Boggle- USA bound!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Haha well we shall see if he vets....gah I'm so done with vettings!

If he does come here I think Boggle is going to be utterly enraged, apparently "Hawkeye" is playful and confident in himself and Bog will not take kindly to that whatsoever. Luckily I can play around with fencing etc and stick Helo in between them for the runs...

Caol Ila

Well-Known Member
23 January 2012
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Hopefully third time lucky with the vettings.

As far as names go, I knew I wanted to change Fin's name the moment I met him, because I could not see myself owning a horse called "Moose." However, I didn't go down the rabbit hole of choosing names or thinking about it too much until we'd done the PPE. OH and I had a strict policy of calling him "the Highland" until he passed said vetting. I explained to OH (who has gone from non-horsey OH to incredibly horsey OH), "If we call him Moose now, he'll be stuck with it, and if name him now, we'll feel even more bummed if the vetting finds an untenable problem." Once he flew through the PPE with flying colours, we chose a name, because the rest of it was all just paperwork and logistics, but he was basically ours.