Recent content by OrangeEmpire

  1. O

    HELP - My mare has attitude - long sorry :o(

    If stretching caused this reaction and grooming/tacking up I'd be having a good look at her back. It may well be a pain response. However having said that, my mare recently got rather cheeky and was kicking out in the field when she thought I was too slow with her bucket feed. I gave myself a...
  2. O

    New horse - 2 days in cracked feet and lame : o (

    If you're worried keep him in. A few days of boredom are nothing in comparison to a whole load of hassle from damaged feet. And it may well help him bond with you as he'll look to you for support and companionship, so there's definately a plus side!
  3. O


    Biotin is a good start, as you need plenty of healthy hoof growth. I also feed black sunflower seeds (bought by the sack from a feed merchant) as it is said they have properties that help. My mare is on these and seems to do very well. Also I'd get your farrier to show you how to rasp his feet...
  4. O

    Stilltrying’s update (horse that fell over)

    I read your past post but didn't have time to read all the replies. I'm very sorry he's been so thoroughly through the mill, how horrendous for you. Is it possible that he has neurological issues in his neck? Just a thought from those photos of you jumping then falling - upon landing you're...
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    Equine Artists

    Hey! I'm one too! Good to meet you, there are quite a few artist on here! Have decided that 2010 will be the year of the Exhibition (ie actually submitting something, rather than just talking about it!) Just had a sneaky peek at your website, you've got some nice stuff on there
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    Owners of barefoot horses

    I trim my mare's feet myself. She was lame when I started (reason for shoes coming off!) and comfortable now, so I'm happy. She has odd hoof growth and even being shod every 3 weeks by a good farrier was unable to stop her feet from twisting painfully. I nibble away weekly and this has...
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    Skinny horse

    My TB is on: 1.5 scoop rolled oats 1 scoop sugarbeet 3 scoops alfa A Oil split into 2 feeds. He also has 1 mug of micronised linseed meal a day which is an excellent calorie giver and a mineral suppliment as oats are poor in vits and minerals. Mine got all flat and dull in the autumn and it...
  8. O

    New horse not eating

    Have you offered her haylage? My friends horse won't touch hay in his stable. Or you can try soaking it... perhaps she's used to different things?
  9. O

    80% of horses are 1/10th lame...

    Both my horses are 1/10ths lame. The older TB is pottering along doing things he enjoys (namely bouncing up and down and demanding canters) until he tells me he doesn't want to any more. The younger horse has a mixture of problems which are all improving through a managed workload. She may...
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    Horse off feed!

    I'd phone your vet to check, but you can try adding something yummy like a spot of peppermint oil or something to see if she's just being fussy. I hope she's back to normal soon!
  11. O

    Saddle slips to the right/off side.

    I used to think it was my horse not walking straight, then I went for a lunge lesson..... upshot is I am collapsing my right shoulder slightly and leaning my hips to compensate. If i sit up properly and open my hips like a proper rider rather than a sack of potatoes the problem miraculously...
  12. O

    Problems out hacking - HELP!!! VERY LONG!!

    I'd second (or is it third or forth?!) the suggestion that your horse is reverting to racing training. My otherwise calm exracer (been out of racing for 10 years now!!) will bounce and jig and generally act the fool if I turn him round on a there and back again hack. You can train them out of...
  13. O

    Do YOU shut gates?

    and yet you manage to open it. Funny that.
  14. O

    In my lesson today my Trainer told me....

    FABULOUS!!!!! you must be so proud!
  15. O

    TURNOUT HOOD NEEDED (cheap please!)

    someone on ebay makes them very cheaply but I have no idea of the quality or whether they're suitable for field use. For what it is worth I recently bought a snuggyhood and it's fabulous - very high quality. A fellow yardie bought a succession of cheap lycra hoods and they just weren't good...