

Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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They bought more than 6 horses last week alone!

the guy who phoned me had a strong scouse accent but as far as I could tell he said his name was dave kennedy the number he gave to ring back was 0151 934 2016

Should I ring back and talk to him or is it dodgy?[/QU

Tricky one-would it not be an office and you just get who ever answers the phone at the time?
Why do you think he was ringing yo if you dont mind me asking, is this a normal practice for them to ring you?


Well-Known Member
12 February 2012
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I did ring them as I said in previous post but the guy I got really wasnt intrested so I wasnt expecting a call back from anyone although they did take my number so maybe once it was passed from citizens advice (who you automatically get refered to when you call) to the propper trading standards they have taken it seriously as theres bin other complaints too?


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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I did ring them as I said in previous post but the guy I got really wasnt intrested so I wasnt expecting a call back from anyone although they did take my number so maybe once it was passed from citizens advice (who you automatically get refered to when you call) to the propper trading standards they have taken it seriously as theres bin other complaints too?

Maybe id wait till somebody else who has rang them can maybe confirm this is the procedure as ive just noticed JJs sons popped up backing his mother up(could be him)But i thought he was shouting at them on the video:confused:I honestly dont know im so confused and certainly wouldnt trust them


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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They bought more than 6 horses last week alone!

the guy who phoned me had a strong scouse accent but as far as I could tell he said his name was dave kennedy the number he gave to ring back was 0151 934 2016

Should I ring back and talk to him or is it dodgy?

That number is listed as the fax number for Sefton Council Trading standards so I would definitely give him a ring.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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my lord....what one big mess!!!>.......

so question is........where is jackie now?!!?

and who is actually on her side now?!?

my god i so want to go beeston next week and dare to bid against her :D


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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my lord....what one big mess!!!>.......

so question is........where is jackie now?!!?

and who is actually on her side now?!?

my god i so want to go beeston next week and dare to bid against her :D

I dont know but my head hurts :D I think the elms are still on her side somewhere
Seriously how easy would it be to say we have xx amount of horses the rest are xxx and xxx and it would all be over with but theres some strange reason they cant:eek:
And if your going to beeston please arm yourself with an industrial sized duct tape and capture the mad woman!!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2012
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murphysminder- thanks, thought I may have been a tad paranoid! Lol ill ring them back tomorow!

Think I may go to beeston next week for a nosey!

TBH I dont even care about the people theyve scammed money out of, my only concern is for the welfare of all those horses that have litterally just disapeared off the face of the planet! Why oh why cant they just post some pics of them! :(

Ancient Hacker

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12 January 2012
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TBH I dont even care about the people theyve scammed money out of, my only concern is for the welfare of all those horses that have litterally just disapeared off the face of the planet! Why oh why cant they just post some pics of them! :(

THAT is exactly it, Rowan 666. It makes no sense that they have disappeared completely and the moneyhuggers can't or won't produce pics of them.

claude rains

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18 April 2013
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In view of the nutters inhabiting the world of horse rescue I have decided to post as the invisible man rather than as me on here. I drove past what I believe to be the dog place she has, two horses in the field grey and a bay but cctv on barns so I decided not to look any harder even though there were two policemen round the corner with a radar trap!


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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Ok, to play devil's advocate and risk upsetting people on here... she is under no obligation to tell anyone where the horses are, surely? In fact, it would seem prudent of her not to, given that she knows 'do gooders' want to know about vet treatment, welfare and to buy despite having been told no. Hho forummers are quite famous for jumping on people asking for cc about their horse with off-topic criticism about the amount of poo in the paddock, the state of the fencing, the ragwort next door - perhaps she feels that whatever she posts will be ripped to shreds, and that if she gives a location she will have unwanted visitors. I appreciate that it's frustrating for us, I completely get that and I totally accept that it is all suspicious but I think we need to remember that is best to deal with known facts rather than speculation without evidence. Posing as a registered charity when you are not one IS a legal problem and i believe there is evidence for that having happened. Speculation that she is keeping stallions with mares and colts on 1 acre is just that, speculation, with no evidence (yet). Keep digging please by all means, but please just be clear on what is known and what is speculation.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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In view of the nutters inhabiting the world of horse rescue I have decided to post as the invisible man rather than as me on here. I drove past what I believe to be the dog place she has, two horses in the field grey and a bay but cctv on barns so I decided not to look any harder even though there were two policemen round the corner with a radar trap!

We all wondered who the invisible man is lol.

After tonights shenanigans I give up. Too many rumours, too many lies.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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ARghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Sorry i just had to scream how do these people lead an ordinary life changing their minds every darn 2 seconds and going round in circles :confused:


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Ok, to play devil's advocate and risk upsetting people on here... she is under no obligation to tell anyone where the horses are, surely? In fact, it would seem prudent of her not to, given that she knows 'do gooders' want to know about vet treatment, welfare and to buy despite having been told no. Hho forummers are quite famous for jumping on people asking for cc about their horse with off-topic criticism about the amount of poo in the paddock, the state of the fencing, the ragwort next door - perhaps she feels that whatever she posts will be ripped to shreds, and that if she gives a location she will have unwanted visitors. I appreciate that it's frustrating for us, I completely get that and I totally accept that it is all suspicious but I think we need to remember that is best to deal with known facts rather than speculation without evidence. Posing as a registered charity when you are not one IS a legal problem and i believe there is evidence for that having happened. Speculation that she is keeping stallions with mares and colts on 1 acre is just that, speculation, with no evidence (yet). Keep digging please by all means, but please just be clear on what is known and what is speculation.

And I think this is the best post of this entire thread.

Be careful everyone not to get too hysterical and mixed up with rumours without clear evidence.


