Too little time, too much to read.
Or about their horseAnyone using that phrase about their dog should be automatically disqualified from dog ownership; it usually seems to be applied to the least trained/worst behaved dogs too.
Or about their horseAnyone using that phrase about their dog should be automatically disqualified from dog ownership; it usually seems to be applied to the least trained/worst behaved dogs too.
And just to be on the safe side they should probably be disqualified from having children too (although I'm not sure what it would say about them if they referred to their actual children as furbabies...)Or about their horse
And they are not going to be killed .The protest in London.
Placards 'Save our Babies'.
FGS. They are dogs. And ugly brutes to boot.
It is interesting that a lot of the protest is worded along the lines of 'save our babies', when actually the noticeable impact for most owners will just be that they are required to muzzle, lead and neuter them. The owners who are protesting don't seem to be complaining that eventually the breed will die out in the UK, or that when their current XL Bully dies they can't get another one, they just wander around making emotive statements that sound as though their precious pet is under a death sentence.And they are not going to be killed .
At the risk of doing all sorts of assuming… perhaps they can’t read very well?I do wonder if some of them haven't actually looked into what exactly the ban means/haven't read a reputable news source and are just following the herd of hysterical, mis-informed conspiracy theorists on SM.
Or are they breeders that will be losing an extremely lucrative trade in these dogs?It is interesting that a lot of the protest is worded along the lines of 'save our babies', when actually the noticeable impact for most owners will just be that they are required to muzzle, lead and neuter them. The owners who are protesting don't seem to be complaining that eventually the breed will die out in the UK, or that when their current XL Bully dies they can't get another one, they just wander around making emotive statements that sound as though their precious pet is under a death sentence.
I do wonder if some of them haven't actually looked into what exactly the ban means/haven't read a reputable news source and are just following the herd of hysterical, mis-informed conspiracy theorists on SM.
I suspect that does apply to some, although I listen to the news on the radio I realise a lot of people only consume that sort of info via SM. I think it is very sad if there are owners out there who really are of the belief that at the end of the year their dogs are going to be destroyed, and I hope that people aren't intentionally spreading false, inflammatory information to whip up feeling against the ban.At the risk of doing all sorts of assuming… perhaps they can’t read very well?
I’m so grateful I take part in a sport where people would find it deeply weird for you to regard your dogs as anything other than dogs.Ugh. I go the the "best" vet in my area and they refer to all of their patients (well, the cats and dogs) as kids. They said something on the phone and called one of my dogs my "kid" and I said, "Oh, I have a kid? Well this is going to be an awkward conversation with my husband!"
I don't get it. Weirds me out!
On a slight (actually large!) tangent, I don't think many literate people realise quite how widespread illiteracy is in the UK today. Sometimes at work I will cover reception if I am passing and the staff need a break, and the number of parents who turn up for medical appointments for their children and don't know why they are there is shocking. They come to the desk and say "I have an appointment for little Johnny at 1pm", and if I ask who the appointment is with or which specialty/department they say they don't know and just thrust the appointment letter at me for me to read. I presume they can either read enough to pick out the date and time, or a friend/relative helps them.At the risk of doing all sorts of assuming… perhaps they can’t read very well?
Ugh. I go the the "best" vet in my area and they refer to all of their patients (well, the cats and dogs) as kids. They said something on the phone and called one of my dogs my "kid" and I said, "Oh, I have a kid? Well this is going to be an awkward conversation with my husband!"
I don't get it. Weirds me out!
I don’t see anything wrong that all. After all, widely on this forum horses are referred to as my boy or my girl.In the last couple of years my horse vets have started to referring to the horses as 'your boy' or 'your girl' like they are my children. It gets on my nerves, I don't have children, and the horses are geldings and mares, not boys and girls! I sometimes take language quite literally and it really confused me the first time I received a text from them using that wording.
Well one of mine once answered to Powder Puff Monkey Pants as a puppy but I have no idea where she got that from...It's scary @SilverLinings I share your concerns.
I've written advice content for our website at work, and the agency we engaged to help us told us we need to pitch it for a reading age of 9.
Oh also, my dog answers to babybut she's treated like a dog I promise
I think I struggle with language sometimes so I didn't understand why they weren't using the 'correct' terms, and were using words that could have another meaning. I worry about making mistakes by misunderstanding other people's meaning as well, particularly when it's written and I can't see their facial expression. Once I understood what they meant, I didn't know whether the vets were trying to make a joke, or whether I was supposed to take it seriouslyI don’t see anything wrong that all. After all, widely on this forum horses are referred to as my boy or my girl.
I also refer to the dogs as kids sometimes. ‘C’mon kids, off we go’. ‘C’mon gang’.
We can always go back to referring them (the horses) as ‘it’. Which many find hugely offensive.
And, yes. My dog is my baby![]()
And they are not going to be killed .
It is interesting that a lot of the protest is worded along the lines of 'save our babies', when actually the noticeable impact for most owners will just be that they are required to muzzle, lead and neuter them.
oh dear, I refer to a couple as "the children" ie Mitsy and the children. Mitsy is the mare and the ones with her are her real life offspring.Or about their horse
Two people I work with on a regular basis are illiterate. I wouldn’t have known but luckily I was told so can work around it without giving away what I know. It must be so difficult for them.On a slight (actually large!) tangent, I don't think many literate people realise quite how widespread illiteracy is in the UK today. Sometimes at work I will cover reception if I am passing and the staff need a break, and the number of parents who turn up for medical appointments for their children and don't know why they are there is shocking. They come to the desk and say "I have an appointment for little Johnny at 1pm", and if I ask who the appointment is with or which specialty/department they say they don't know and just thrust the appointment letter at me for me to read. I presume they can either read enough to pick out the date and time, or a friend/relative helps them.
It is a significant ongoing concern of mine as our clinical staff send medical advice to parents in clinic letters after the appointment, and I have no idea how many of them can even read it let alone understand or follow it. We've tried a few things but it is difficult to know how effective they are as most people (understandably) don't want to admit their are illiterate or need help.
The DDA says that dogs can receive exemption iff "a court has determined that the dog is not a danger to public safety
Jack’s previous owners always delivered a card and chocolates to me from ‘the dogs’ on Mother’s Day.just as a matter of interest do all you "mummys" get mother's day presents from your furbabies?
when I got my pup (a 50kg male GSD so quite a large furbaby) the breeder put everyone onto a messenger group. Come mother's day they all posted about the presents they had had from their furbabies.
Mine gave me nothing. What an ungrateful git.![]()
It’s fair enough on paper.I think that's fair enough. You wouldn't want a dog to be exempt if it was a danger to public safety.
People will of course have to wait and see the legislation when it comes out, but I would imagine it’s pretty simple to work out what constitutes dangerous behaviour. Biting people, killing people and being aggressive are a good baseline.It’s fair enough on paper.
No one’s disputing that dogs who are a proven danger to public safety should be PTS. But it’s how the court decides that a dog is indeed a danger to public safety, that has thus far been left ambiguous in the press and discussions of the ban.
You can’t expect owners not to worry about that when it’s not exactly a binary.
Oh dear I call mine the baba lutes they bounce about the kitchen when I do .I think it is unfair to dogs to call them babies or treat them like babies.