

Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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According to the "shut red lion" fb page JJ is not going to go to Beeston anymore. :D
WHW always used to have one of their field officers at Beeston, not sure if they still do.

Anyone going tomorrow, i wouldnt think they would go because of all the tension and obviously people arent going to give them money but with the mentality of them it wouldnt suprise me if they did actually go and try to buy:eek:


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31 January 2012
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Beeston is not on tomorrow it's next weds for the next sale. Is saw a whw officer there last week standing chatting to the vet.

Ancient Hacker

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12 January 2012
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And the plot thickens once there is another charity but still no horses:mad:

Platypus, please help me out here... I'm totally confused. How many "charities" are there now? :eek: I've got totally lost. I only discovered yesterday that there are two different FB factions. Or something. :confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Platypus, please help me out here... I'm totally confused. How many "charities" are there now? :eek: I've got totally lost. I only discovered yesterday that there are two different FB factions. Or something. :confused::confused:

Don't forget the limited company, JJ is director of and is newly registered - the list of organisations grows, but we still do not know what has happend to all the horses and ponies they bought at Beeston.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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Platypus, please help me out here... I'm totally confused. How many "charities" are there now? :eek: I've got totally lost. I only discovered yesterday that there are two different FB factions. Or something. :confused::confused:

Ill try and explain it best i can its all very confusing.
Jackie has now got this limited company thing(ruths name is on the admin tho)-and ruth apparently owns no horses but asks for money:confused:because she is operating separately from Jackie.
Now a poster has been discovered for horse havens with JJs number on also asking for donations.
Ruth and Jackie havent commented on this think there in hiding:mad:


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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Don't forget the limited company, JJ is director of and is newly registered - the list of organisations grows, but we still do not know what has happend to all the horses and ponies they bought at Beeston.

They've said somebody has 9ish ponies that they are looking after for JJ, but that doesn't add up to all the ones Rj was begging donations for.Not one horse has been seen or even mentioned on the group for example does somebody have a spare rug, bridle for blah blah etc somethings definatley not right and as at the last auction they was buying horses that didn't need rescuing(in good condition) i think shes definitely selling them on.

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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Thank you Adopter and Platypus. Dare I say that my level of confusion is substantially enhanced ? :p Toast summed it up best with this: It's madness!
For once in our lives, we really do need the Daily Fail on the case....


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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Thank you Adopter and Platypus. Dare I say that my level of confusion is substantially enhanced ? :p Toast summed it up best with this: It's madness!
For once in our lives, we really do need the Daily Fail on the case....

Apparently they have done it before with wedding dresses-scammed people and in the end left the country or something along them lines, madness is correct!

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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Apparently they have done it before with wedding dresses-scammed people and in the end left the country or something along them lines, madness is correct!

Hmm,the wedding dress debacle is bad enough but it's the disappearing horses that are really worrying. And the innocents handing over their hard-earned money to help with this "charity" and "rescue". Grim stuff, I fear.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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Hmm,the wedding dress debacle is bad enough but it's the disappearing horses that are really worrying. And the innocents handing over their hard-earned money to help with this "charity" and "rescue". Grim stuff, I fear.

What worries me most is these people who are just trying to help by donating and looking after the horses while JJ and Rj are causing trouble are going to make it worse somehow. If it does get investigated by who ever and they find the horses being properly cared for they wont have any right to remove them will they?? So therefore RJ and JJ will still have some control over these horses and people caring for them if that makes sense to you:(

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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What worries me most is these people who are just trying to help by donating and looking after the horses while JJ and Rj are causing trouble are going to make it worse somehow. If it does get investigated by who ever and they find the horses being properly cared for they wont have any right to remove them will they?? So therefore RJ and JJ will still have some control over these horses and people caring for them if that makes sense to you:(

I think an investigation which found the horses being cared for and in good hands would be a relief! It would possibly be the surprise of the year, but then I am cynical; the number of red flags....:eek:


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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I think an investigation which found the horses being cared for and in good hands would be a relief! It would possibly be the surprise of the year, but then I am cynical; the number of red flags....:eek:

Yes it would be, think what im trying to say is because they now know theyve been reported they could make it look like they are genuinely caring for them.I too do doubt this will be the case its a huge mess and those poor ponies are stuck in the middle of it all.

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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Yes it would be, think what im trying to say is because they now know theyve been reported they could make it look like they are genuinely caring for them.I too do doubt this will be the case its a huge mess and those poor ponies are stuck in the middle of it all.

Yes, but they've shown no evidence thus far that they are genuinely caring for them, despite calls to do so. As far as I can work out (and I may be wrong) but they have declined to indicate where the horses are, how they are etc and they've declined to accept genuine offers from purchasers. The seem to focus on donations and online bunfights.

If you or are I were rescuing ponies (as opposed to buying the better prospects on auction) we'd be collecting all the no-hoper cases a step ahead of the infamous meatman, feeding them up, sorting them out, getting the vet etc etc. And if someone sent us so much as a used rug we'd put up pics of the improved pony and his new rug.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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Yes, but they've shown no evidence thus far that they are genuinely caring for them, despite calls to do so. As far as I can work out (and I may be wrong) but they have declined to indicate where the horses are, how they are etc and they've declined to accept genuine offers from purchasers. The seem to focus on donations and online bunfights.

