Boggle- USA bound!


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11 May 2015
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However busy work gets it can't be allowed to consume your whole life. You need something besides looking at Bog every day and wondering how long etc ..............that way madness lies.

You will be able to cope with a youngster. It is the perfect situation to take it really easy and slow with him while all the other dramas play out. Ridden doesn't mean that you need to be up and running in competition mode any time soon so just try and take it one day at a time - he has to pass the vetting yet!!! If he does, then it is meant to be and other things will work out.

And breathe ........................!!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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However busy work gets it can't be allowed to consume your whole life. You need something besides looking at Bog every day and wondering how long etc ..............that way madness lies.

You will be able to cope with a youngster. It is the perfect situation to take it really easy and slow with him while all the other dramas play out. Ridden doesn't mean that you need to be up and running in competition mode any time soon so just try and take it one day at a time - he has to pass the vetting yet!!! If he does, then it is meant to be and other things will work out.

And breathe ........................!!

You are right! I have to remind myself that the ridiculousness of work right now is rather critical to spend silly money on silly things like horses, haha.

I'm usually pretty chilled but this job (much as I really enjoy a lot of it) is soooo much bigger and more complex than anything I've ever done. I don't even have to manage people, my last role was leading a 10 strong sales team and it was way easier than this!


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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I feel you… I have just got home after a 16 hour hectic work day, with a 4am dog walk prior to starting, and had to get someone else to sort the horses. So the absolute sensible thing to have done is have an unbacked 5yo arrive on Friday, to join my unbacked 4yo. Yep, that makes sense. ….my brain would be mildly freaking out at the insanity of it all if it wasn’t so tired.

Luckily because my brain is so tired it has gone slightly delirious, so is still going with it and not allowing logical brain to take over too much. Logical brain is boring and captain of the fun police.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I feel you… I have just got home after a 16 hour hectic work day, with a 4am dog walk prior to starting, and had to get someone else to sort the horses. So the absolute sensible thing to have done is have an unbacked 5yo arrive on Friday, to join my unbacked 4yo. Yep, that makes sense. ….my brain would be mildly freaking out at the insanity of it all if it wasn’t so tired.

Luckily because my brain is so tired it has gone slightly delirious, so is still going with it and not allowing logical brain to take over too much. Logical brain is boring and captain of the fun police.

Urgh I hear ya! I actually just cried at a colleague for the first time in my working life lol. Luckily it was pathetic laughing crying, all because she asked me if I was ok! Woops. Tomorrow will be a nightmare either on a high and unable to concentrate or on a low and the same depending on vet.

Hope yours eases up soon and you get to go get your pony!


Well-Known Member
16 September 2011
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I bought the horse in my avatar during the most hectic period of the year at work - had been working every day for about six weeks and the first full morning off I went to try her! I didn't have a livery lined-up and I bought her from a riding school that was closing so she needed to leave - I was getting up at 4 a.m. to work after finishing at midnight just to free up enough time to call round yards 😅 I feel your pain!

Best decision of my life.

Fingers crossed for you today.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I have a busy job and elderly parents who require a lot of my time. I did wonder if buying a 5 year old was a good idea. Things have got worse with my parents I have had not had the time I hoped with Bert but it is managable if you have the funds to buy in appropriate help which thankfully I do.

Also there is no pressure with youngsters taking it a bit easy sometimes doesn't do any harm.

I hope the vetting goes well.

4.45am and last I looked at my alarm before sleeping it was 1am.

VERY good idea to have a horse vetted in the middle of busy work haha! Though I’m sure it was excel financials swimming in my head and not the pony tbh.

Thanks everyone! I’ll letcha know.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Thank you! My vet is later than planned, very unhelpful for my churning stomach haha.

What will be will be and all that… I have a new level of sympathy for those of you who have bought horses and needed full proper vettings. It’s going to really suck if he fails not least because I’m spending about 2.2k on it.

Also funny, I was looking at USA horse insurance. Most policies actually require nothing vet wise (not even a check) unless the horse is 100k or over. Unless you want LOU. UK ones, most need x rays for anything 10k and up it seems. And to even insure something over 15k I saw a few that wouldn’t even do it!

The difference in the market is insane.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I have a busy job and elderly parents who require a lot of my time. I did wonder if buying a 5 year old was a good idea. Things have got worse with my parents I have had not had the time I hoped with Bert but it is managable if you have the funds to buy in appropriate help which thankfully I do.

Also there is no pressure with youngsters taking it a bit easy sometimes doesn't do any harm.

I hope the vetting goes well.

This is true! I have the funds, though it's harder to find freelance riders here, they don't seem to exist much. Also made complicated because of my set up, I use a friends arena that's a hack away but with all the liability rubbish here I don't think they'd be keen for me to have a random rider use it. Most riders expect the horse to go to their barn and go in "training".

But either way if he passes he will hang out in the UK for a bit and have plenty of input from people I really trust. And I am HOPING I would be able to get back there early October to sit on him before shipping him, if I can juggle work.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Also it's making me reminise haha. Was re reading the facebook chat with the seller of Boggle from nearly 8 years ago. I SO nearly didn't buy him, in fact I said no at first then went back and he said I was second in line now as someone else was interested. Came back to me a couple of days later. It's absolutely crazy to think I ever could have missed out on having Bog in my life, he's been such a big part of it.

Can you believe that I looked at THIS weird looking thing and actually wanted to buy him? There was really no way of telling what an utterly beautiful little horse he was under all that but I suppose a gut feel is everything!
