts like that, I dread to think what happened to him in a previous home.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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lost their temper so easily and so aggressively for such a prolonged period

You don't know how easily she lost her temper, anything could be going on in her life. If you think that was particularly aggressive then you've lived a quiet life. The incident is under five seconds. "Prolonged" it is not.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I wouldn't touch the RSPCA with a bargepole, no matter what the circumstances, on the basis that they are a corrupt organisation.

With regard to the employees, someone I know worked for them, breaking and 'schooling' their horses for rehoming, despite the fact she can't ride one side of a decent, well schooled horse. I was incredulous when I discovered her role withing the organisation but not at all surprised.
With respect to competency of their employees, my experience is very different.

It turned out that the RSPCA staff member who had put most of the work in gaining the confidence of my second foster pony had formerly been head girl for several years at the renowned horse dealership who supplied the legendary Hovis, and also my late maxicob. Anyone who bought from there (mostly young Irish horses brought over to be fully tried out, anglicised and sold on with a warranty) will remember that the proprietor was both very honest and did not suffer fools gladly. Any top stable yard would be delighted to take on an employee with that on their CV.

A former colleague's husband gave up a secure, well paid job as a farm manager to re train as an RSPCA inspector.

The only time that I have called the RSPCA out, which was to 2 horses fly grazing, one of which had grossly deformed front feet, and both were without water much of the time, the inspector who did turn up (unfortunately after the horses had been whisked away) was a trained farrier.


Well-Known Member
3 December 2019
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We had a man break in to our house one night, he broke the front door, he had an axe, my husband showed him into the kitchen, because he wanted food, I escaped out of the broken door, and got the neighbours to call the police. Even though they caught him sat outside eating the food from the fridge, picnic eggs, with the axe, the police spent two hours taking statements, because he could deny what happened, if it went to court. If you think you have a chance of going to prison, or even having your reputation ruined, you are going to look at any piece of evidence, and check that any footage isn't altered, or if the camera angle alter the perspective of what happened. I think checking what we are seeing is a true representation of what happened is important.
Okay but that is the police checking, this is a discussion forum. If you showed me CCTV right now of that man breaking in I'm not going to be like "well this could be altered or fake or someone else, I can't say this terrible thing actually happened to you because I wasn't there at the time". That's just pointlessly argumentative. We don't need to have beyond reasonable doubt to comment here on a video that is freely available online and has been presumably verified far enough for the woman to lose her job and never release any statement of denial.

(I am very sorry that happened to you honetpot. That is the stuff of nightmares and I hope you and the OH are okay now.)


Well-Known Member
14 September 2001
Hants, England
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It seems like you can not have a different opinion to others here anymore. If you disagree with someone they report the thread to try and get it closed. I am expecting this one to that way too anytime now.
People are allowed to have different views!
There is a minority on this forum who can’t seem to just debate a point without being rude and insulting. Perhaps they don’t realise how what they’ve written comes across, I don’t know, but it’s that that gets posts/threads reported, not differing opinions.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Okay but that is the police checking, this is a discussion forum. If you showed me CCTV right now of that man breaking in I'm not going to be like "well this could be altered or fake or someone else, I can't say this terrible thing actually happened to you because I wasn't there at the time". That's just pointlessly argumentative. We don't need to have beyond reasonable doubt to comment here on a video that is freely available online and has been presumably verified far enough for the woman to lose her job and never release any statement of denial.

(I am very sorry that happened to you honetpot. That is the stuff of nightmares and I hope you and the OH are okay now.)

All I can say is the police expected it to be a , 'domestic', when they arrested the man they thought it was my husband, until I asked where he was, and they expected the axe to be a kitchen knife, so nothing is believed until seen in person.
My story it sounds terrible, but you can tell it in context. The man was mentally ill, his mum had died who he lived with and he stopped taking his medication. He wandered in a camper van, feeding and getting fuel from theft from petrol stations on the main roads, on that night he was lost and ended up in our cul-de-sac. Our house was chosen because he wanted food, and the house had the light on and was right it front of him, he broke the door with the axe, but was not aggressive to us. So he was referred for MH treatment, and we did not press charges, we did not want him to him perhaps going to prison, because it could be classed aggravated burglary.
It did not make the local rag, but you can imagine the headlines if it had, on the night it was terrible, but because we did not make a fuss the children quickly got over it, and when someone asked me how I was about a week later, I had to think why they were asking.
Like the discussion about was she sacked, let go, resigned, no one knows unless you were in the room or saw the paperwork. Things can look certain, but when you investigate, it gives you another perspective.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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I phrashed the sentence "Would you be happy for someone like the person in question". Don't try and suggest i know the person as I don't. My role ended many many years ago. And although i wouldn't say I'm completely anti hunting i personally dislike it and don't mix with anyone that does although that's just the way it is, not that i deliberately avoid people who do.

