Why do people want to own cobs?


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5 September 2009
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How could you not love that pink nose and she is your typical cob bombproof, safe, reliable, obedient, and she,s mine !


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26 February 2008
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Jeez, you could all at least make Shils work a bit! She'll get fat and lazy (bit like a cob actually!) if you make her life so easy!!

Cobs aren't half as bad as those mongrel Shire X TBs, I heard they only bred them so the TB adds some flavour to the tough Shire meat??

i'm sorry - I really really REALLY tried not to post on this one as it was obviously getting a bit out of hand but Kirstyhen - you made me roar with laughter at that one ! Am bit fed up of this forum at the moment what with the layout changes and so on but Shils has reignited my enthusiasm no end with her 'lit match' approach!


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30 November 2009
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It's only taken me an hour and a half but I've read the whole thing :) Do I get some sort of a medal?

Must say I am another person who is not a big fan of cobs (although I like the ones with moustaches (sp?)) I will agree that they are not all plods etc etc BUT I prefer the look of finer horses. I must thank one particular cob though which provided me with hours of entertainment by dragging young children into the feed room at the riding school he was on! :D

Surely the thing that matter is that YOU like your horse.... if you do then it really doesn't matter that others don't.

People make throwaway coments and say things they don't mean from time to time (I often tell people I would tie my dogs to railings and drive off if my car was fast enough but don't (usually :D) mean it!) The problem with forums is that some people don't take things the way they were meant to, mainly cob owners it appears.

I like arabs **goes to post an outraged comment on the "we hate arabs" post which someone threatened to start**


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5 September 2005
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Here come the fluffies from EW to the rescue - again, no S O H...

Freddie is lovely, don't think anyone disputed that.

Thankfully me and my hairy cobalike dont need anyone else to verify how good my horse is...sad that some of you can't say the same.

So someone doesn't rate YOUR breed of horse... grow up and get on with it, that is if you were too stupid in the first place to see this thread for what it was...

Interesting you bring up EW. Didn't you used to be an avid member there once upon a time (where you used the name 'JM7' coincidentially). If i recall you were banned for being a bullying witch. People really do never change.


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21 November 2008
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I don't think they meant I was literally strong - I thought it meant "came on a bit strong"... :s how odd...!!

I'm not strong at all, I'm very skinny and generally flibberty...


Well-Known Member
30 August 2008
Preston, Lancashire
It's only taken me an hour and a half but I've read the whole thing :) Do I get some sort of a medal?

Must say I am another person who is not a big fan of cobs (although I like the ones with moustaches (sp?)) I will agree that they are not all plods etc etc BUT I prefer the look of finer horses. I must thank one particular cob though which provided me with hours of entertainment by dragging young children into the feed room at the riding school he was on! :D

Surely the thing that matter is that YOU like your horse.... if you do then it really doesn't matter that others don't.

People make throwaway coments and say things they don't mean from time to time (I often tell people I would tie my dogs to railings and drive off if my car was fast enough but don't (usually :D) mean it!) The problem with forums is that some people don't take things the way they were meant to, mainly cob owners it appears.

I like arabs **goes to post an outraged comment on the "we hate arabs" post which someone threatened to start**

oops, I never did start the "I dislike Arabs post..." :)


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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PMSL that literally cracked me up Sleepeeze Dad!!!! Freddie is LittleSophs coloured trad cob. I think someone may have made LS feel like Freddie wasn't a very nice horse? I don't know, I'm getting a bit behind with what Freddie has to do with it too...? Maybe I'm getting a bit old for these heated debates!!


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30 November 2009
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oops, I never did start the "I dislike Arabs post..." :)

Well where am I meant to post an outraged comment?....... I suppose I could pretend to be pro-cob and get offended by this..... :)

You people should all be ashamed of yourselves. This topic obviously contains no jokes and everybody is being 100% serious. HOW DO YOU ALL SLEEP AT NIGHT!!? Cobs are the best thing ever and worth 6 tb's (well....they weigh 6 times more :D (sorry, couldn't do it, no oscar for me :())


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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You people should all be ashamed of yourselves. This topic obviously contains no jokes and everybody is being 100% serious. HOW DO YOU ALL SLEEP AT NIGHT!!? Cobs are the best thing ever and worth 6 tb's (well....they weigh 6 times more :D (sorry, couldn't do it, no oscar for me :())

Dont you joke. Dont you dare joke..!!!!



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8 May 2008
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Who the heck is Freddie? C'mon - want to get my 200th post tonight on this thread...

Freddie is littlespoh's charming coloured, things got a bit heated between 2 posters earlier and a comment was made. However, no one has claimed Freddie is rubbish, infact I believe there is quite alot of love for him!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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Didn't you used to be an avid member there once upon a time (where you used the name 'JM7' coincidentially).

UHM ^^ JM7 and JM07 are the same person AFAIK and both aren't me - JM and I are both known personally by a lot of people on here, and we aren't the same person.



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12 October 2009
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Originally Posted by kirstyhen View Post
Oh no, she's much worse than that


She's an ID cross!!!

As an owner of such a horse I should point out that when you make an IDcross, they stay cross for quite a long time - but they are still wonderful.

hahahahaha lol - very funny and very true!!!!!!


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21 November 2008
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JWMURPH ... again....as everyone knows...

I'm not sure where this is going, because everyone knows I was banned from EW and why - so you aren't really reinventing the wheel here. All I can suppose is that you are trying to embarrass me, well good luck with that dear!!! ;)

Where the hell is that smirk..? :D


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30 November 2009
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Dont you joke. Dont you dare joke..!!!!


Who was joking? I certainly wasn't......... ;)

I quite liked the post about the cob being a useful windbreak etc (can't remember who wrote it- have you seen how many posts are on here now!!?)

I think some people have an inferiority complex about their horse(s)..... *runs to hide*


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12 October 2009
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Firstly i don't own a cob I own a Destroyer :)
He and I like skinny TBs though........... they give him a nice change from eating carrots
I think i can summarise his good points as follows:
In a gale he is an effective windbreak
If we are stranded anywhere his rugs are big enough to fashion a large tent, sleeping bag and matching handbag from.
I get a full upper body work out everytime i ask him to work in an outline
He is useful for removing those hard to reach apples from the tops of trees - one canter past, the earth shakes and bingo!! Apples are down!
Farmers no longer need to roll their fields - a few laps by us in full flight and whay hay the field furrows are flat.

Oh and that big choppy trot? You are absolutely right......... thats the bodies of the skinny little steeds we've trampled on as we've shot past them at warp speed!!!!!!!!

:) :D :) :db: :D lmao - so funny!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2009
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Fantastic!! I would say one of the top ten posts on this topic (and that is impressive).... although I would expect no less having read a few of Hovis' diaries (unfortunately missed the dogging one though :()