If you or are I were rescuing ponies (as opposed to buying the better prospects on auction) we'd be collecting all the no-hoper cases a step ahead of the infamous meatman, feeding them up, sorting them out, getting the vet etc etc. And if someone sent us so much as a used rug we'd put up pics of the improved pony and his new rug.

Yeah i totally get what you mean, i mean after all the arguing wouldn't it be easiest to put a pic on of a pony in there care to shut people up seems they cant!


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7 June 2008
Lancaster, Lancashire
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Yeah i totally get what you mean, i mean after all the arguing wouldn't it be easiest to put a pic on of a pony in there care to shut people up seems they cant!

You'd think so wouldn't you? The voice of the operation is a vile individual. Seems she can't give a straight answer on anything. People have asked repeatedly for pictures and that seems to have fallen on deaf ears, now the poster and screenshot of the website have appeared... It seems the girl with all the answers is stumped.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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You'd think so wouldn't you? The voice of the operation is a vile individual. Seems she can't give a straight answer on anything. People have asked repeatedly for pictures and that seems to have fallen on deaf ears, now the poster and screenshot of the website have appeared... It seems the girl with all the answers is stumped.

I do think shes just a young girl whose been mislead and told a pack of lies and probably wanted to believe them, felt some authority of being left in charge/making the website etc. Ruth and Jackie seem to have disappeared all together- i also read somewhere that on the beeston video the man shouting at ruth was JJs son??(may have got that the wrong way round im so damn confused)


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11 August 2006
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Platypus - I saw that too, apparently the man mouthing off is the son! Really want to say something naughty but will keep trap shut lol


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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On another note how damn easy would it be to make it all up just to stop people asking all the questions for example we have
josh 13.2 bay gelding
rosie 12.1 chestnut mare
fred 2year old colt etc
and then put pictures of random horses matching the descriptions, im not condoning this or saying it would be acceptable but why haven't they thought of it :confused:


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7 June 2008
Lancaster, Lancashire
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I do think shes just a young girl whose been mislead and told a pack of lies and probably wanted to believe them, felt some authority of being left in charge/making the website etc. Ruth and Jackie seem to have disappeared all together- i also read somewhere that on the beeston video the man shouting at ruth was JJs son??(may have got that the wrong way round im so damn confused)

If that was the case you'd think her mother would have something to say..yet she's just sitting back watching her daughter get sucked into something that could land her a criminal record.. its absolute insanity!


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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If that was the case you'd think her mother would have something to say..yet she's just sitting back watching her daughter get sucked into something that could land her a criminal record.. its absolute insanity!

Yeah her mother doesn't seem bothered but its the mother thats meant to be looking after these ponies for maybe she knows more than the daughter does about whats actually going on and doesn't want the daughter to twig


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28 July 2010
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I think things are getting too hysterical on this thread. I fully see the concerns, but please don't everybody clog up the phone lines for the authorities. One or two calls are more than enough for any incident/allegation to be looked in to. Just because someone doesn't hear the outcome or get any more contact doesn't mean that nothing is happening. The more times people call, the more clogged up and busy the phone lines become, over the same allegations, which will just make the call taker take up their time to log the information which has already been logged numerous times.

I know it's frustrating from the outside because it appears as if nothing is being done to look into these things, but that is not the case at all.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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I think things are getting too hysterical on this thread. I fully see the concerns, but please don't everybody clog up the phone lines for the authorities. One or two calls are more than enough for any incident/allegation to be looked in to. Just because someone doesn't hear the outcome or get any more contact doesn't mean that nothing is happening. The more times people call, the more clogged up and busy the phone lines become, over the same allegations, which will just make the call taker take up their time to log the information which has already been logged numerous times.

I know it's frustrating from the outside because it appears as if nothing is being done to look into these things, but that is not the case at all.

I agree, maybe we could have a spokesperson?Maybe i think amy who first reported it and said she had a lengthy chat with them of course if she doesnt mind reporting back to us :)


Well-Known Member
5 April 2013
Newton Abbot, Devon
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Oh my goodness! This is almost unbelievable. Sadly the dog food thought did occur to me before Belle Vue was mentioned :( but then they go and buy quality animals? How very odd...

Thank you so much to all of you trying to get answers. I don't do FB but if I can help in any other way please PM me. Maybe helping to collate information? :confused:

I really hope those ponies are just hidden away in a large field somewhere.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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The actual whereabouts of all the ponies is one of lifes great mysteries atm. No one is completely sure how many there are as Ruth gives a different number every time she is asked, the highest number I have heard is 30 and the lowest 17, very few can be accounted for at all.

I feel quite sorry for the 'voice', yes she has a foul mouth but she should never have been put in this position, poor kid seems to have only two choices, have half of FB yelling at her or have Ruth on the phone yelling at her. Interesting she seems to have chosen FB!

Then of course there is the money for the 'dangerous pony' which Ruth collected last week in donations and the didn't buy. Will she return the donations? Watch this space...

It's all, frankly, quite horrible, and whilst my main concern is for the ponies, I also worry about the people sucked into this, particularly the youngsters.