For me (and many others who have their head screwed on) i wouldn't feel happy if someone who lost their temper so easily and so aggressively for such a prolonged period was in charge of my child.

There are many on this thread that have said the same.

My new horse has been hit somewhere in his dim and distant past. One day he was inside his stable kicking his door. I raised my index finger to him and said a gruff "No!". Seconds later i went into his stable to retrieve a bucket with no intention of taking the telling off any further. However, he fled to the back of the stable visibly shaking. Broke my heart that he expected to be walloped.

no , you phrased the question ‘ would you be happy with someone like this who loses her temper so easily ‘ you and the rest of us on here have absolutely no idea if she loses her temper quickly . Other than this one incident. I added the ‘ unless you know her ‘ as you seem to write with the confidence of someone who knows more than the rest of us . So merely asked that question .

your comment about ‘having your head screwed on as you wouldn’t have her teaching your kids ‘ therefore insinuating that I’m bonkers .. is frankly laughable. (Well maybe i am a bit bonkers, but arent we all.. ) But certainly not with regards the safety of my children.

Its unfortunate that your new horse reacted the way he did. But, you are assuming your new horse has been hit, which may be the case, but its also possible that he hasnt. Maybe he just hasnt settled yet, and once he gets to know you he will feel more comfortable. From your posts hes certainly had a big change in his life which will have unsettled him.


Well-Known Member
15 January 2022
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All I can say is the police expected it to be a , 'domestic', when they arrested the man they thought it was my husband, until I asked where he was, and they expected the axe to be a kitchen knife, so nothing is believed until seen in person.
My story it sounds terrible, but you can tell it in context. The man was mentally ill, his mum had died who he lived with and he stopped taking his medication. He wandered in a camper van, feeding and getting fuel from theft from petrol stations on the main roads, on that night he was lost and ended up in our cul-de-sac. Our house was chosen because he wanted food, and the house had the light on and was right it front of him, he broke the door with the axe, but was not aggressive to us. So he was referred for MH treatment, and we did not press charges, we did not want him to him perhaps going to prison, because it could be classed aggravated burglary.
It did not make the local rag, but you can imagine the headlines if it had, on the night it was terrible, but because we did not make a fuss the children quickly got over it, and when someone asked me how I was about a week later, I had to think why they were asking.
Like the discussion about was she sacked, let go, resigned, no one knows unless you were in the room or saw the paperwork. Things can look certain, but when you investigate, it gives you another perspective.

Just want to say how lovely of you it was to not press charges. This man obviously needed help and support. Bless you.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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My children have always loaded their own ponies, from a very young age! I'm actually bemused as to why this is wrong??

just for safety really, the pony could fall off the ramp and land on another kid, pull back or run forwards, never thought about it before, but is that not what happened in the incident, the pony came off the ramp before entering so kid lost control basically, if she had loaded herself, we might not be here now


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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We had a man break in to our house one night, he broke the front door, he had an axe, my husband showed him into the kitchen, because he wanted food, I escaped out of the broken door, and got the neighbours to call the police. Even though they caught him sat outside eating the food from the fridge, picnic eggs, with the axe, the police spent two hours taking statements, because he could deny what happened, if it went to court. If you think you have a chance of going to prison, or even having your reputation ruined, you are going to look at any piece of evidence, and check that any footage isn't altered, or if the camera angle alter the perspective of what happened. I think checking what we are seeing is a true representation of what happened is important.

you are so cool honeypot, the pony from hell, men with axes


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Just want to say how lovely of you it was to not press charges. This man obviously needed help and support. Bless you.
Thank you, but really we didn't want to waste police/court time, and the phrase,'there but for the grace of god go I', it could be our child in trouble, the door was insured, and we were just lucky it went the right way, my husband is a very calm person.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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With respect to competency of their employees, my experience is very different.

It turned out that the RSPCA staff member who had put most of the work in gaining the confidence of my second foster pony had formerly been head girl for several years at the renowned horse dealership who supplied the legendary Hovis, and also my late maxicob. Anyone who bought from there (mostly young Irish horses brought over to be fully tried out, anglicised and sold on with a warranty) will remember that the proprietor was both very honest and did not suffer fools gladly. Any top stable yard would be delighted to take on an employee with that on their CV.

A former colleague's husband gave up a secure, well paid job as a farm manager to re train as an RSPCA inspector.