Well-Known Member
28 August 2012
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I want to get all these people and bang their heads together! This is a circus. I have around 100 screen shots and they have all been sent to the reporter I have been speaking to at the daily mail. He was flabbergasted by what I told him and hopefully he will get back to me tomorrow. I do not understand how all these horses are not accountable for and she it talking rubbish if she says its no one else's business as she was the one who went and publicised it everywhere in the first place!


25 March 2013
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We are all concerned re the horses but these 2 sisters are huge con artists
They are forever forming Limited Companies, like bridal companies, three I know of, and then oh dear going under owing money.
What will happen to the horses when JJ is evicted from these premises
This is just the latest scam and the horses are pawns in their game.

I have said before if you want to send money to a horse charity do not send it to them but to a bone fide charity.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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I want to get all these people and bang their heads together! This is a circus. I have around 100 screen shots and they have all been sent to the reporter I have been speaking to at the daily mail. He was flabbergasted by what I told him and hopefully he will get back to me tomorrow. I do not understand how all these horses are not accountable for and she it talking rubbish if she says its no one else's business as she was the one who went and publicised it everywhere in the first place!

Perhaps 'it is no one elses business' now she has set up a limited company, she must be thinking of selling on animals, or why would she need to do that. Given her history in business I am surprised she has been able to register herself as a director.

As you say they could not get enough free publicity at the start. Like others I would just like them to post pictures of the horses they have bought and reassure people they are being properly cared for with vet, farrier etc also involved, all the genuine horse charities/rehoming centres have open days each week and welcome pleople to go and see the animals they are caring for.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2013
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Perhaps 'it is no one elses business' now she has set up a limited company, she must be thinking of selling on animals, or why would she need to do that. Given her history in business I am surprised she has been able to register herself as a director.

As you say they could not get enough free publicity at the start. Like others I would just like them to post pictures of the horses they have bought and reassure people they are being properly cared for with vet, farrier etc also involved, all the genuine horse charities/rehoming centres have open days each week and welcome pleople to go and see the animals they are caring for.

Exactly i think this is what everyone wants and then they would be left alone and can carry on with their rescuing mission, but they keep changing their minds to who owns what and where they are theres receipts for 35 horses yet they only have 9??


Well-Known Member
30 December 2008
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Ok, to play devil's advocate and risk upsetting people on here... she is under no obligation to tell anyone where the horses are, surely? In fact, it would seem prudent of her not to, given that she knows 'do gooders' want to know about vet treatment, welfare and to buy despite having been told no. Hho forummers are quite famous for jumping on people asking for cc about their horse with off-topic criticism about the amount of poo in the paddock, the state of the fencing, the ragwort next door - perhaps she feels that whatever she posts will be ripped to shreds, and that if she gives a location she will have unwanted visitors. I appreciate that it's frustrating for us, I completely get that and I totally accept that it is all suspicious but I think we need to remember that is best to deal with known facts rather than speculation without evidence. Posing as a registered charity when you are not one IS a legal problem and i believe there is evidence for that having happened. Speculation that she is keeping stallions with mares and colts on 1 acre is just that, speculation, with no evidence (yet). Keep digging please by all means, but please just be clear on what is known and what is speculation.

Yes, some valid points made.


Facts: They have bought a large number of ponies with money given by others including at least one entire, colts and at least one in-foal mare. They seriously lack knowledge and even suggested their in-foal mare would nurse an orphaned foal. No one actually knows where any of these "rescues" are. The last several ponies they bought were in good condition and they outbid private buyers, thereby denying these ponies genuine homes. This is not how you "save" from the meatman so what's going on here?

I believe she IS obliged to update people with news of these ponies if they've given her money to help her buy them. Until she does, there will be speculation


Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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I've been trying to follow this thread but i'm lost. It does strike me that perhaps they must come from the same bloodline as reverend jim jones



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4 November 2010
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It gets stranger by the day. How would giving horses away settle a livery bill. Is this what JJ has said on her FB page. I can't wait to go to Beeston next week. Could be very interesting! I don't believe JJ and RJ can resist going, gives them a chance to rant and rave Probably half of Cheshire & Shropshire will be there. Is there any more news on the missing horses?


Well-Known Member
12 February 2012
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They wont sell them but they'l give them away! Presumably only to people who they dont think are on this forum!

Ive just had a chat with the guy that called me from tradung standards, he was actually lovely and is taking it very seriously but he said hes visited 3 farms today (not exactly sure where) based on info he has and non of them have have a clue who RJ&JJ are and without being able to trace them and the horses he cant do anything but hasnt given up! So if anyone thinks they may know where these people/horses are or have been PLEASE PLEASE get in touch with trading standards or PM me and I will call him back directly myself.


Well-Known Member
12 February 2012
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Hmm very true! Im going to ring back... Saying that when I bought one last wk and wrote adress on reciept I put my mums address (where I keep my nags) not my adress but I could have wrote down anything and they wouldnt have known any different!


25 March 2013
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Presumably TS have checked JJs home address, and the farm at Lydiate which is the companys registered address?

Lydiate is not a farm but a Registered Office. There are over 50 companies that use that address. It is probably an accountants address

JJ address is
Old Hall Farm House Bostock Rd, Bostock, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 9JF
01606 738170

Strangely enough the dog care centre's web site is deleted, perhaps to do with pending eviction


Well-Known Member
12 February 2012
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Ive got a couple of addresses that I will give to the TS guy now THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HAVE PM'D ME! Hopefully they can get to the bottom of this and find out whats going on! Wheres ami hiding has she heard anything from daily mail? I think shaming them publicly would do more! I kind of understand natch's point but if they just posted pics to prove the horses were ok we would all back off they get enough grief of us anyway so you'd think they would want to prove us wrong!