Another fatal dog attack


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23 September 2021
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Still a big dog though and I depends on what it’s crossed with. I knew a couple of rotties and they were lovely dogs, very easy to train and good temperaments
When I had my GSD, I used to walk her with a friend who had a Rottie. Beautifully trained, as was the GSD. We regularly walked through a local park, which had woodland in it. One day, we were flashed at by a bloke lurking in the woods. We let both dogs off their leads and gave the command " Sausages!" This meant "Fetch!" as they knew that they would get a small piece of cooked sausage as a reward when they returned with the required object. They went barrelling up to the bloke, who, at that point, was trying to run away. His trousers were down by his ankles. He was bowled over and sat on by both dogs. They duly responded to "Leave. Heel. Sit. Wait. Good dog" Ate their bits of sausage and we went on our merry way. Never saw him again . . .


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22 December 2010
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Shoot the dogs, no question. Charge owner with whatever legislation allows, no slaps on wrist, and ensure she pays the vet bill. It's bad and awful but could have been so much worse. Poor family and harmless old dog.

I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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I hate what these dogs are capable of. When the lab attacked my whippet I went nuts, beat the hell out of it, jabbed my fingers in its eyes etc, I'd have killed it if I could have. I got it off his neck and it got him by the back as I couldn't hold the damn thing back the first time. One person would have no chance against an XL. Id always thought my dogs would be able to run away to safety if something like this happened, but the damn thing came out of nowhere and trapped my older boy. I feel ill thinking about it still. If I hadn't intervened Im pretty sure it would have killed him. If it was an XL, it would have.

I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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I've started walking further and further out, and in places where visibility is good so I'd have some warning. I find a mile out from a village and you never see a soul as people tend to walk a few hundred yards and go home, whereas we go out for between 3 and 7miles. I avoid the super popular places and places near rougher areas like the plague! I'm also having my boat slightly adapted so I've got a deck on the front where the dogs can chill out safely and nothing else can get to them.


20 March 2007
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We've had this conversation before but watching the video where people are trying to punch, kick and drag the dog off it bears repeating... if you are ever in this situation, try to loop something under the attacking dog's neck (dog lead threaded through the handle, a belt, even a shoelace), get it high behind the ears, and lift.


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11 February 2018
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I used to Reject All but now I can't open the link without paying or consent to this

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Is there a way round this? Could somebody help me out?
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cauda equina

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2 February 2014
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I used to Reject All but now I can't open the link without paying or consent to this

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Is there a way round this? Could somebody help me out?
I googled the headline and the story came up on another news site which didn't make you accept all their cookies


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11 February 2018
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I googled the headline and the story came up on another news site which didn't make you accept all their cookies

And did the video load?


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
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We've had this conversation before but watching the video where people are trying to punch, kick and drag the dog off it bears repeating... if you are ever in this situation, try to loop something under the attacking dog's neck (dog lead threaded through the handle, a belt, even a shoelace), get it high behind the ears, and lift.

I have not watched the video, not tried and don't wish to. I find the description is harrowing in the extreme, but all I can say is tbh in the heat of the moment, I hope should the worst ever happen, I am strong enough to heed that very good advice, but have to say I'm constantly amazed by the hero bystanders who wade in to help, risking a substantial amount of injury to themselves. I'm not sure a leaf blower would be a great weapon, but hey. All cudos to those who try and come to the aid of people and their pets, mostly I suspect complete strangers.


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2 December 2008
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The videos loading and playing fine on Google Chrome.

Not everyone finds these videos hard to watch.
They are often good learning experiences and worth considering what you would do in the same situation. But I'll admit to being completely unaffected by gore etc and dog fight wounds etc.

Cutting off the airsupply(slip lead, belt etc) and then making plans for the potential redirection once the dog regains consciousness is a solid choice imo. Cars contain dogs reasonably well- if that's an option for anyone ever in a similar situation. Not all dogs calm down completely after.
Cudos to everyone who steps in these situations, stepping in between fighting dogs can be very dangerous.

Unfortunately hypervigilence and watching and being aware of the canine body language of approaching dogs is unfortunately a massive part of avoiding attacks. Wagging tails can be arousal.Tails lie a lot. Look at the entire dogs stance.
Deescalation and avoidance is always step one. Cross that road. Turn around and go the other direction.
Sometimes that paranoia and fear exists for very solid your instincts.
So so many people say after that they seen the other dog approaching/got a bad vibe but never expected it to go the way it did after a mauling.


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10 April 2012
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More than his thumb, poor lad.
She added that he was having nightmares about the attack.

“He’s had a total amputation of his right thumb,” she said.

“His earlobe – the cartilage has gone on that. Plus his left hand, the ligaments and the tendons have gone on that.

“The pawprint and the scratches all down his face: a tooth went up through his eyelid up to his eyebrow.'


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Why do you want to watch it? I haven’t, it would be too distressing (to me).
I think it’s important to watch so you can see what not to do in the event of an attack. People still try and pull dogs apart despite advice to strangle the attacker. The whole incident would have been over so much quicker if the dog had been strangled.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I think it’s important to watch so you can see what not to do in the event of an attack. People still try and pull dogs apart despite advice to strangle the attacker. The whole incident would have been over so much quicker if the dog had been strangled.
Fair enough. I never watch any animal abuse videos. Too upsetting.

I'm Dun

Well-Known Member
20 May 2021
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I think it’s important to watch so you can see what not to do in the event of an attack. People still try and pull dogs apart despite advice to strangle the attacker. The whole incident would have been over so much quicker if the dog had been strangled.
Choking it and stabbing it in the eyes with my fingers got the vile thing that attacked my whippet off. I don't know what you would then do though, I couldn't hold the lab the first time and it got him again, I'd have had no chance against an XL bully, and I was bloody lucky the lab didn't redirect onto me, I just didn't care and wanted it off my dog before it killed him.