The only time that I have called the RSPCA out, which was to 2 horses fly grazing, one of which had grossly deformed front feet, and both were without water much of the time, the inspector who did turn up (unfortunately after the horses had been whisked away) was a trained farrier.

then you've had a lot better luck with them than I have.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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you are so cool honeypot, the pony from hell, men with axes
I bet there a lot of people on here who have loads of life experience. I have a joke with my friends, that I have a horror story for every occasion.
It's how you phrase things, 'the pony from hell' is actually a good PC pony rides, drives, jumps, he just likes to make you know who is in charge, and the 'men with axes', was a man who was going through a MH crisis.
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Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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just for safety really, the pony could fall off the ramp and land on another kid, pull back or run forwards, never thought about it before, but is that not what happened in the incident, the pony came off the ramp before entering so kid lost control basically, if she had loaded herself, we might not be here now

that is very true and good to have it pointed out. If I had had kids there was no way that would have happened as they would be kept safely in bed wrapped in cotton wool. :)

For heaven's sake how is any one supposed to learn as a child, in this case to load a pony, if they don't get the practise in.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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well i have had kids, so from my point of view, ponies and horses can be unpredictable, and as many on here testify can be unreliable whilst loading. ie making a mad dash out the front unload trampling whatever is in front of them, etc, i have experienced enough nervy loaders for it to occur to me , it might not be a good idea

i personally would not allow it, safety comes first here


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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I phrashed the sentence "Would you be happy for someone like the person in question". Don't try and suggest i know the person as I don't. My role ended many many years ago. And although i wouldn't say I'm completely anti hunting i personally dislike it and don't mix with anyone that does although that's just the way it is, not that i deliberately avoid people who do.

For me (and many others who have their head screwed on) i wouldn't feel happy if someone who lost their temper so easily and so aggressively for such a prolonged period was in charge of my child.

I don't like hunting, at all. My first glance at the footage and the hunt element did come into my mind. However the hunting aspect has long gone as the situation is far more worrying as to what the media can do to someone.. I know lots who hunt and lots who don't. I always keep conversations with people within the areas that are not going to cause ill feeling or contention. That way we all get on.

I didn't sees she lost her temper so aggressively and for a prolonged period. She lost it, made a serious error of judgment and should have realised everything she did could be filmed.
I really doubt the pony was any worse off 10 minutes later.

What if you were in this position? you made an error, you have now lost your job and you are due in court. You are in a position totally hyped up by the media. Totally out of all proportion. You have no idea where their vitriol will end.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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well i have had kids, so from my point of view, ponies and horses can be unpredictable, and as many on here testify can be unreliable whilst loading. ie making a mad dash out the front unload trampling whatever is in front of them, etc, i have experienced enough nervy loaders for it to occur to me , it might not be a good idea

i personally would not allow it, safety comes first here

letting kids around ponies is not safe. Anything can happen, ponies are unpredictable.
Letting adults around horses is not safe, anything can happen, just that they are a lot heavier than ponies when it does.

Yet we all do it and the vast majority let their kids as well.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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There is a minority on this forum who can’t seem to just debate a point without being rude and insulting. Perhaps they don’t realise how what they’ve written comes across, I don’t know, but it’s that that gets posts/threads reported, not differing opinions.

If this is a reply back to the poster I think it is (I can't see if you've quoted anyone as I have this particular poster on ignore) then they are one of the worst offenders for rude and aggressive comments in a debate.
People are entitled to disagree and debate. It would be so boring if we all shared the same views, but when posters can not debate without being rude and personal, that really is such a shame and the reason why threads get closed.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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letting kids around ponies is not safe. Anything can happen, ponies are unpredictable.
Letting adults around horses is not safe, anything can happen, just that they are a lot heavier than ponies when it does.

Yet we all do it and the vast majority let their kids as well.

well when you have kids you can do it your way


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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I don't like hunting, at all. My first glance at the footage and the hunt element did come into my mind. However the hunting aspect has long gone as the situation is far more worrying as to what the media can do to someone.. I know lots who hunt and lots who don't. I always keep conversations with people within the areas that are not going to cause ill feeling or contention. That way we all get on.

I didn't sees she lost her temper so aggressively and for a prolonged period. She lost it, made a serious error of judgment and should have realised everything she did could be filmed.
I really doubt the pony was any worse off 10 minutes later.

What if you were in this position? you made an error, you have now lost your job and you are due in court. You are in a position totally hyped up by the media. Totally out of all proportion. You have no idea where their vitriol will end.

Quite! I feel very sorry for this woman. She made a mistake. Admittedly a bad one but her life has now been turned upside down.
We do not know that this woman loses her temper easily. All the know is that she lost her temper on this occasion. We have no idea what was happening before this video was taken, no clue what could be going on in her personal life. We know literally nothing about her. But people have decided exactly what type of person she is based on a 5 second clip.....


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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If this is a reply back to the poster I think it is (I can't see if you've quoted anyone as I have this particular poster on ignore) then they are one of the worst offenders for rude and aggressive comments in a debate.
People are entitled to disagree and debate. It would be so boring if we all shared the same views, but when posters can not debate without being rude and personal, that really is such a shame and the reason why threads get closed.
A lot of it is down to interpretation

Like it was with the a) b) c) post that I made. 100% not meant to be rude or direct or anything else, just the way I phrase things, I was amazed someone could interpret it any other way than the way it was meant to survey. But I think that says more about the person and what they think of me in general than what I wrote.
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