Another fatal dog attack

Titchy Pony

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21 September 2022
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I quite often get asked if my lurcher is a rescue, people seem disappointed when I say no, I bought him as an 8 week pup from OH’s cousin.
I get the opposite when people (men!) find out that my monster was originally a rescue (as in from a shelter - I got him as a private rehome), but that's mainly because it means he's castrated. I think it takes away some of his "bad boy" appeal or something... I couldn't care less.


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17 September 2007
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I don’t see the relevance of whether or not anyone else’s dog is a rescue, the point with the recent XL bully attack is that he had come up from England to escape the laws there and had been rehoused by a well meaning Scot. Its ended terribly for the new owner as well as the bystander but I don’t doubt he thought he was doing a good thing at the time.
I doubt very much there won’t be more similar stories coming out shortly.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
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I don’t see the relevance of whether or not anyone else’s dog is a rescue, the point with the recent XL bully attack is that he had come up from England to escape the laws there and had been rehoused by a well meaning Scot. Its ended terribly for the new owner as well as the bystander but I don’t doubt he thought he was doing a good thing at the time.
I doubt very much there won’t be more similar stories coming out shortly.
The thing is, he didn’t need rescuing/rehoming. Just an owner prepared to do what was necessary to keep him, which really isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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I don’t see the relevance of whether or not anyone else’s dog is a rescue, the point with the recent XL bully attack is that he had come up from England to escape the laws there and had been rehoused by a well meaning Scot. Its ended terribly for the new owner as well as the bystander but I don’t doubt he thought he was doing a good thing at the time.
I doubt very much there won’t be more similar stories coming out shortly.

Yeah, it was more that he had scarring and somebody was making up a back story for him when really they didn't know what his previous life had been like.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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I don’t see the relevance of whether or not anyone else’s dog is a rescue, the point with the recent XL bully attack is that he had come up from England to escape the laws there and had been rehoused by a well meaning Scot. Its ended terribly for the new owner as well as the bystander but I don’t doubt he thought he was doing a good thing at the time.
I doubt very much there won’t be more similar stories coming out shortly.

Rescue dogs/any dog that has gone through upheaval, generally need weeks to decompress and settle into a new home, not being trailed around the shops being put in situations they don't need to be in. Well meaning is just that, doesn't mean a person has any sense. 'Doing a good thing' doesn't actually always help dogs. Certainly didn't help himself or the innocent bystander. And yes, I blame whoever moved him on, as well.

ETA/TL;DR: the "good intentions" of a rescuer do not trump the mental stability of the rescuee
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Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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"An XL Bully dog was shot dead by police after it attacked two men just moments after appearing "happy and begging for treats" in a shop.

Hunter, thought to be in his late 40s, had rescued Zeus from England only two weeks prior,"

Anyone read the comments under the article? Someone said "There was absolutely NO need to kill this poor dog. Disgusting!" What planet do they live on I wonder.


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11 February 2018
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Anyone remember Louie Turnbull and Marshall & Millions?

I was wondering what the outcome was, I had missed this - 'The 47-year-old pleaded guilty to owning two dangerously out of control dogs at Snaresbrook crown court on Friday.'



Well-Known Member
3 February 2013
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Anyone read the comments under the article? Someone said "There was absolutely NO need to kill this poor dog. Disgusting!" What planet do they live on I wonder.
They're partly right. If it had been muzzled, there wouldn't have been a need to kill it - on this occasion. Of course, if it had attacked its owner in his own home, there wouldn't have been anybody TO kill it, and the owner would have been the dead one.

Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
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Anyone remember Louie Turnbull and Marshall & Millions?

I was wondering what the outcome was, I had missed this - 'The 47-year-old pleaded guilty to owning two dangerously out of control dogs at Snaresbrook crown court on Friday.'

I just love that the total knob head is claiming PTSD from seeing his dogs shot by the police...but he was already on a 20 year long ban from owning any dogs! So what sort of loving and caring owner was he to have already accumulated that length of ban? :mad:


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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I just love that the total knob head is claiming PTSD from seeing his dogs shot by the police...but he was already on a 20 year long ban from owning any dogs! So what sort of loving and caring owner was he to have already accumulated that length of ban? :mad:

I'm not negating anything that he may or may have not done by the defendant but I also found the footage very upsetting. I think with the rise in frequency of dog related incidents, ARUs/TSG need to be better trained in how to deal with these situations.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2018
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I think all of us who saw the footage found it upsetting. Extremely upsetting. But I suspect it will be repeated a good few times in coming months.

I agree, the footage was upsetting. At the end it may have been possible for the Police to have handled it differently but I also watched the longer video where the Police traipsed after him round the streets, trying to reason with him and asking to him hand the dogs over. He didn't. In my opinion he was to blame for the death of his dogs. They had already jumped off his barge and bitten someone and days before the incident involving Ms Shyti's dog they had been an involved in another incident.

It should never have happened, none of it. He was banned from keeping dogs, he shouldn't have had those dogs and knowing their history of aggression they should have been on a lead and under control.

Once again dogs suffered because of an irresponsible owner.
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Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Anyone read the comments under the article? Someone said "There was absolutely NO need to kill this poor dog. Disgusting!" What planet do they live on I wonder.
I really really don’t know what planet they are on .
The owner is lucky to be alive and if police had not get there quickly he probably would have been dead they tasered it but it did not let go.
Its extremely frightening .


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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There never seems to be mass hysteria over the people who have died or been injured, or the numerous pets that have been killed by dogs of this breed. The people behind the propaganda must be totally unfeeling and on some sort of hidden agenda, probably money.
There’s none so blind as them that don’t want to see.

The people I know who are hysterical are either furbaby mummies… (hard to unfriend them, we are related 🤣) or anti police generally.


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22 December 2010
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But they are stretched as it is without taking time to learn how to best deal with a dog that is intent on doing serious damage to people. I hope they continue to despatch the out of control dangerous dogs. They shouldn't be living amongst us anyway.

I know people say they have been abused, badly treated etc, but in my opinion lurchers were the worst treated and abused dogs before bullies became so popular, and I cannot recall any lurchers killing a human.